Before the Rise of Tiamat


Though mortally wounded by Lyle's arrow, the seeming leader of the cultist group has enough wind left in his lungs that as he falls, he blows mightily on the weird instrument he's holding. Oddly, it makes almost no audible noise, just a faint high-pitched hiss - but the two ambush drakes appear go absolutely berserk at the sound, snarling and leaping and straining at their chains - which the two remaining cultists then release.

(will finish this later)

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The green drake charges toward Grimnir, while the red one orients on Mornok, who has a chance to react before it strikes. Grimnir however is unable to do anything before the beast leaps at him.

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And it misses him by a mile. Mornok is up.


Mornok steps up intle the middle of the melee, making sure not to leave his allies in range but coming into melee range of as many enemies as possible. Then he draws forth all of the air in the immediate vicinity before unleashing it upon those around him in a single thunderous moment.

Thunderwave: 2d8 11 DC 13 Con save or take 11 thunder damage and a 10 ft push. He'll hit as many as he can, but won't let Lyle or Grimnir take the hit.


Finding it hard to follow our initiative order, so let's put it all in one post. Also I got the colors wrong in my earlier post about the drakes, just switch red for green and it's correct.

Cultist in gold robes: 1d20+1 = 21
Grimnir = 20
Cultist in purple armor: 1d20+1 = 19
Lyle = 16
Cultist in black armor: 1d20+1 = 13
Red ambush drake: 1d20+2 = 11
Mornok = 6
Green ambush drake: 1d20+2 = 3

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CoyoteCode Dice Roller

The two drakes' keen instincts warn them of approaching disaster, and they brace themselves against Mornok's thunderblast, taking 3 damage each and holding their position. Their handlers fare less well however; the one who was still holding the green drake's chain is sent flying with such force that he drags the heavy creature with him for 5 feet before losing his hold, and the other one is bowled completely head over heels before faceplanting into the dirt. Both men make a very satisfying thump when they hit the ground, and are out of commission.

The green drake whirls from Grimnir to Mornok, clearly intelligent enough to identify him as the source of the blast, and charges.

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CoyoteCode Dice Roller

Unlike his ruddy counterpart (both of them are kinda greenish really, this one just has fewer scarlet highlights on the fins and such), the green drake succeeds in pouncing upon Mornok, striking with considerable force and thoroughly knocking the wind out of the wizard, who barely manages to keep his feet.

Lyle and Grimnir may act in any order before the other drake is up again.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Rushing to his friend's side, Grimnir roars as he swings his warhammer at the drake that assaults Mornok. He manages to connect with immense force, as if Umberlee herself guides the weapon against the offending creature.

OOC: Move: To Grimnir and the green drake.

Attack: The drake: warhammer: 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25
1D8+3 = [4]+3 = 7

extra damage for crit: 1D8 = [6] = 6

If needed, use Reaction to use the Wrath of the Storm feature upon being hit by a melee attack.

Hp: 11/11
Wrath of the Storm: 2/4 left before Long Rest
Spell slots (1st level): 0/2 left before Long Rest


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The drake makes another attack on Grimnir, but doesn't even begin to get through his armor. As the last standing foe versus the trio, the creature doesn't last long even though it has quite a few HP; ultimately, it is beaten into submission.

In the meantime, the fleeing party of civilians have made it almost halfway to the keep; several more cultists are attempting to converge on them, but the populace has brought a few objects they can throw to dissuade these attackers. The kobolds have already dispersed, they seem not to want to tackle with a crowd of this side. But suddenly, you see another explanation for why the dragon rats might have gone into hiding - the broad-winged silhouette of the actual dragon is heading your way.


Mornok takes off at a full dwarven hustle yelling at the top of his lungs.

"SCATTER!!! Th' bloody dragon's comin' split up an' get t' th'keep!


Lyle briefly squeaks with terror at the sight of the dragon. "I can't believe I forgot about the dragon." He nudges a survivor and tries to shuffle them behind anything resembling cover as they run toward the keep. "I'm going to need a bigger bow."

Voidrunner's Codex

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