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BIG DAMN HEROES - a d20 Firefly Campaign [IC]

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[SBLOCK=Bastion]As Bastion reaches the gantry, he can clearly see that it's Beale and Cash up on the catwalk. Beale looks his usual belligerant self.

As Bastion starts to climb, he's startled by the sudden apperance of a figure in the half-light of the cargo bay doors below. "Beale," the unfamiliar voice shouts. "You liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze1! What the devil is taking so long!?!" Whomever it is, is stalking into the bay, and doesn't seem aware of Bastion's presence.

Rover emits a low, reflexive growl.
1Stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey.[/SBLOCK]
Crouching down next to Rover Bastian whispers the command word to silence Rover, patting his friend reassuringly "Lets wait and see what happening here boy"


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Win nods at Kai. "I'll be righ' back. Gonna check our six." With that, he moves away, trying his best to keep in the shadows and move quietly. Unfortunately, the conditions are not ideal. Still, he tries to close on the person shadowing them, holding his pistol out of sight.

Hide: 5
Move Silently: 13


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Cash puts his hands up and steps out of Beale's way.

"Beale, I just wanted you to think long and hard about whatever it is you are doin'. You are the one that's gonna have to live with the consequences."

Cash then walks back into his room, and as soon as the door closes behind him, throws on his boots, grabs his rifle, and quietly opens the door, intent on following Beale and getting a look at his friend.

OOC: Survival check to follow=16; Diplomacy check to talk Beale out of being a very bad man=15


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Jon finally rises to his feet after a truly long slumber. He starts rubbing the sleep from his eyes, remembering the sounds of raised voices from his dream. Suddenly, he hears the voices despite being awake.

Adrenaline rushes through his system as Jon quickly tries to figure out what to do. He scans his room for a weapon but sees nothing remotely dangerous except for a large wrench he was carrying when he went to bed. Grabbing it, he tries to slowly creep out from his cabin into the hall and get a better look (or listen) to the situation. Wearing nothing but the shorts, Jon looks to see what is happening.
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First Post
OOC: I think there my be some confusion about who is where and such, so I'm attaching two maps for the lower and mid levels of the ship with everyone's current position. Kai, Win, and Melara's positions are not reflected, given that they are not currently aboard. Hope that helps.

Aboard the Kwai Su Nyao Longshanks
Berth 42B, Eavesdown Docks, Persephone
May 28th, 2517 - the 6th anniversary of Unification Day

[SBLOCK=Cash & Baxter]Cash and Baxter both step out of their berths at roughly the same time, Cash with his rifle and Baxter in his skivvies brandishing a large wrench. Beale is nowhere to be seen, but there are several duffles still loaded into the back of the mule hanging off the catwalk in it's docking armature.

OOC: Spot and listen checks both please, and a knowledge (technology) for Baxter.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Baxter]OOC: I don't think that from his current position, Baxter has a line of sight to Kai and Win, though he may be able to see the stranger. Certainly he couldn't from inside his berth. If you'd like to edit your previous post, feel free. I've gone ahead and put Baxter on the catwalk and in a foul mood on the assumption that the yelling alone would have been enough to raise red flags. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Bastion]Above, Cash and Beale seem to have ended their conversation. Cash disappears into his bunk and Beale walks off, possibly headed for the foredeck.

Below, one of the two figures at the base of the ramp turns and disappears as the other speaks to the fierce looking stranger at the top of the ramp.

"Meade is apparently a go-se Tall player, this here ox and all its shiny workings are mine. You best tell your girlfriend inside that as well."

The stranger pauses, and then slowly walks about half-way back down the ramp. You can't quite make out his retort.

Above, Cash and Baxter both appear out of their respective bunks, both armed. Baxter is in his skivvies.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Helsinki]They're still not shutting up. Now they're dabbling in yelling.[/SBLOCK]

Eavesdown Docks, Concourse
Eavesdown, Persephone

[SBLOCK=Kai]As Win leans in, Kai catches a glimpse of the figure moving down the concourse. An understanding passes between them about where Win is headed and why.

As Win walks off, the stranger moves slowly back down the ramp, stopping about half-way, always keeping his hands in view and not making any sudden movements.

"Tall, eh?" He chuckles. "I suppose that sounds about right. Terry always was a BUN tyen-shung duh ee-DWAY-RO1."

He takes a couple more steps in Kai's direction, pursing his lips, obviously sizing Kai up.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Win & Melara]OOC: I'll need spot and listen checks from both of you and another set of move silently and hide checks from Mel.[/SBLOCK]

1Stupid inbred stack of meat.


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(hide 22, Move Silent 21)

Seeing something is up, Mel carefully moves to the deeper shadows along the side of the concourse. She was curious, but didn't want to be the cat if she could help it. The whole thing had a sour taste to it. It wasn't none of her business, but she couldn't just walk away without seeing what was up.
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Cash glances at Baxter and says matter-of-factly.

"I caught Beale tryin' to rip off the ship. I was jus' about to see what that jing-tzang mei yong-duh hwoon dahn(1) was goin' with the stuff. Wanna put on some pants and catch up with me?"

OOC: [sblock]Spot=24 and Listen=29[/sblock]

(1)Consistently useless bastard


First Post
Jon nods as Cash speaks, already heading back to his berth. He grabs his coveralls and starts putting his legs into them.

"Go ahead if you want to check on what's going on. I'll get Hel and meet you out there. Liu yi1, alright?"

Jon drops down on the deck, pulls his boots on, and ties them quickly. Rising quickly, he scrambles over to Helsinki's berth. Knocking three time in rapid succession, he waits impatiently for a reply.

1: Be careful

Voidrunner's Codex

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