BLEB1: Beer Run (stonegod - Designated Driver)

Rio readies his cold iron morningstar and steps toward the door, wielding the weapon in both hands.

"I have a key for such locks right here." He says.

Property Damage, PA 2 (1d20+2=7, 1d8+7=9)

2nd Round (1d20+2=5, 1d8+7=13)

ooc: The second round and onward are automatic hits, and a medium sized inanimate object has an AC of 3. Rules here. Those two hits wood easilly splinter a simple wooden door, but this one mau be made of sterner stuff... is there room for more than one of us to smash the door at once?

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"I'll take the window and climb out. You want me to open the door, or do you want to knock it down? It's your decision."

Khoros then pops the window open, and climbs out.

OOC: Just a Climb check, or is there something else I need?

Khoros' Climb Check (1d20+5=21)

(whew... hopefully I don't need to spend an action point!)

Patlin said:
Rio readies his cold iron morningstar and steps toward the door, wielding the weapon in both hands.

"I have a key for such locks right here." He says.

Property Damage, PA 2 (1d20+2=7, 1d8+7=9)

2nd Round (1d20+2=5, 1d8+7=13)

ooc: The second round and onward are automatic hits, and a medium sized inanimate object has an AC of 3. Rules here. Those two hits wood easilly splinter a simple wooden door, but this one mau be made of sterner stuff... is there room for more than one of us to smash the door at once?

Can that wait until Khoros is in position?

Wik said:
Can that wait until Khoros is in position?

ooc: Rio prefers not to wait... if this thing is built like a vault style dungeon iron door, it could take a long time to bash down. Also, the in-character statements Khoros has made seem to suggest breaking down the door. If that's not what he wants, Rio doesn't realize it.

Patlin said:
Rio readies his cold iron morningstar and steps toward the door, wielding the weapon in both hands.

"I have a key for such locks right here." He says.

Property Damage, PA 2 (1d20+2=7, 1d8+7=9)

2nd Round (1d20+2=5, 1d8+7=13)

ooc: The second round and onward are automatic hits, and a medium sized inanimate object has an AC of 3. Rules here. Those two hits wood easilly splinter a simple wooden door, but this one mau be made of sterner stuff... is there room for more than one of us to smash the door at once?
The reinforced door takes 6 good swings before you manage to beat it down. The wind knocks Rio back a bit, but he manages to hold on to the door frame and keep his balance. There's another door to the car in front of you that appears locked, and there are several people pushed up against it.

Wik said:
"I'll take the window and climb out. You want me to open the door, or do you want to knock it down? It's your decision."

Khoros then pops the window open, and climbs out.

OOC: Just a Climb check, or is there something else I need?

Khoros' Climb Check (1d20+5=21)

(whew... hopefully I don't need to spend an action point!)
OOC: You need to figure out how to pop the window first, as it is not designed to open normaly. However, you rolled well.

Khoros finds a weak spot in the window, and pops it out, pulling the glass into the car. The rush of air hits him as well as he begins to climb out.

From here, he can see several ropes on the front of the train, most reaching back towards the first car. There are 2 people on top of the first car, but he can't see anything else ammis immedately.

Kenn flits through the door, a businesslike pistol crossbow in his hand.

"See?" he calls back.
"This is why we let the paladin be the hero."

He gestures resignedly at the next door: he has four knives, a sap, a rapier, and a pistol crossbow on his person. All of which would be laughed at by even a normal door, much less these big heavy buggers.

Unless there's an emergency crowbar or fire axe in the vestibule, therefore, Kenn stays out of Rio's way and watches the people on the top of the train. He suspects ill intent, and readies an action to shoot any of them that looks likely to bring the party trouble.

Khoros climbs onto the top of his cart, crouching. He looks down at Rio and Kenn, busily battering down the door.

"That door locked, too? That's no good." He shouts over the wind rushing through his wild mane.

Looking at the two men on top of the car, Khoros wonders whether or not an attack would be worthwhile.

Sense Motive vs. people on rail car (1d20+2=10)

Unable to tell much about them, he crouches and watches, ready to shift and throw his throwing axe at them if they appear hostile.

Rail Car Initiative (1d20+3=19)

The eyes of the people presses against the door widen with fear, and they try to turn back, but they are unable to, being pressed there by others, and they begin to scream at Rio's first swing.

Khoros can't see far enough to get any kind of reading from the others on top of the front car (we're talking about 200' away). However, he's fairly sure they haven't noticced him yet.

OOC: Again, I'll make most of the rolls, particularly spot, listen, and sense motive rolls. Not to take away your dice, but I like the transperancy.

Rio, you going to keep swinging?

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