ZEITGEIST BSI: Bosum Strand Irregulars

Wow man. No plan survives contact with the enemy, especially min-maxed enemies who seem to want to just push a button to 'solve target mystery.'

Neither Xambria nor Sijhen have any reason to want to go to the ziggurat. Unless they physically drag them there, I don't see why they'd go. I don't know if your party would care, but Xambria would probably go into a panicked fugue the moment she saw the place, then collapse into hysterics if forced to go any closer.

How in the world do you get +20 to Arcana at 5th level? +5 Proficiency, +5 Int, +2 level, +3 skill focus feat, +4 from the human racial ability? I guess it's doable.

It's up to you how to handle this. I mean, my normal desire is to reward a player who invests heavily in a particular area so they get something useful from that investment. But I don't want to 'reward' them with a boring adventure. I still think the Ob do a good job of compartmentalizing against divination magic.

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+5 trained skill, +5 from maxed Int, +2 from level, +2 race bonus (Eladrin), +2 item bonus, +3 feat bonus, +1 untyped (disciple of lore). He actually lacks +2 from background and plans on adding a familiar with Arcana bonus and some encounter skill boost. He also has +17 Perception bonus, +14 Insight, smokes pipe and plays violin. Oh, and he's Sithrak The Awful incarnate, resurrected according to your suggestion, as described in another thread :D

Sijhen actually still does not know that the golden seal of Apet is already in Bergeron's warehouse, so he may be mildly inclined to convince the party to help "recover priceless historic artifact". But he should probably be aware about Voice of Rot's discontent, so he won't go near the zuggurat himself.
Our gunslinger actually roleplayed a pretty convincing reasoning, along the lines "in order to conquer your fears you must face them", supported by natural 20. At worst Xambria can accompany them up to Agate, then simulate violent Distant Madness fit and later, when party is gone, leave a note about receiving a Sending from Bergeron and leaving for Flint, "in order to face my true fear". She can give up Icon of Apet as "reward" for this plan, maybe this will also help with acquiring the trust of the party. I wonder how long I'll be able to keep the facade... :devil:


formerly roadtoad
His Grace, the Duke of Slaughter

The Constables prepared for their ambush of Lorcan Kell. Dester Rathnine, a member of The Family who was undercover in Kell’s Guild, had set up a fictitious meeting between Kell and “Norm,” his Obscurati contact. The meeting would require Kell to cross a Stanfield Canal bridge around 3:00 AM, giving the constables the perfect place to strike. The Senior Constables headed to the bridge, leaving the Junior Constables at HQ to protect their star witness, former Kell lawyer Quentin Augst.

The RHC brought four squads of Flint PD to help them at the bridge. two in boats to cut off an escape by water, and two to block escape at either end of the bridge once Kell’s mechanical carriage was on it. The constables treated the center of the bridge with oil, which Alienor would alight with a flaming bullet when the carriage entered it. Also, so tracking dust was put down to help track Kell in case he managed to escape.

Right on schedule, Kell’s mechanical carriage (with eight mechanical horse legs instead of wheels) trotted onto the bridge. The windows and doors were shut tight and there were no external riders. When the carriage entered the oil, Alienor fired her flaming bullet, surrounding the carriage in a conflagration. James shot out one of the carriage’s legs, and it limped out of the fire. IronPeak jumped onto the bridge behind it, and the others waited for the situation to develop.

Alienor teleported on top of the carriage and opened the roof hatch. Inside, she saw Dester Rathnine, bound and gagged and with an envelope marked “RHC” pinned to him. Underneath him was a bomb, which seemed ready to explode at any moment. Alienor jumped down, grabbed the envelope, and jumped back to the roof of the carriage, leaving Dester to his fate. Alienor opened the envelope, read the card inside, and jumped off the carriage and began sprinting southward. “Get to HQ!” she yelled, dropping the card to the ground.

Summer’s familiar Snow was watching this unfold and informed Summer that there was a captive inside the carriage. Summer told IronPeak, and IronPeak rushed to the carriage, rescued Dester, and managed to push the carriage over the side of the bridge just before it exploded. She then read the note:


Thanks for the show! Keep dancing. I look forward to the Grand Finale!!! -LK

P.S. Sorry about the mess at headquarters.”

