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Astralnauts! (full)

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
1) Concept: Damien Swift: Controller of Astraloger 1

2) Story arc: Damien was raised in a lab along with his parent’s lab rats.

a) Issue: Damien is the world’s foremost authority on the “deathgates” Or at least he thinks so. He is a bit to absorbed with the physics of the rifts to worry about the metaphysics. He’s a scientist and will believe only what he can prove.

b) Screen Presence: 2-3-2-1-2
1: Minor role
2: Secondary role
3: Spotlight role

3) Traits:

a) Scientist trained in the workings of the gates. Also a master Gadgeteer.
b) Has access to the “shuttle craft” Astraloger 1 used to move solid bodies through rift but technology is in the works for personal devices.
c) “Boy Scout” He always seems to have the right device at the right time.

a) His father Edward is the head of the research facility that funds the Astralnauts
b) Toshiro Yamaha: The President of Tamagachi Enterprises. He is an old dear friend of the family and more of a parent to Damien then his parents are.

4) Nemesis (optional): The Unknown Spirit who keeps tinkering with Damien’s experiments in the “astral void”

5) Personal Set (optional): Damien’s Lab. Full of high tech gizmo’s that he had yet to repair.
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Rough sketchy outline, could use suggestions for details and to fill in the blanks. I'm still fuzzy on how he gets pulled along with the "shuttle craft". Perhaps the vehicle itself is not so important as some kind of astral travel field that it generates around itself.

1) Concept: Charles Kenner, the bystander

Charles, a 20-something nobody has drifted throughout his life with no real sense of direction. He's just quit another dead end job when he gets pulled through a deathgate with the Astrolager on it's maiden voyage. Although he isn't supposed to be around, he has a feeling that he is on the right track for once in his life. After that, he is out to prove his worth to the team to avoid getting sent back to his hum drum normal life.

2) Story arc:

a) Issue: search for purpose

b) Screen Presence: pilot(2) + 1-1-2-2-3

3) Traits:


Hidden Depths - Now that he has found a goal, Charles possesses reserves on inner strength that even he isn't aware of. He will persevere and succeed.

Suggestions? - Perhaps "underestimated" Everyone, including himself, assumes him to be unimportant, and thus they ignore him.


Old Man Li -- the crazy old chinese guy who runs the small grocery store near Charles' apartment. He's always spouting nonsensical stories, but Charles humored him anyway. But maybe Li know more than he lets on . . .

More Suggestions?

and finally, one more suggestion for another edge/contact?

4) Nemesis (optional): none that I can think of

5) Personal Set (optional): His apartment. Nothing special here, just a perfectly normal apartment. A comforting refuge from the madness of the world in which Charles has found himself.


First Post
It occurs to me that in order to have a typical prime time "balanced" cast we should probably have a female character or two. So I tweaked the character concept a little and came up with this:

Concept:Nicole Canmore was the daughter of a police officer, and grew up wanting to follow in her father's footsteps. She joined the local force at a young age and quickly worked her way up, becoming known as a skilled officer. However, she was fired for disobeying her superior's orders, and found herself drifting from job to job. She was employed by [insert organisation here] for their new "Astralnauts" team.

Story Arc

Issue:Nicole is unsure what to think of the spiritual invasion and even a bit skeptical. She doesn't know much about the spirits, and even fears them a bit. Overcoming this will perhaps be her biggest obstacle.

Screen Presence:2(pilot)-3-2-1-1-2



Black Belt:Nicole is skilled in many different disciplines of martial arts, and mixes them well. She also is no stranger to real combat.

Determined:Once Nicole sets her mind on something, she will not give up until it is done. She usually will not be persuaded to give up.


Anna Parker:Nicole's former partner and longtime friend. She's still on the police force and is still upset about Nicole's dismissal. Anna is not as skilled as Nicole, but still dedicated and will help out when she can.

Roger Donald:an old flame of Nicole's, and an agent for the government. He is arrogant, rude, and also quite handsome. He infuriates Nicole to no end, but is a match for her physically and has government connections.

Aaron:The bartender at a club which Nicole often frequents. Very outgoing, and hears a lot of what goes on in the city.

Nemesis (optional)

Chris Fisher:A businessman who Nicole arrested for a crime he didn't commit (possibly relating to her firing from the police?). He now aims to make her miserable for ruining his good name.

(no personal set)


A suffusion of yellow
Imerak said:
(possibly relating to her firing from the police?).

Actually it would be cool if Nicole had some tie-in to the murder at the Theology college (as well as Chris Fisher) it would be a point of contact between our characters at the very least.

