D&D General Augmented Reality App Mirrorscape Launches On Mobile

Download it now for free and enjoy a 3D virtual environment on your home table!


Mirrorscape, the augmented reality virtual tabletop, has launched for free as an open beta on iOS and Android devices. Using Mirrorscape you can create a virtual tabletop, compete with scenery and miniatures, on your empty table or floor. The open beta gives free access to the platform's range of terrain, dice, and miniatures.

At present, Mirrorscape supports Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Starfinder, and it's designed to be modular and allow support of a wide range of TTRPGs. The modular miniatures and terrain comes from companies Hero Forge, Dwarves Forge, Reaper, and Norse Foundry, and the platform has recently adopted the new Open RPG Creative (ORC) license. Amongst its team, Mirrorscape includes actor and D&D superfan Joe Manganiello.

Eventually, the platform will be compatible with AR headsets and glasses. You can download it for free on iOS or Android.


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New Publisher
Also, how is there no Monster Forge yet? (I get most just print the STLs you can get for free with their printers at this point, but HF seems to make money).

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Dire Bare

Also, how is there no Monster Forge yet? (I get most just print the STLs you can get for free with their printers at this point, but HF seems to make money).
Players buy character minis, DMs buy monster minis. There's more of a market for character minis.

Also, it's easier to iterate on the humanoid model than it is to create fully customizable non-humanoid monsters.

I don't doubt that someone will, at some point, start offering semi-customizable monster minis . . . we're just not quite there yet with the tech and the market.

Dire Bare

This is based on a successful Kickstarter, so . . . there is market for this app. It certainly doesn't fit everyone's playstyle, but it's a pretty neat app. I get a little annoyed when folks assume "It's not for me" equals "This is a foolish idea".

However, there has been a small explosion of similar but not quite the same VTT apps over the past year or so, and they are all neat but they all fit somewhat different niches.

I backed Mirrorscape on Kickstarter, and I'm excited to see where this app goes, but . . . I'm not sure which of the current 3D VTT apps is the best match to my needs/wants. Or if the "perfect" app for me even exists yet. This is all pretty new territory, for all involved, developers and customers.

Ideally, I think . . . a 3D app like Mirrorscape should be able to run with AR, with VR, fully on a computer screen, or a mix of all the above for players connecting remotely . . . so that I can use it in multiple play styles and modes, and with all of the 3D assets I've added to my library. Basically, I think, I want all of the different but overlapping niches these types of apps are targeting to be rolled into one app that does it all.


This is based on a successful Kickstarter, so . . . there is market for this app. It certainly doesn't fit everyone's playstyle, but it's a pretty neat app. I get a little annoyed when folks assume "It's not for me" equals "This is a foolish idea".

However, there has been a small explosion of similar but not quite the same VTT apps over the past year or so, and they are all neat but they all fit somewhat different niches.

I backed Mirrorscape on Kickstarter, and I'm excited to see where this app goes, but . . . I'm not sure which of the current 3D VTT apps is the best match to my needs/wants. Or if the "perfect" app for me even exists yet. This is all pretty new territory, for all involved, developers and customers.

Ideally, I think . . . a 3D app like Mirrorscape should be able to run with AR, with VR, fully on a computer screen, or a mix of all the above for players connecting remotely . . . so that I can use it in multiple play styles and modes, and with all of the 3D assets I've added to my library. Basically, I think, I want all of the different but overlapping niches these types of apps are targeting to be rolled into one app that does it all.

Without a screen only version or VR glasses, this seems limited. Are you really going to want to futz around with your phone constantly? Wave around your tablet?

It's an interesting concept and I'm tempted to try it out of curiosity but I just don't see using it if all I'm limited to phone or tablet. Maybe I'm just not the target audience.


The problem always is - you have to hold the device to "see the table". Can make it difficult to also be trying to use the device for D&DBeyond and the like to track your character, roll dice, look up rules and the like.
So long as the app doesn't forget its state when minimized, you could just toggle over to your character sheet or whatever else you are needing to look at.


New Publisher
This is based on a successful Kickstarter, so . . . there is market for this app. It certainly doesn't fit everyone's playstyle, but it's a pretty neat app. I get a little annoyed when folks assume "It's not for me" equals "This is a foolish idea".

However, there has been a small explosion of similar but not quite the same VTT apps over the past year or so, and they are all neat but they all fit somewhat different niches.

I backed Mirrorscape on Kickstarter, and I'm excited to see where this app goes, but . . . I'm not sure which of the current 3D VTT apps is the best match to my needs/wants. Or if the "perfect" app for me even exists yet. This is all pretty new territory, for all involved, developers and customers.

Ideally, I think . . . a 3D app like Mirrorscape should be able to run with AR, with VR, fully on a computer screen, or a mix of all the above for players connecting remotely . . . so that I can use it in multiple play styles and modes, and with all of the 3D assets I've added to my library. Basically, I think, I want all of the different but overlapping niches these types of apps are targeting to be rolled into one app that does it all.
I really wanted to back it, but the cost of add ons makes it really expensive. There is a lot to like here.


New Publisher
Eventually? There is a store right now for minis and terrain.

I've downloaded it.

A: The tutorial is not great. But not AWFUL. But not great.
B: You can build a decent amount of stuff with the free terrain, but the lack of minis will be offputting for nearly everyone. And, those minis aren't free.....

If there is a snap to grid for placing the terrain, I can't find it. That's, not good Bob.
There is snap to grid. So that's good. The YouTube videos are pretty good tutorials.

Sorry, this is a little off-topic, but I didn't want to create a new threat.

Xplored is a company what has created Teburu, a console to play board games with help of technology.

Hasbro Announces Partnership With Xplored to Bring AI, Smart Technology to Games​



New Publisher
Sorry, this is a little off-topic, but I didn't want to create a new threat.

Xplored is a company what has created Teburu, a console to play board games with help of technology.

Hasbro Announces Partnership With Xplored to Bring AI, Smart Technology to Games​

Seems like a different topic... I'm guessing we hear more at their never event, which I think is in a week?

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