The constables made for their new headquarters as fast as they could. Malkie was the quickest in bat form, but even she arrived too late to prevent the slaughter.

At their new headquarters, Magnus Magnusson and Emmeline LeCrochet were watching the front gate. Lila Coldwater, Pablo Duende, and Garson “Bugtree” Wildflower were having a late-night meal. Oksana Kozlov was in the barracks keeping an eye on Augst while he slept, but she had dozed off herself. Magnus and Emmeline heard the lock on the gate turn, as if someone with a key were entering. Magnus called out, “Who’s there?” but got no response until the door opened. Lorcan Kell, flanked by three of his lieutenants, walked through. Two goons with pistols closed the gate behind them and guarded the entrance from the outside.

“It’s me. I’ve got a message for your boss,” he said, walking up to Magnus with his machete out. “Where’s the guy?”

Magnus told Kell that “the guy” had free reign of the place, so he could be anywhere. Also, Magnus told Kell he’d be happy to deliver a message. Kell thanked him, told him, “It’s not really that kind of message,” and then hacked at him repeatedly with his machete. The young cleric fell in a bloody heap. Emmeline rushed to his side to help, but as quickly as she tried to stanch the bleeding, Kell just hacked some more. Luckily for her, he didn’t have time to hack her up and search for the lawyer. He brushed past her to get to a door that led to an inner courtyard. In that courtyard, he found Oksana and Augst trying to make their escape to the basement (which had sewer access and also a ton of old cells in which to hide).

The constables who were eating had full view of the base invasion. Lila and Pablo took the path of least resistance, going right out the cafeteria window and into the small courtyard where Magnus lay dying. The lieutenants fired their guns and the constables responded with magic and steel. Within moments, one of the lieutenants, Rufus Hammerton, lay dead. Kell Guild priestess Kate Glenn dashed past the fight to start searching a small barracks, but Pablo and Emmeline caught up with her and took her down. The last lieutenant, Nick Reder, was facing four constables when he heard Kell hollering from the inner courtyard: “Found him!”

Kell raced toward Augst and hacked him savagely with his man-killing machete, even pulling a knife out of his coat with his left hand and sticking it in the man for good measure. He fell instantly. Oksana tried to escape by grabbing the lawyer, tossing him over her shoulder, and making for a side door, but Kell caught her before she could open the door. He hacked her into submission with his machete, and then picked up Augst by the hair and slit his throat as Oksana passed out. Kell saw Nick Reder running to join him and told him to keep searching the place and to kill anyone he found.

As Nick moved into the main building, Lila grabbed a healing potion for Magnus, Emmeline made for the magical alarm under Delft’s desk, Bugtree moved back into the cafeteria to head off Nick, and Pablo dashed into the main courtyard to take on Kell himself. Kell chopped the big barbarian down in a matter of seconds, hacking and hacking until Pablo fell to one knee and Kell took off Pablo’s head with a final powerful stroke.

Nick had managed to tackle Bugtree but Bugtree had transformed from his natural Wilden form into a swarm of wasps. As Nick was starting to think that this was perhaps the worst thing he’d ever held, Kell found them and stomped on all the wasps until they turned into an unconscious Wilden, which he killed.

With two constables and their witness all dead, the remaining junior constables made their retreats. Lila got Magnus back on his feet and escaped out a side door. Magnus revived Oksana and the two of them went out the door Oksana had been trying to open. Emmeline set off the alarm and, as Nick closed on her position, she simply phased right through the outer wall.

The junior constables scattered into the city and Kell’s people had the run of RHC Headquarters for a few minutes. Before long, though, they gathered their dead and left the RHC dead out for the returning senior constables to find…
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formerly roadtoad
Explosion Day

After the slaughter at RHC Headquarters, no one wanted to sleep. Summer asked the stars some questions and went to meditate. IronPeak’s Martial Science sense was telling her that the constables were not gaining enough power (or “levels,” to use the Battalion nomenclature) in relation to their experiences. She took a trip to The Battalion to see if anyone would know why. James took the time to study the schematics for the eschatologist bomb, as the potential bombing was only six hours away.

