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Avengers, 1889 [IC]

Karl Green

First Post
Vol. 2, Issue #1 “THE HOUNDS OF HYDRA!!!”

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News clips of the day from, The DAILY TRUMPET
Monday, May 28th, 1889

-Urich. Lord Henry-Peter Gyrich, 3rd Marques of Salisbury openly chastised his house of Lords and Parliament for allowing the British Royal Navy for falling into such disrepair. Lord Gyrich, longtime supporter of bolstering the Navy and other military and peacekeeping enterprises, such as ‘Her Majesty’s Men’ (the so called Avengers), is causing quite a disagreement within the Liberal Party. It is told that his care is so great that he has threatened his resignation should the vote of censure over military supplies comes to hand….
…The Prime Minster also recently oversaw the activation of the ‘Avengers’ team of Renowned, along with the Commission on Men of Renowned Activities, the oversight body on activities of such individuals across the Empire. Just last week he also chaired a new project – Stratagem: Wideawake, a special commission of Parliament designed to deal with the problems concerning indigent Men of Renowned…

-Berino. Reports continue to flood in from across the outreaches of the Empire. Oceanographers and Sea Captains alike have noted the increased activities of the sea and shorelines along the beaches of Britain and our European boarder nations. Colonists begin plans to weather these strange unseasonable rises in waves, moving inland in some areas as some settlements and cities considers the need for levies should these tides increase. Sense the turn of the new year these ever increasing tides have grown in frequency, slowly at first as not previously noticed….

Adventure Unbond!
“The Societas Extremis”
The exclusive order of the Hellfire Society invites men of means to join their expedition to the South Pole!

- Barney. Minor earthquakes in several northern European countries along funding for an epic journey into the recesses of the Earth. Dr. Harvey-Rupert Elder Molevic left London via barge along the Thames last summer heading for the upward regions of the world. Garnering funding for scientific research into the earthquakes that have plagued so many of the polar regions, Dr. Molevice has not returned his last four contacts points that should have relayed his team’s findings back to his institution’s discovery…
…Molevice lead a team of forty-two men into the darkness several months ago and relay scouts maintained weekly contact during the time…

-Lumley. London’s premier Science Museum on Exhibition Road, South Kensington, a part of the National Museum of Science and Industry has had an influx of exhibit donations thanks to the estate of Prussian Gamesmen Sergei Kravinoff. Kravinoff, know for his daring trips into the darkest reaches of the globe, has petitioned for purchase one of London’s brownstone estates just a stroll down from Parliament…


Cover shot of the THE AVENGERS, introducing…
The Incredible Mister Hulk (played by hero4hire)
The Savage Wolverine (played by Jemal)
Captain Britania (played by Elric)
Justice! (played by Redclaw)
The Scarlet Witch (played by the_myth)
Black Widow, the Spider-Woman (played by Shayruri)
The Mighty Thor (played by Blind Azathot)
and Ronin (played by Necro Kinder)


Inside cover introductions…
LONDON, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty Nine.

The Victorian Age is in its latter day,
as the final decade of the 19th century begins.
It is a time of great change in an age of stagnation,
a period of chaste order and ignoble chaos.
Yet still... it is an Age of Wonders.

And there came a day, a day unlike any other,
when Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat.
On that day, the AVENGERS were born!
Banding together to thwart foes no single Man Of Renown could withstand,
they fight for love of Country, Queen and the Future!

Come with me now friends. You urchins and educated audience, as we begin our memorium of thrills and chuckles.
Though let us not forget the many serious and morally instructive points there are within this narrative…
- Firstly: Women, though precious, will always go on and make a fuss. Also, they may swoon at times.
- Secondly: The German and Chinese are brilliant... but evil.
- Lastly: Laudanum, taken in moderation is good for the eyesight and prevents kidney-stones.

With these dictums in mind, allow me to wish you many hours of pictorial pleasure.

Stand straight true believers!!
AVENGERS, if man ye be and not some craven dog of Flanders -- let loose a hearty HUZZAH!!

Long live the Queen!


Opening Splash, Page 1…
Descending into the huge, almost cavernous room, Curator McKinley points out various historical artifacts from Britain’s glorious past, proudly chatting up various expeditions from around the Empire to his exalted guests, the Avengers, when…

Two large explosions erupt around you, blowing some off their feet. Debris and dust rain down from the ceiling that is partially collapsing around you!

