One consideration in PF1/4e comparisons is that Paizo pit out a lot of lower-page-count paperbacks. I’m too lazy to do the work myself, but someone could compare their annual page count total.
very rough estimate was that they changed off between the thirty-two page player guides and the sixty-four page campaign setting supplements each month, so they published roughly forty-eight pages of those every month for twelve years, i.e. five hundred seventy-six pages a year.
There were just over thirty hardcover books in that twelve-year period, each one roughly two hundred fifty-six pages, so two-and-a-half of those per year is about seven hundred forty pages.
They put out an adventure path publication every month, which was usually one hundred pages even, so that's twelve hundred pages right there.
The stand-alone adventures are some of the hardest to calculate, as they changed publication rates and pages (going to slower releases with thicker pages toward the end of their life-cycle). From what I can estimate, they made forty-five thirty-two page adventures (one thousand four hundred forty pages altogether) and fifteen sixty-four page adventures (nine hundred sixty pages). So two thousand three hundred forty pages, divided by twelve, gives us two hundred pages per year of the stand-alone adventures, on average.
So let's add that up. In a single year we got:
- 576 pages (player's guides and campaign setting supplements)
- 740 pages (hardcover books)
- 1,200 pages (adventure paths)
- 200 pages (stand-alone adventures)
Altogether, that's 2,716 pages per year. And that's not counting the sixteen-page Free RPG Day supplements, novels, map packs and flip-mats, comic books (though Dynamite published those), card games, pawn boxes, etc. Not to mention the various Pathfinder Society modules, which were PDF-only products.