Artificer UA to be released in February

I don't think there is a bunker strong enough to endure the fanbase exploding over this.

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Yes it would matter if those involved in getting the article out can't get to work, I'm experiencing the same weather and suspected as much once a lot of snow started appearing.

There's been a state of emergency in Seattle and surrounding areas. I know certain areas have gotten upwards of a foot of snow in a period of only a few days. Snow's not that common in Washington, so it's kind of understandable. There are a bunch of places that closed early or closed entirely for a day or two. It's a whole thing.


Back in my day when we had to work from home because of snow, we put all our work in an envelope and mailed it! We carried that envelope uphill both ways until it got delivered.

Then we went back home and kicked all the snow off our yard and sat on the porch because we were snowed in and had to work from home!


bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
There's been a state of emergency in Seattle and surrounding areas. I know certain areas have gotten upwards of a foot of snow in a period of only a few days. Snow's not that common in Washington, so it's kind of understandable. There are a bunch of places that closed early or closed entirely for a day or two. It's a whole thing.
I live in Renton. The school district was closed Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday. The snowfall in the region is the highest amount in a month in over 50 years. It's only been just over a week of snow.
It's nearly two feet of snowfall since Feb 4.
Most non-essential government services closed for multiple days.

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