Summer’s three questions were only vaguely answered by the stars. When she asked who had informed Kell about the ambush, she was confronted with thousands of faces: everyone she knew, in addition to many she did not. Clearly, her divination was being blocked. When she meditated on where to find the bomb, she saw it sitting on a moving train. James informed her that the bomb had an anti-divinatory component, so the group did not trust that answer. Lastly, she tried to find a way to enter the Bleak Gate without Kell’s help. She had a vision of a man stabbing a table with a knife, like the man Quentin Augst had been meeting with at the Rock Rackus show. That man would have to be tracked down. Ekossigan’s orphan-sacrificing ritual was happening at midnight tonight if they didn’t provide him with an alternative.

IronPeak went to see her instructors at The Battalion School of Martial Science, and she found a professor who told her that most people never reached the power of IronPeak and the other constables, so most never noticed a feature of Risur that he called “the level cap.” The land of Risur was giving tiny pieces of its own power to its citizens and residents, but it was technically an extension of the Rites of Rulership that made the king have nearly godlike power. The ancient pact between Risur’s first king, Kelland, and the spirits of the land not only gave the king an immense amount of power, but it also extended to his subjects. However, subjects of the king could not gain power beyond a certain level without the king’s express permission. Usually, this would be accompanied be the granting of a title of some kind.

Upon returning to Headquarters and sharing this news with the group, some wild speculations began. Malkie pointed out that Lorcan Kell clearly was more powerful than any of the constables, and went by the self-appointed title “His Grace, the Duke of Slaughter.” Was he actually a noble of some kind, with commensurate power rewards? Why would the king appoint a Duke of Slaughter? Delft pointed out that he had given Kell that title on his security report to the king, along with naming Gale “Her Majesty, Princess Fairy Dust.” The group had encountered her this week as well, and she had clearly gained huge amounts of power. Had he unwittingly granted these two extra power by giving them formal titles in a report to the king, thereby planting in his head the idea that these two were nobles, and causing a subconscious granting of power? Cazara suggested that Kell and Gale had not gained their power from the land, but had probably tapped into the Bleak Gate and Dreaming, respectively, especially since the constables knew they were working for the Obscurati and Ekossigan, who had access to those two realms.

James’s study of the bomb was complete, or at least as complete as it could become before seeing it in person. The bomb was constructed of a large armored barrel divided into eight chambers, with wires magically transferring the eight separate components from one chamber to the next until an explosive reaction would take place. The bomb could be deactivated by cutting all the wires, but two of the 28 wires would carry a current every 3.13 seconds. If he accidentally cut a wire in the midst of a transfer, it would prematurely set off the bomb. If it hadn’t finished mixing, the explosion would not be as catastrophic as planned, but it would be enough to kill the bomb team at the least.

The eight components of the bomb were:
⁃ Fire Humor: the triggering agent
⁃ Aether: that which fills vacuum, to increase the blast radius
⁃ Phlogiston: liquid elemental fire, the actual explosive element
⁃ Frayed Chronosomia: threads of fluid time, to deter divination
⁃ Witchoil: the captured souls of the dead, an accelerant.
⁃ Blood infused with Ambergris: a calming agent, to prevent early detonation
⁃ Serpent’s Loop: scales of a snake that ate itself, makes fire consume any substance
⁃ Frostburn: transmuted phlogiston that freezes, to cover everything in ice.

A last wire, the “Black,” worked as a magical ground wire to prevent early triggering as long as it was in contact with the ground. If the Black were severed (or lit by an electrical charge), the bomb would begin its activation. James calculated that full activation would take 26 minutes and 18 seconds.

The constables headed to the Subrail opening that the dwarves had threatened. Governor Stanfield had been adamant that the ribbon-cutting ceremony should go on as planned, but be transformed into a trap for the doomsday cult. If they just canceled it, the bomb would go somewhere else, but if they turned it into a trap, then the RHC could seize and deactivate the bomb. The VIPs at the event had been replaced with undercover police, except for Stanfield himself, who had been through many deaths already and clearly had no fear of another. A police officer working the crowd proudly told IronPeak that his men had already arrested every dwarf they had seen.