As the buzzing from your ears lessons, the harsh barking of a commanding voice can be heard beyond the dust… “something in a foreign language
Spoiler for Wolverine, the Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch [sblock]the voice is Russian and says “Destroy them! No mercy!! You know your targets and the clock ticks forward. For Hydra!!” [/sblock]

When figures emerge from deeper within in the room…

(OCC –rolling for everyone Justice roll to recognize 'Men of Renowned' (1d20+11=29), all others (base intelligence roll) [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188557]Intelligence roll to recognize whom you are facing; Captain Britainia, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Hulk, Spider Woman, Thor, Ronin (1d20+1=8, 1d20+1=7, 1d20+0=16, 1d20+4=12, 1d20+1=14, 1d20+3=15, 1d20+2=11))

Justice recognizes the fiends, they are the Masters of Evil! Egads! Lead by none other then the vile Russian ultra-national Cossack Rytsare, he and his team of scum have threaten the Common Wealth before but never on English soil!

The first of these cravenness dogs to emerge is a strange looking woman, floating 20 feet off the ground, with a large red stone embedded into her forehead – Hellstone! Wailing a mournful tune of despair, another flying woman, of obvious dubious Irish decent and dressed all in white, is none other then the terrorist known as Screaming Banshee! Laughing as he leaps down from the top of a nearby book case, a large dockworker looking fellow, wearing only pants and a top hat, smoking a low-class cigar and looking all the world as a cross between a gorilla and a Cro-Magnon, the deadly Mister Hyde! Standing at almost 20 feet tall, with a thick black beard and wearing some silly circus costume is none other then the monstrous Goliath. A stone gargoyle, gleefully chuckling as he gliding into view on stone wings near the ceiling above, the so called Gargoyle King! Standing atop a contraption that looks to be a cross between two sweeping broom and a small winters sled, and letting lose a blood-curdling laugh, is the Green Goblyn! Finally, striding out of the dust is a large man wearing a modern deep sea diving suit and carrying a large harpoon. Strangely, the suit seems to be full of water, for it is Shark Killer, formally of Her Majesty Royal Navy and now nothing more then a common cowardly traitor!

Spoiler for Justice only please
[sblock]As you have the skill and made a good roll, you know a bit more of most of the Masters of Evil.
Cossack Rytsare is the leader of course, carrying an axe of arcane origins, said to be used by another Cossack against Napoleon’s Army during the Anglo-Russian Wars (1807-1812). He is extremely charismatic and a master tactician.
Hellstone was a famed psychologist whom is said to have taken the strange red stone now embedded into her forehead from a patient. It grants her the hellish powers of flight, resistant to all forms of damage and devastating attacks that can burn one’s spirit to cinder.
Screaming Banshee is an Irish girl whom is rumored to be dead and has returned as a Banshee of old. Her powers include causing despair in those around her and powerful sonic blasts.
Mister Hyde is of course the product of a mad experiment by the notorious Doctor Jekyll, he is extremely strong, agile and fast.
Goliath is of unknown origin but he has the ability to grow to at least 20 feet in height.
Gargoyle King is thought to be French and made of rock hard granite and yet he can move! He is extremely strong and can turn his enemies to stone with but a single touch!
Green Goblyn is thought to be an alchemist who is extremely strong and has a number of techno-arcane devices at his disposal.
Shark Killer is extremely powerful in sea water and his diving suit allows him to retain these powers on land for it is filled with sea water[/sblock]

Black Widow instantly recognizes Cossack Rytsare, for he once appears at the Academy she attended, run by the Count Otto Verminis! Heaves, why the plot is far more dire then she first believed! His axe is thought to be a strange arcane device and his mind is one of the sharpest she has ever known.

The Hulk recognizes Mr. Hyde, for he worked with Dr. Jekyll some years ago when he started experimenting with a strange elixir formula… how terrible the results for he is now near seven feet tall. He has also heard of the Gargoyle King, said to be as hard as stone, this Frenchmen has terrorized a number of wards in Paris, turning many a soiled doze into stone!

