The Wizard shapes reality through the force of their own willpower. They desire the world to be different, and make it different using magic. Their power comes from themselves, and their Intelligence helps them to use it to affect the world.
The Druid gains magical power from Nature Itself. They know how to work with it to accomplish their goals, how to see and perceive the flow of magic in the natural world. Their power comes from Nature, and their Wisdom helps them to better understand how to use that magic.
So they may both be affecting external things, but the Wizard is affecting it directly with their own power, and the Druid is asking an external power to behave in a way that aligns with their goals.
And a Sorcerer is using some inborn spark to affect it directly with their own power.
And a Cleric is asking an external power to work some miracle.
And a Warlock is using some acquired or stolen power, but using it themselves.
(and none of these are really hard lines, just sort of suggested narrative trends)