The constables and Stanfield went down into the station, leaving Flint PD to their racial profiling. Stanfield had set up two unfueled trains as decoys, in case the dwarves wanted to put their bomb on a train and bomb somewhere else. These trains each had a small detachment of police officers to protect it. As the constables were scouting the station, a police officer came running down to tell them that five dwarves had just rushed the police line and had been subdued. IronPeak, Malkie, and James went to question these dwarves. Just as they left, the sounds of gunfire erupted from one of the tunnels. An army of eschatological dwarves had arrived and engaged the police in battle.

The constables ducked into cover as the dwarves shot their way into the train station. Alienor fired off some magical explosive bullets that should have taken down large groups of dwarves, but in their furor, the dwarves seemed to ignore their impending deaths. At the back, two dwarves stood out amongst the crowd: one with an icy pipe in his mouth who matched the description of Grundun Zubov, and another with a patch over one eye, who was preaching a prophecy of doom while pulling a small cart loaded down by a large barrel with a protruding wire that dragged along the ground.

James, IronPeak, and Malkie heard the gunfire and returned as quickly as they could, but the sight of nearly twenty dwarves with guns deterred most of them from proceeding past the stairs where Governor Stanfield had been preparing his speech. Cazara and Alienor huddled behind the cover of pillars. Summer teleported to the stairs with the others, while Malkie turned to mist and slipped through the ventilation system to outflank the dwarves.

Governor Stanfield was fearless, advancing straight toward Zubov and telling him that his cause was hopeless and his philosophy misguided. “I stand before you as living proof that death is not the end, and everything you work toward is wrong.” Zubov ordered his dwarves to ignore the talkative Deva and focus on the actual threats to their mission.

The battle raged around the subrail station. The prophet threw out a darkness spell, which blinded many of the constables. Zubov’s hammer spawned an underground blizzard, making it hard to see even where there was light. Zubov kept casting a spell that drained the lives of those around him, and seemed particularly focused on taking down Cazara, who was suffering the most form his magic and his hammer. Zubov’s minions kept up their exchange of gunfire with Alienor and James as long as they could, but eventually the constables won out and all that was left were Zubov and his prophet. Malkie appeared behind the prophet and reached into his mind, winning his loyalty with her vampiric charms. Zubov fell to one knee and saw that the end was nigh. He ordered the prophet to light the bomb, but the prophet refused. With a scoff, Zubov ordered the dwarf to die. The prophet complied with this order and then Zubov pulled out a magic wand and shot an electrical spark at the bomb, igniting its fuse before he was shot to death by James, delivering a critical trick shot that deflected off of IronPeak’s shield before striking home.

The combat was over and the most dangerous portion of the morning was about to begin. James and Summer moved in to defuse the bomb. Stanfield and the others gathered close to watch, except for Malkie, who became a bat and flew as far as her wings could take her.

James took his time to study the bomb’s pattern of activations, with Summer helping to see the magical auras. He meticulously clipped wire after wire, narrowly avoiding disaster when Summer touched a wire connecting Phlogiston to Witchoil to indicate it was safe. Just before James was going to cut, Summer was burned by the charge going through the line. Had James made that cut, it would have been the end. They took more time on future wires and made the final wire cut with a minute to spare.

The apocalypse cult had been stopped (with the exception of that mimic, which was still out in the city, somewhere). However, there was little time to rest. Ekossigan’s orphan-sacrificing ritual was only 13 hours away, and they still had to track down the man with the knives.


formerly roadtoad
DM's Note: I adjusted the Bomb-defusing skill challenge as follows:

Because James's Thievery is 12, and he's a Technologist (+5), and he's trained in Arcana (+2), and I allowed one assist (Summer needed to roll a 5 on the die for another +2), for a total potential bonus of 21, which was the maximum potential difficulty, I made some adjustments to the Skill Challenge, which I feel made it more itneresting:

First, I bumped all the DCs by 6, then I took out James Arcana bonus, which means he was facing DCs of 21-27, but only had a +16 to +19 (depending on Assist). That's pretty harsh, but then I added in one other bonus:

I ruled that it took 1 minute to make a cut at normal DC, but that the could spend extra time studying the pattern, gaining an extra +1 for each minute spent. Since the bomb was going to take 26 minutes to go off, this gave the potential for some interesting resource management. 1 minute to take off the cover and one minute per cut left them with 18 spare +1s to throw around, or an average of about 2.5 per cut. They made a few cuts with no extra time, including making one exactly on the DC when Summer failed her assist and got 1d6 damage. Then they started to use some of the time, but ended up with 11 spare minutes to make the final cut. All in all, it made for a tense time for everyone (except Malkie's player, who couldn't care less if everyone dies).


