Rio readies his cold iron morningstar and steps toward the door, wielding the weapon in both hands.
"I have a key for such locks right here." He says.
Property Damage, PA 2 (1d20+2=7, 1d8+7=9)
2nd Round (1d20+2=5, 1d8+7=13)
ooc: The second round and onward are automatic hits, and a medium sized inanimate object has an AC of 3. Rules here. Those two hits wood easilly splinter a simple wooden door, but this one mau be made of sterner stuff... is there room for more than one of us to smash the door at once?
"I have a key for such locks right here." He says.
Property Damage, PA 2 (1d20+2=7, 1d8+7=9)
2nd Round (1d20+2=5, 1d8+7=13)
ooc: The second round and onward are automatic hits, and a medium sized inanimate object has an AC of 3. Rules here. Those two hits wood easilly splinter a simple wooden door, but this one mau be made of sterner stuff... is there room for more than one of us to smash the door at once?