Before the Rise of Tiamat


We could always use the help action to give advantage. Most mornok has less diplomacy skill than Grimnir does. I could always roll an intimidate check instead, the threat doesn't necessarily have to originate from him. Does Lyle want to 'help' grimnir?

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Lyle looks through the church for anyone he knows, or halflings, or anyone who looks particularly likely to cause trouble with Grimnir's plans. He distributes his meager supply of sweets taken from Galena's table before all this mess started and says a few vague words of reassurance. A little food and a little encouragement is all Lyle needs in even the most trying times and he assumes those would work for most people too.

OOC: Using help to give Grimnir advantage


A lot of surly and ungrateful people fail to cooperate in your efforts, but you are eventually able both to complete a rough census of the crowd, matching a few names to the list Lyle was given, and to locate the temple's rather ineffectual deacon, a half-elf by the name of Aiden Moonfalcon. Looking at him you immediately get the distinct impression that he's eaten almost nothing but greens and beans his entire life. He clearly wants to get these people out of the temple and to somewhere safe, but he's far too polite and weak-willed to be capable of standing up to the loudest and most demanding half-dozen or so of the gathered folk. His job used to be just leading a group of middle-aged women in prayers of thanksgiving for a good harvest in the surrounding farms; now he's utterly out of his depth and can't think of much to do besides continue dressing the wounds of his flock, using a rapidly-depleting healer's kit since he's already totally exhausted his meager reserve of magical ability.


Lyle glances hopefully at the healer's kit. "I don't suppose you can do anything for us? We've had a bit of a journey getting here. A secret passage that leads out of the church would be nice too. Kidding, we haven't been that lucky." Lyle pauses for a moment to take a closer look at Aiden. Easily browbeaten, more concerned with being polite than his own well being, and ready to fold like last week's laundry. Gods, I've known grifters who would trade their own mothers to meet a mark like this. If I can trick him out of something as easily as I think, I bet I could con some self esteem into him. That'd be a real confidence trick!

Lyle snorts at his internal joke. "Sorry, it's a bit dusty in here. Look Aiden, we really need to get these people out of here but they don't seem likely to listen to us. What we need is someone they know as an authority figure. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people about town talk about how much they respect Aiden Moonfalcon, how he has such a commanding presence. It's just like farming, you've spent every day planting the seeds of your authority and now it's time to reap what you've sewn! Get up there and get them to listen to us!"

Lyle's relying on the classic trick of putting an idea in someone's head then talking too quickly for them to realize it wasn't their idea, and lying to Aiden about how much people respect him. Using my inspiration to roll with advantage
_: 1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18
_: 1D20+4 = [7]+4 = 11


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Grimnir grimaces as many of the villagers ignore or defy his orders. At least they seem to listen somewhat to Lyle, and the clever halfling seems to have found someone they will be more likely to follow.

With a helpless shrug, the dwarf gives up his attempts to sway the crowd and instead focuses on a plan.

”Perhaps we can disguise a few villagers as cultists,” he suggests to Mornok hesitantly. ”And the rest their prisoners, heading to the fort to exchange for whatever they seek. Think that’ll work?”


Mornok had taken the chance to bind and muzzle their prisoner. Somehow ge felt the dragonborn would be safest in his direct custody. Not that he wouldn't happily bash the creature's head in himself, but he was a supporter of the law. If he could see to it this prisoner would live to see the noose.

"May'aps, but I'm thinkin' 'aving this many people movin' would draw the attention of this army's leaders. No way they'd not 'ave their own plans fer' these people."


OOC: I am of thoroughly mixed opinion as to how I should react to Lyle's trick. He's using his powers for good rather than evil, but I still have an extremely negative opinion of con-artistry as a technique, regardless of how it's being applied. If we were in my homebrew setting, I'd probably have supernatural forces discriminate against you for even attempting such a thing, but in Forgotten Realms I suspect that the equivalent supernatural forces would approve, although I don't know for sure. I'm really going to have to think about this, and I'm open to arguments being posted on the OOC thread as to how I should handle this.

The dragonborn is okay with having Mornok bind his hands behind him, but as he goes to fasten his jaws shut as well, he quickly interjects "I hope you realize that if I wanted to acid your face off, those wouldn't stop me from doing it. Anything you could do which would keep me from using my breath weapon would also keep me from breathing normally, so if you aren't willing to trust that I've surrendered, you might as well execute me."


OOC: I'm going to fudge things a bit and let you guys get a Short Rest in about 10 minutes. If anyone asks it was a minor miracle caused by Chauntea under these exact circumstances, which will not be repeated elsewhere.

Aiden seems to perk up a little at Lyle's little pep talk; he doesn't look like he's been entirely convinced, but it was good enough to snap him out of his funk, and he goes and starts taking charge of the listless people and getting them organized. The three of you are able to get a brief rest; you're able to round up some decent bread and cheese to fix yourself a small meal, bandage a few of your more serious wounds, and generally get your morale back together.

However in the course of this time, the besiegers are able to organize, and not only is there now a substantial gathering of kobolds and cultists at the back door again, but the much larger force at the front door has brought up some kind of battering ram, which is about to be deployed n order to bash their way into the sanctuary. The people have been gotten out of their panicked state, but they're about to fall apart again if the group can't get them out of here pretty quickly.


In the end Mornok DID muzzle the dragonborn, he left the lizard in the corner of the entryway facing said corner otherwise untouched with a note thanking him for the information and signed Mornok Stormhammer stuck to his back. In another room, he called his allies, including the pries to a meeting.

"We'd best leave soon, th' gate's not likely t' 'old up long. I say we go back th' way we come in. We'll 'ave t' bust through, but I've just enough magic now t' make a nice short work o' a pile o' them. After that th' cowards are sure t' run. Then we get these people runnin' straight fer' th' keep."
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
”Aye,” Grimnir agrees, ”Going now is the best chance we’ve got.”

The cleric feels immensely better after eating and drinking; what’s in that stuff? He feels guilty towards his goddess about taking so much of another deity’s bounty, but decides any penitence must come later. Now’s the time for action.

”A swift outbreak with all the firepower we have could take them by surprise. If everyone starts shooting or throwing as soon as we exit, we may appear more formidable than we are. And we head straight for the fort at full speed.”

He knows, but doesn’t say, that many villagers probably won’t make it. Instead, Grimnir smiles at the local priest as the story comes together in his head.

”My fellow clerics of the sea goddess will have captured or defeated the remaining cultists by now, judging by the storm outside. All we need to do is break through the crowd just outside, and most of those are just panicky kobolds.”

OOC: Rolling hit die: 1D8+2 = [8]+2 = 10

So back at 11/11 hp!

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