BLEB1: Beer Run (stonegod - Designated Driver)


Tam lies flat against the car's wall and concentrates on not being seen. He doesn't like the idea of the window, going through a mass of hysterical passengers, or using his weapon in a cramped space.

ooc: Manifesting Chameleon (+10 Hide for 20 minutes) and hide. Is the car's roof reasonably flat? and is there a way to reach it easily we know, like a ladder outside the wagon? Somehow I'm imagining the cars similar as those in the western movies.

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First Post
Rio step aside! Fritz will cast Acid Splash targeting on the lock on the door. Hopefully the damage will be enough to allow Rio to open the door in a more calm manor.

ooc: Wow it really took off there, I'll try to check this more frequently.


The man with the probe
Someone said:
Tam lies flat against the car's wall and concentrates on not being seen. He doesn't like the idea of the window, going through a mass of hysterical passengers, or using his weapon in a cramped space.

ooc: Manifesting Chameleon (+10 Hide for 20 minutes) and hide. Is the car's roof reasonably flat? and is there a way to reach it easily we know, like a ladder outside the wagon? Somehow I'm imagining the cars similar as those in the western movies.
OOC: That's mostly what I've been picturing too. Roofs are mostly flat (Some ridges), and indeed, there is a ladder by the door, but you'll have to figure out how to cram your way through the others.


The man with the probe
IamTheTest said:
Rio step aside! Fritz will cast Acid Splash targeting on the lock on the door. Hopefully the damage will be enough to allow Rio to open the door in a more calm manor.

ooc: Wow it really took off there, I'll try to check this more frequently.
OOC: No problem. I'm trying not to get too far ahead of anyone. And while technicaly it shouldn't do enough damage, I like the idea, so I'm being flexable :)

The lock melts under the acid damage and quckly the door is opened by the other side. Rio, Fritz, and Kenn are pushed back by the flood of people (about 20 in all) enter the car. "Quick, someone unhitch this car so we can get away!" someone screams. "They have Valnor ir'Dargen!" someone else cries.

When the dust settles, all but 4 people are in your car, spread about in various disaray. The remaning four. The four left hold crossbows aimed at the door, all the way back towards the end of the next car (The end away from you).

OOC: Initiative and first actions please. I'll let you roll initiative :)


First Post
Fritz, taken aback by the deluge of people into his car, seems a bit shaken.
Initiative for Fritz (1d20+3=5)

Action: held

[sblock=ooc] I'd like to hold on to see where people are if that is possible. I'm a bit confused as to the schematic...the perils of PbP I suppose. By the by, do we know who Valnor ir'Dargen is? I'm not sure if he's a famous NPC (I don't have my books near me) or if he's an unknown celebrity.[/sblock]


First Post
I guess Khoros, on the rooftops, wouldn't be aware of what's going on beneath him, eh? Except for the flood of passengers into our cart.

For ease of description, let's call our starting cart "Cart A". As we move up the train, we have "Cart B" (the one that has 4 crossbowmen), "Cart C", and so on. How many carts up are those men ahead of Khoros?

In any case, Khoros is going to Jump (15) onto Cart B, and then crouch, crabwalking towards the junction between "B" and "C" - maybe he can come behind the crossbowmen? (if he figures out there's people there)


The man with the probe
OOC: You're on Car E, (the final car), they're on top of Car A, and Car D is where the 4 Crossbow men are. (Sorry to reverse it for you, but I had it marked the other way in my notes). No, Valnor ir'Dargen is NOT a famous NPC


Tam Aritz, male psiwarrior 2, AC 17, HP 22/22, PP 2/3

Tam's advance is impeded by the passengers in front of him. "Coming through! move aside!" says as he tries to reach the door and the ladder.

ooc: Try to reach the roof through the ladder. Tam's initiative is 14


First Post
Mardigan hangs out by the window and uses his dimension hop dragonmark ability to get to the roof to aid Khoros wih whatever troubles may be plaguing him on the roof.(since he has no way of knowing what he faces.)

OC: sorry internet went out yesterday and I jus got back.


When Rio was asked to step out of the way, can he have strapped his cold iron morningstar back in place, or should I consider it still in hand?

Initiative (1d20+2=13)

Rio frowns. Ir'Something means a noble from somewhere, anyway.

"Who's got him? We're here to help." Rio tries to determine who the badguys are, and full defends as he move into "car B." He's wary of the crossbowmen, but not sure what side they are on.

Sense Motive +4.

Voidrunner's Codex

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