Great recap. I wonder, how did you generate 'junior constable' stats? As far as I remember, by book they just use NPC lvl7 statblocks, did you generate them as PC?


formerly roadtoad
We made them level 4 PCs. After the HQ destruction at the end of Digging For Lies, I put an "RHC Now Hiring" notice in our facebook group and asked for people to submit 4th-level characters. They put in 4 or 5 and then I added enough to make a total of 8 so there would be a few spares.


formerly roadtoad
After James Chinast’s heroic bomb disposal, most of the constables needed a break. Everyone but Summer and Malkie headed home for a nap after working through the night and into the morning. Malkie, Summer, and some junior constables (who were slowly recovering from the Duke of Slaughter) started looking for the man Summer had seen in her vision. Emmeline had spotted this man talking to Quentin Augst at the Rock Rackus show, but the only thing they knew about him was that he liked to stick knives into tables.

They asked Dester Rathnine, and he identified the man as “Norm,” Kell’s liaison to the Obscurati. Dester knew that Norm liked to hang out in bars, and suggested three options: The Pig and Bucket (where the menu is the name), The Rat & Hammer (where you hope that’s not the menu), and The King’s Head. Dester also shared that Norm was rumored to have the ability to change into a burst of shadow as well as powerful mind-control abilities. With some sidelong glances at Malkie, the team decided to collect Asrabey for this mission. The reasoning was that eladrin were resistant to charms and also that Norm should have the key to getting Ekossigan’s army into the Bleak Gate without having to sacrifice some number of orphans, which would help Asrabey achieve his goals.

The teams split up into three groups. Asrabey refused to go with anyone but Summer. On their way to the Rat & Hammer, Asrabey took the opportunity to talk with Summer. “Now that we’re alone,” he said, “we can speak plainly. How is your mission going? I haven’t heard from you in 50 years. That’s a long time to not hear from my wife.” Summer took this pile of exposition in stride, and told him everything was going fine and Asrabey should just do as he’s told. He complied, and the two of them continued to their destination in silence. Form outside the bar, they spotted Norm sitting at the bar. Summer dispatched her raven, Snow, to alert the other groups to meet her at the Rat & Hammer. She had Asrabey put on her invisibility cloak, which caused some hilarious interactions when the other constables arrived and found Asrabey missing and Summer saying everything was fine. Several suspicious questions about mind control and/or polymorph spells were deflected and finally everyone fell into position to back up Summer as she went to talk to Norm.

When Summer sat next to Norm (with Asrabey invisibly lurking behind him), he nodded and addressed her as “Ma’am.” A brief conversation revealed that Norm was deferent to Summer, as though he expected to receive orders from her. Once she discovered that Norm was willing to work for her, Summer asked if he could help get a large group of people into the Bleak Gate. Norm informed her that “the usual way” should work fine, and so she asked him to meet her at the first bridge over the Stanfield Canal at 7 PM.

The junior constables headed back and tagged out for the senior team, who met Norm at the canal bridge to test out the passage to the Bleak Gate. The team had painted the five runes they learned from Quentin Augst on themselves. Norm asked if they had a boat, but when they said they didn’t, he said they could just walk along the canal, under the bridges. As they passed under each of the five large bridges along the canal, they slowly slipped into a dark mirror version of the city of Flint. When they finally passed all the way through, the found themselves in a nearly lightless and soundless world — a shadowy, dead version of the city.

A pair of bored guards at the end of the path waved some wands over the constables, apparently completing their passage to the Bleak Gate. With the test run complete, a few of the constables headed back into the real world to spread the word. Snow and Asrabey sent word to Ekossigan to bring his army to the canal entrance.

