Before the Rise of Tiamat


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Connecting something he saw earlier to the return of the dragon, Grimnir spins on his feet and rushes over to the prone cultist in the gold frayed robes and snatches the mysterious instrument from him.

"Gotta be how he called that monster," the dwarf mutters to himself as he then starts running after Mornok and Lyle, zigzagging a bit to avoid being an easy target for whatever ranged attacks might be coming his way.

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The dragon swoops down from the sky, but never gets closer than about 50 feet up; it lets off a blast of its lightning-breath in the general direction of the fleeing crowd, destroying several haystacks but not getting close enough to stand anyone's hair on end, and then it zooms on past the group. As it does so, it is briefly silhouetted against the fires blazing around the keep's distant watchtower, and you realize that there is a humanoid form mounted on its back. It comes back around for another pass, neglecting to breathe this time, and again buzzes the crowd without attacking, even though it easily could slaughter the twenty-odd remaining members of the procession. Finally, it heads back toward the keep; several of the refugees hesitate to advance in the same direction as the reptilian horror, but once it's far enough away from them they get moving again, uncertain that they'll be safe behind the castle's walls, but sure enough that they won't be out here.


Mornok ducked instinctively as the dragon flew overhead. He'd initially considered firing off a girebolt of his own to distract the beast, but thought better of it. Instead, he took to directing people by shouted instructions and warnings as the dragon swung around for it's second pass. His primary goal though was to keep people moving to the keep, telling them where to find the sally port they'd exited from.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
”Could’ve killed us,” Grimnir says to Mornok and Lyle as he tries to catch up. ”Why didn’t it?”

He decides to ponder about that later, now focussing instead on getting to the keep with as many villagers as possible.


Lyle shrugs. "Who knows? If I were a giant fire breathing lizard I wouldn't waste time with the likes of us either. Then again I also wouldn't be attacking somewhere like Greenest when I could sleep on piles of gold and eat whatever I wanted."


"They're tryin' tae split us up, easier tae' take stragglers, prolly lookin' fer slaves"

Mornok kept running, trying to keep the villagers from spreading out too much or trying to run anywhere but the keep.


Lyle shrugs. "Who knows? If I were a giant fire breathing lizard I wouldn't waste time with the likes of us either. Then again I also wouldn't be attacking somewhere like Greenest when I could sleep on piles of gold and eat whatever I wanted."

OOC: I'd like you to repeat this observation around an NPC later on, so that I can have someone respond in-character. I was sorely tempted to have a DMPC step out of midair and comment as if he had been part of the party all along, but I'm trying not to go quite that far in railroading you guys, so the occasional Subtle Hint will hopefully suffice.


Mornok succeeds in rounding up all the stragglers, and soon the three heroes are safely inside the keep along with all two dozen hostages.

OOC: And scene. I plan to continue shortly, but in case I get interrupted for any reason I wanted to make sure that you guys at least had closure.

Voidrunner's Codex

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