Knight Otu

First Post
I'll decide later if I take you up on the offer to join, so I'll just touch on a few points:

anonystu said:
a) Who's funding? (ideas tossed around: a NGO, a religious group that may or may not agree with the protagonists, self-funded, military)
It seems as if religious group is a popular option here (as far as you can say that with the number of people in the thread ;)). If you go that way, I think it would be interesting if the group, while obviously religious, is not obviously tied to any one religion - when dealing with the organization proper, there seem to be subtle elements from various religions, although xxx (propably a branch of Christianity) appears dominant. Why? Watch the show to find out! ;)

b) How much do the PC's know already, and if they do know much about spirits, what do they know? (There was the idea that spirits represent dead people from this world and others, and they come through DeathGates. I like the dead people idea, but maybe it'd be better if the cause for the incursions was less known at first).
It seems that the preferred option is that some basics are already known (deathgates, the astral), though it surely wouldn't hurt if there is more. For example, is it "just" dead people?

c) We need some sets which the players will use a lot.
Presumably, the Astralnauts would have some kind of HQ. Including some sort of... "common room" for the characters to gather.
A set where the Astralnauts commonly contact the funding group.
One or more "deathgates?" Portions of the Astral?

hafrogman said:
1) Concept: Charles Kenner, the bystander
3) Traits:

and finally, one more suggestion for another edge/contact?
Reading this, two possibilities come to mind - One, being a "weirdness magnet" (if Charles is around, strange things tend to happen), though that may be a bit silly for the show.
Two - At the right time at the right place - though he may disagree about that, Charles has a knack ending up at places where he can be most useful.


First Post

Tonguez said:
Actually it would be cool if Nicole had some tie-in to the murder at the Theology college (as well as Chris Fisher) it would be a point of contact between our characters at the very least.

Yeah, I like that idea. Certainly isn't hard to see how she would be involved either.


A suffusion of yellow
Great Imerak! I look forward to developing the relationship:) SO any ideas on what Nicole's view of my character might be?

hafrogman Do you mind of my chracter knows Old Man Li too? Perhaps I've had a few discussions with him about Taoism (or something) and perhaps you've even passed me as I was walking out the shop door (I always like that kind of thing in movies:D)

Actually you know guys it would be cool if we all knew at least a few of our NPCs in common say something like Chris Fisher works with/for Toshiro Yamaha (Argent Silvermage) and Nicole knows him through that contact. And perhaps Charles knows Aaron the bartender, or has a friend (romantic interest?) who attends the Theology College

Anonystu I'm thinking for another Edge would an ability like Turn Spirits (ie Turn/Rebuke Undead) be appropriate. So somehow (no doubt the influence of Tezdekel) Dr. Saint has the ability to Turn spirits causing them to flee from him - it will at least give us a degree of protection until we know more about them.
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Tonguez said:
hafrogman Do you mind of my chracter knows Old Man Li too? Perhaps I've had a few discussions with him about Taoism (or something) and perhaps you've even passed me as I was walking out the shop door (I always like that kind of thing in movies:D)

Actually you know guys it would be cool if we all knew at least a few of our NPCs in common say something like Chris Fisher works with/for Toshiro Yamaha (Argent Silvermage) and Nicole knows him through that contact. And perhaps Charles knows Aaron the bartender, or has a friend (romantic interest?) who attends the Theology College

If you're particularly attatched to your idea, I suppose I don't mind, but it seems a little lucid for how I considered Old Man Li to be. If you're willing to stretch the idea a little, Old Man Li could have a son (and your philosophy chat friend), Little Boy Li (who turned 58 this year), who occasionally runs the counter at the grocery we both frequent. ("Hey, don't I know you from somewhere? . . . etc.") Or perhaps Younger Li is the one who runs the store, and the Old Man just sits in a corner sounding like a human fortune cookie ;)

I like the idea of linking everyone together through at least some element, but I don't know if it would come across as a little contrived if I were actually to watch this show on TV

Character 1: I know this guy, Fred . . .
Character 2: Wait a minute, you know Fred? I know Fred too! My brother Leonard introduced us . . .
Character 3: Hey! You know Leonard? He was my roomate at college back when I was dating Casandra. . .
Character 1: That's funny, my wife's cousin is named Casandra. . .

. . . etc and so on and so forth.

I'm not dismissing, or even going against the idea, just thinking that if it happens, it shouldn't be a major central figure in a character's life.


First Post
Well, it really depends upon whether we want to create the feeling of a "small" world where everything is interconnected or a "large" world where the characters are just a part of something that's happening on a larger scale. I think that each way has it's own pros and cons, but we seem to be heading towards a small group of connected people with very different background situations and contacts.

As for the relationship between Nicole and Tobias...well, she's not sure about him, but either thinks he's guilty or just crazy. She definately won't trust him after first seeing a "psycho" in public life. Maybe we could make the murder a "connecting point" between all of the characters. (Maybe it's also what gets Nicole fired from the force? A bit earlier in the timeline than I had been thinking, but it might be cleaner...)

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