Thor recognizes the team as the Masters of Evil, and had seen some of results of their destruction acts when he was in Iceland when they were operating there for some unknown but nefarious reasons…

Wolverine and Black Widow can also hear voices deeper within the room, back beyond the dust and debris, and the sounds of some form of machinery engine. Wolverine does not understand what the people are saying, but it sounds European… Black Widow recognizes it as French, but she can only make out a random word or two, no complete sentences.

(OCC – I warned ya! Anyway, everyone gets 2 BONUS Hero Points right up front for GM Fiat… 1st for putting you into the situation and second for ‘Bad-Guy’ doing something that costs a Hero Point against all of you. Make 2 Reflex Saves and 2 Toughness saves as you are struck by two Area Attacks. As with normal M&M, I am not going to tell you this round what your DC is, you roll and if you feel that result is good enough you can keep it, if not you can use a Hero Point and re-roll (but remember Hero Point spending limits). You can use one of the Hero Points I just gave you if you want or can save them. If you have Evasion record that and level also as these are Area Attacks! Also note, that this attack is equal to or over everyone’s Impervious toughness, so no one gets to ignore it.

*Wolverine, your Notice is +14 so you will automatically make your Danger Sense roll. Go ahead and roll your Initiative and what your Action will be in the Surprise Round.

*EVERYONE else, make a Notice check (DC20) too react in the Surprise Round. If you make this roll, you may Roll your Initiative and take either a Standard or a Move action this round (but not both) on your Initiative. Unless you have Uncanny Dodge (Captain Britainia, Black Widow and Ronin) or Super-Sense: Danger Sense (Wolverine), you are flat-footed until your first action.

Next Round will be Round 1 and everyone will get to make an Initiative roll then and take a Full round of actions.

So, what I need is everyone to roll (with Invisible Castle) two Reflex and two Toughness saves (even if you have Evasion you MIGHT miss the roll ;)). Then a Notice skill check and if you succeed, as noted above, an Initiative roll. If you are attacking or making any other roll this round, please also describe and post that one also.

Primitive map attachment below, key 1 square is 10ft (yes the room is quite large!), the ceiling here is 30ft high (you are deep underground in a basement. It does not yet matter where, as the readers and you are a bit in the dark here. When this first part is over we will be going back in time to answer all questions ;)). The brown almost square boxes are large, very heavy wooden desks with a number of oak chairs set about them and oil reading lamps. The skinny brown lines are long, very tall (around 20ft) book cases. Numerous ladders are set about them, although most are now on the ground, having been knocked over. No one can see beyond where the grayish line is about halfway across the room. If you are going to move PLEASE post wear you are going with the Number and Letter on the box you are going.

Also I don’t have pictures of everyone but the ones that I do, in order - Mr. Hyde, Screaming Banshee, Gargoyle King, Goliath, and Shark Killer…

EDIT one last thing PLEASE when you post, include your Character Name, Conditions (stunned, bruised #, injured #) and Hero Points in the Title area


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First Post
(OOC note: Black Widow has Uncanny Dodge, not Danger Sense.)

(Reflex saves (Applying defensive roll ranks to ref saves instead of toughness for the area attacks): 21 and 17 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188615 ) Using 1 bonus HP to reroll the 17 for a result of 23 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188617 , and she has Evasion)

(Toughness saves: 13 and 16 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188619 , I'll let those stand, and hope Evasion does the trick. :))

(Notice: 25 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188621 )

(Intiative: 14 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188623 )

(attack roll: 12 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188625 ) ...sigh.

(probably won't matter, but the attack was her stunning venom. Fort DC 16 if it hits.)

(OOC...hmm...it's kind of hard to describe my action without knowing how the blasts affected me...)

As usual, Black Widow's body was moving before her brain had fully caught up. By the time she realized she was hearing an explosion, she was already in midair, leaping towards a sheltering stack of books for cover from the blast.

Under the black masquerade mask she wore to protect her real name, she clenched her teeth and balled her fists in anger as the infamous Cossack came into view.

"Rystere," she snarled. "You've gone too far!" Oh yes, she knew him. He was trouble. Though there might be something they were after in this place, Black Widow knew that they were also looking to rid the world of a few Avengers. Rystere never plucked one apple when he could have two.

