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BIG DAMN HEROES - a d20 Firefly Campaign [IC]


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Aboard the Kwai Su Nyao Longshanks
Berth 42B, Eavesdown Docks, Persephone
May 28th, 2517 - the 6th anniversary of Unification Day

[SBLOCK=Cash]As Cash emerges from his berth, he notices two things. First, he sees Bastion down on the gantry in the cargo bay beneath him, keeping to the shadows and watching something happening on the ramp down below. Whatever he's looking at is out of Cash's line of sight.

Second, he hears the clomping of heavy feet on the stairs to the foredeck, up past the infirmary . That could be where Beale is headed. Several years before Cash came aboard, Beale coverted part of the storage room in the shuttle bay to quarters for himself so he could be closer to the engines. He could be headed there. Or he could be on his way back to the engine room for another load.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Baxter]Moving to Helsinki's berth, Baxter passes the hover-mule hanging off the catwalk and happens to look down at the duffels piles haphazardly in the back bench. Sitting on top of them is a greasy and irregular part Baxter instantly recognizes the primary condenser manifold for the drive assembly. There's only one on board - at 750 credits, it's one of the Ox's most expensive single parts. The last time Baxter was in the engine room, it was attached to the drive. Beale must have plucked this one right off of the ship. Without it, the Longshanks is dead in the water.

Beneath the condenser manifold, the duffles bulge with a multitude of other mysterious shapes.

As Baxter hammers on Helsinki's door, he looks over his shoulder and notices Bastion beneath him on the cargo bay gantry, looking intently toward something down on the ramp, out of Baxter's sight.

OOC: I rolled the spot, listen and knowledge (technology) checks for you to keep things moving: 1d20+3 -> [14,3] = (17) 1d20+1 -> [6,1] = (7) 1d20+13 -> [1,13] = (14) [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Bastion]Bastion watches the conversation below him unfold, but can't make out what's being said. Beside him, Rover is starting to become restive.

Make a Handle Animal check.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Helsinki]This is out of control. Someone is now actually pounding on the hatch to Helsinki's berth.[/SBLOCK]

Eavesdown Docks, Concourse
Eavesdown, Persephone

[SBLOCK=Kai]"So what's your play kid," the stranger asks, looking down the concourse as the day's traffic begins to trickle in the open gates. You gonna shoot me in front of all those nice people or what?"

Up on the gantry at the top of the ramp, Kai sees a subtle movement. Someone's watching the conversation from up there, trying to keep out of sight.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Win]Win casually peels off from Kai and moves behind the berth's pumphouse. Keeping low to the ground, he moves swiftly to the building's trailing edge and peers around the corner. He sees no sign of the mysterious figure.

He does, however, see that traffic is starting to pick up at the far end of the concourse as the stevedores and coolies start to trickle in.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Melara]Keeping to the opposite side of the concourse, Melara carefully closes on the pair. With a start, she realizes she's been made as the larger of the two peels off and moves behind the berth's pumphouse leaving the other to his conversation. The big man moves swiftly and with assurance, as though trained for this kind of work. A gust of wind, however, blows aside the tarpaulin draped across the side of the pumphouse, betraying his position.

Traffic is finally starting to pick up at the other end of the concourse as the stevedores and coolies start to trickle in.

I rolled Me's spot and listen to keep things moving: 1d20+0 ->
[15,0] = (15) 1d20+0 -> [4,0] = (4)
- of course, I rolled 12 times instead of 2, so ignore the last 10 rolls.


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Win looks around carefully for a few moments, and then shrugs. Someone either doesn't want to be seen, or my imagination is playing tricks on me. After another moment or two he turns around and heads back toward Kai, keeping his pistol ready, and occasionally casting a glance behind him.


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Cash moves as quietly as possible up to the infirmiry, leans his rifle up against the wall, but with-in reach, and starts looking like he is doing something useful, such as sorting through medical supplies, keeping an eye on the passage past the infirmiry door.

[sblock]Move Silently=22[/sblock]


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Melara watches the man stalk back towards the berth. Her scalp prickles when she sees his hand near the holster at his hip. She wasn't unarmed...not here on the Rim!...but she could think of a thousand things she'd rather be doing right now than shooting it out over nothing with some stranger. Good thing he hadn't seen her.

Seriously though, what the hell was going on? Were they trying to hijack a ship?

She gives her would-be pursuer some time to get back, then cautiously peeks around the corner to see if she can see what's happening from here.


"I just might if you don't get yer girlfriend to come on out and leave my ship alone. Win come along, we best be getting this hunk running before these vandals make off with the bolts that keep her together." Kai smirks at the man and approaches.

"Now just back on up nice and easy, away from my ship."


Helsinki, female gun-griffon

Watus said:
Aboard the Kwai Su Nyao Longshanks
Berth 42B, Eavesdown Docks, Persephone
May 28th, 2517 - the 6th anniversary of Unification Day

[SBLOCK=Helsinki]This is out of control. Someone is now actually pounding on the hatch to Helsinki's berth.[/SBLOCK]

"Enough all ready! I'm awake ...you stupid selfish son of a ass.

Helsinki rolls out of bed and shoves herself into an old boiler suit, tying the arms around her waist. She pulls on a pair of boots and climbs to her feet with a groan.


Stomping over to the hatch, she cranks open the door. Its Baxter. She thought *he* would have more sense than to wake her.



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doghead said:

Jon is surprised when the door finally opens, as he was about to turn to leave. He stares at the tired Helsinki for a second.

"Listen, we might have a problem. There sounds like something happening below deck and the primary condenser manifold has been removed from the drive. Cash went ahead to check it out. He said Beale's trying to rip off the ship. Thought you should know. Catch up when you're ready."

Jon will wait for a response, then try to catch up with Cash.


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"Okay boy lets get moving" Bastian then moves towards the kitchen and puts on a pot of coffee to brew, as the familiar task begins to occupy his time Bastian unthinking begins to hum the tune to his song 'Battle of Serenity' as the coffee machine finishes it's task Bastian grabs the pot and some small disposable cups and begins to head in the direction of the cargo hold.

As he leaves the kitchen with Rover in tow, Bastian begins to sing the moving verses of his song, as Bastian encounters the others he continues to sing while he pours a small shot of his potent brew.

Finally coming upon Kai and Win, Bastian stops singing mid-verse and smiles disarmingly "Can I get you Gents a shot of real coffee"

Handle Animal check (1d20+9=20), Perform(Sing) check (1d20+15=20), Diplomacy check to improve starting attitudes (1d20+15=17)


Helsinki, female gun griffon.

Lot said:
"Listen, we might have a problem. There sounds like something happening below deck and the primary condenser manifold has been removed from the drive. Cash went ahead to check it out. He said Beale's trying to rip off the ship. Thought you should know. Catch up when you're ready."

Helsinki scowls at Jon. She mutters something under her breath that doesn't sound flattering, and seems to involve Beale.

"Right then, lets go have a look shall we."

Helsinki stomps off in the direction of below decks to see what all the fuss is about.


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Jon, seeing that Helsinki is almost ready to go, waits for her. He lets her lead the way to the cargo hold and follows her with his wrench at the ready.

"Not quite sure what's happening. I hear some voices from the hold but who knows what that means, right?"

Jon does a good job of looking calm, yet his eyes reveal just a touch of fear.

Voidrunner's Codex

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