BLEB1: Beer Run (stonegod - Designated Driver)

Drowned Hero

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Khuther Qbyer Sorcerer

Khuther goes of for a walk on the train and walks its length... now and then he stops to stuff his pipe and smoke a bit. Khuther seems lost in thoughts the most time, but you can see its not the pleasant type of thoughts as his eyebrows arcs in concentration and concern.

After some hrs he is back with the main group where he talk to no one in particular "will this train take us near the Mournland? Ive been told stories of that place and im fascinated with the speculations of what happened there" "my own uncle Hurotle was caught in the event" "a expedition was made to rescue his body after a year but none of the four member of my House that leaved for his body's aid returned" he stuffs his pipe again and sits down.

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"Pray not." Kenn says grimly, looking up from his overpriced travel journal.

He's been busy making the rounds of the other cars, seeing who's who and what's what. (Lots of Gather Information checks)

Talking about Cyre has put Kenn in a grim mood that has yet to lift: he sleeps fitfully and on the rare occasions where the mists over the Mournlands are visible, he stares at them with obsessive intensity.


"Unless we got on the wrong train, all of Thrane will lie between us and fallen Cyre for nearly our entire journey. The wilds hold many things, but we shouldn't see the Mournland this trip."


The man with the probe
It is indeed the right train, which heads allong the Brellish boarder till it turns to head north. It's the night of your second day when the train is rocked. Kenn, Khoros, and Fritz manage to stay on their feat, while Rio, Tam, Khuther, and Mardigan and thrown to the ground. The train screaches a moment, and then continues and slowly begins to loose speed, and just a moment or two later you hear a few loud "Thumps" and then screaming from the cars in front of you.


Tam gets up and looks for his glaive. "Did we crash into something, or is it worse than that?". He then looks for a way to know what's hapening in the forward wagons (looking through a window or similar)

Drowned Hero

First Post
Khuther Qbyer Sorcerer

Khuther falls over as the train rockes

Bront said:
"Thumps" and then screaming from the cars in front of you.

"It may be a hijack people... Be ready"
Khuther draws his morningstar and tries to peek outside the cart towards the screams.


Standing up, Rio checks to make sure all of his gear is secure.

"We better go find out. The train may be being robbed, or it may even be under attack by some sort of monster."


Rio will concentrate, using his ability to sense the aura of evil about malign creatures and persons, directing the center of the 60' cone toward the source of the thump. If he senses anything, he will try to determine the strength and location of the evil aura.

He'll move toward the trouble as he does this at whatever speed he is able. He doesn't want to get left behind, though, so if his companions start dashing toward the problem at high speed he'll abandon his effort in favor of keeping up with the group.


First Post
Fritz, trying to suppress a yelp of terror, will look to his stronger companions for instruction. Seeing some of his compatriots moving toward the door he will follow trying to remember what spells could be helpful.

Voidrunner's Codex

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