The 'woman of renown' held out a hand clad in a long black glove that had the palm cut out. A pale green glow flickered and twisted over the bare skin there until, with a sound a little like a quiet gunshot, there was a flash of greenish light and something wet and sticky flickered from her hand across the room at the hovering Hellstone, hound of Hydra!


First Post
Justice, 5 hero points

Two reflex saves, 26 and 24 Reflex
(Not a bad start!)
Two toughness saves (force field at 7, as per standard array), 10 and 27 toughness I'll spend one hero point to reroll the 10...
for an 18. (forgot to copy it, but rerolled again for a 23. Feel free to use the 18) reroll
Notice 25 notice
Initiative 16 init

Justice follows his instincts and thinks defense first when the explosion tears him out of his appreciation for the historical items surrounding him. He dials his force field down, [sblock=ooc] to level 6 (6x4 +4=28)[/sblock] spreading it out to cover Curator McKinley, the Scarlet Witch, Ronin and Thor (if he's still in his normal identity), giving them each 6 points of impervious toughness bonus, and readies himself to deflect ranged attacks aimed at himself or any of his teammates. [sblock=ooc]deflect at level 8 (4x8=32, total 60)[/sblock] Just in case any of the villains tries any ranged attacks within 80' of me, my deflect attack rolls (at +8 and +6) are 19 first roll , 11 2nd roll
As he does that, he shouts to his companions, Beware the Gargoyle's touch, and try to rupture Shark Killer's suit! Then, as if it hadn't occurred to him before, he allows himself to realize that he is truly about to face the Masters of Evil. He knows, however, that it is more important to protect the curator than to press any sort of attack, for the moment.


First Post
(rolling for Captain Britannia! I shan't provide much in the way of narration, since he isn't mine. :))

(Reflex saves http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188734 )

(Toughness saves: 11 and 25 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188736 , rerolling the 11...for a result of 21 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188738 )

Notice: 32 (natural 20!) http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188740

Initiative: 22 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188745

Readying melee attack to use against first enemy that steps into melee range.

Karl Green

First Post
Redclaw said:
Justice follows his instincts and thinks defense first when the explosion tears him out of his appreciation for the historical items surrounding him. He dials his force field down, spreading it out to cover Curator McKinley, the Scarlet Witch, Ronin and Thor (if he's still in his normal identity)

(OCC -I did not forget to mark Curator McKinley...the reason will come up so, but Thor is in Hero form the Hulk is the Hulk, and both you and the Scarlet Witch have your Force Fields up... don't want it to be TOO hard for you ;))


First Post
Karl Green said:
(OCC -I did not forget to mark Curator McKinley...the reason will come up so, but Thor is in Hero form the Hulk is the Hulk, and both you and the Scarlet Witch have your Force Fields up... don't want it to be TOO hard for you ;))
Then I guess I'm force-fielding myself and Ronin, and looking around for Curator McKinley.


First Post
SCARLET WITCH Condition: Surprised! HP: 4

Karl Green said:
(OCC -I did not forget to mark Curator McKinley...the reason will come up so, but Thor is in Hero form the Hulk is the Hulk, and both you and the Scarlet Witch have your Force Fields up... don't want it to be TOO hard for you ;))

OOC: Oh, that's good to know!

Reflex saves: 13 and 11 [http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188977]
Toughness saves: 23 and 25 [http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188980]

Notice: 6 [http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188988], but using Probability Control to increase roll to a minimum 7, so 11. Wanda is surprised!

The Scarlet Witch stumbles backwards, a be-gloved hand covering her mouth in shock.

OOC: Just so I know in future rounds... What's the debris made of? Stone? Wood?
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First Post
Reflex saves: 24 and 17
Toughness Saves: 16 and 26
Notice: 32
Initiative: 14 Rerolled:24

Also Ronin has Evasion twice, remember. Used a hero point to reroll his init. Pending his saves, his actions are as follows:

Ronin flips out of the way of the flying debris and in one action, lands and throws a handful of shuriken at Shark Killer (hopefully cutting the suit). He stands and draws his Katana and readies himself for the attack.

His flip is just fluff, no real movement there. He autofires his shuriken for 1 damage (pending the autofire-ness) damage and draws his katana using his quick draw.
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