Round 1
Round 1:
[sblock=Kenn]You sense obvious hostile intent form the 4 crossbowmen, who seem to be more intent on causing trouble. You might be able to move a bit still)[/sblock]
Khoros leaps atop the train. (The map is wrong then, that was preleap. Post leap, you're on the edge of car D)
One of the guys on car A does something, you think.
Khuther Activates his wand of Mage Armor
Madagin dimention leaps atop the train just in time to see Khuther leap over the top.
Some of the crossbowmen are eyeing you all anxiously.
Tam, is up next
[sblock=OOC: Drowned Hero]Repair light damage is not a Level 0 spell. You need to chose another one[/sblock]
If you don't change your action by the time I get to you, I'll assume it still stands. Hope the crude map helps.