Last campaign I ran the players were all special agents of the Imperium, and I told them at character creation they can pick any mundane gear, though a limit of 3 healing potions each. Part of this was that they would be heading to a new continent and have little chance to buy things for quite a while. So 1st.
A few campaigns I played in ago the DM still had "plate armor needs to be customized for each wearer" and I was playing a Loxodon Cleric. We didn't get enough gold until like 6th to purchase it, and then the several weeks in-game to get Loxodon-sized plate we were like 8th. (We were in the largest metropolis on the continent, with plenty of Loxodon citizens including a whole neighborhood, and part of the standing army of Athena. No idea why it took so long.)
But usually it's around 3rd or 4th depending on how we do treasure. 3rd if the party outfits folks and we don't have other high expenses - worth it to protect the tank. 4th if it's "here's your share, go for it", and that often involves borrowing from other PCs without high expenses.