James collected Grappa, the murder victim who had transferred his consciousness into his nearly-destroyed golem servant last summer, and who had been nothing more than a mysterious mechanical head in James’s office for the past 9 months. Grappa was now a fully-mobile mechanical man. He had once worked for the Obscurati, but had apparently had a change of heart and escaped the Bleak Gate facility. He had offered to serve the RHC as a guide once they made their incursion into the Bleak Gate, and now was the time.

Ekossigan’s army of some three hundred fey creatures danced and partied their way through Parity Lake, buoyed by the celebratory piping of their Satyr contingent. Upon arriving at the canal entrance, Summer instructed them on the runes that they must inscribe on themselves. Some used paint, some used magic, others burned markings into their bark, and others used chromatophores to change their skin color. They partied their way down the canal while the common folk of the Bosum Strand stayed safe in their homes. Upon arriving inside the Bleak Gate, the army was greeted by those two guards, who were now far less bored. They dutifully used their wands on the fey army, but the shadow trolls living under the Bleak Gate version of the canal bridges were not so gullible. They dropped out of the shadows beneath their bridges and attacked Ekossigan’s army. The constables and Grappa made a quick exit, but not before Cazara stole a boat to allow them to travel on the Bleak Gate version of Parity Lake.

Grappa told the constables that there were three main ways to get into the facility under Cauldron Hill. here were the various “main entrances” that all led to tunnels which led to a heavily-guarded front gate. There were a series of exhaust vents on top of the mountain tat could be used to descend into the facility form above. They chose the third route: a water entrance along Parity Lake, for bringing in shipments of smuggled goods from the real-world Parity Lake factories. The guards at the lake entrance recognized Summer, calling her “Madame Varal.” They opened up the gate and followed her orders to go and fight the incoming invasion of fey.

Summer was bemused that everyone here seemed to recognize her and know more about her than she knew herself. She had no memories since her childhood. “And for that, I must apologize,” said Grappa, who Summer had taken to calling “Robot Grampa” by this point. “I saw the evil you were involved in, and knew that you were, at heart, a good person, so —when I turned against my former allies—I took you with me and erased your memories. I had hoped that regressing you to childhood would allow you to see the evils you had done. I hoped against hope that you would work to fix your mistakes, and I am so glad to see you doing just that, Kasvarina.”

After that plot bomb, the group traveled on into the Obscurati facility. Whenever there was a lever to pull to work some machinery, they had Summer do it, just in case there were security measures that might identify her as an apparent leader of the organization. Eventually, they came to a set of security doors that worked similar to an airlock: only one set could be opened at a time. This forced the group to bunch up in a small room. When they tried to open the second set of doors, instead the lights went out and a voice spoke to them.

“I don’t know whether to be impressed with you getting past my security, or disappointed in the men who were supposed to stop you. But men, after all, are weak. That’s why we build machines, why we have progress! All we’re good for is thinking. That, and enjoying the pleasures in life.”

They heard a soft sip, as if from a wine glass, then a contented sigh.

“Best to leave the violence and physical labor to the steam and steel. Now I leave it to you to decide whether to go the easy way or the hard way. Throw down your weapons and have a drink with me, and I’ll explain what it is we’re doing here. Would you believe the engineers we had working on it thought this was a Risuri military project? They were fools, and I’d like to hold out hope that you’re not fools. So yes, throw down your weapons and we can think, and talk, and enjoy life. Or be foolish, and see which breaks first: your flesh, or my steel.”

Most of the group dutifully dropped their weapons, though Alienor only unloaded her guns and stowed them. The doors opened, revealing a huge factory floor, full of machinery and equipment. The most impressive feature of the factory was the 300-foot tall colossal golem which seemed to be nearly complete. The golem was not awake.

Summer turned to “Grampa.” “This is what you built?”

“Well, someone else built it. I just made its mind. That’s what I do: make minds.”

“So you can control it?” she asked.

“No,” he said, “it can only be controlled by its Mother.” He gave her a pointed look.

As the group entered the factory area, three smaller witchoil-powered golems closed on them, seemingly intent on combat. The doors between the constables and their weapons began to close…


formerly roadtoad
Cauldron Born

The three witchoil golems were closing in and the constables had just left their weapons behind at Leone Quital’s request. As the massive doors began to shut, separating the constables and their weapons, Xambria manifested and began shuttling items out the doors. The golems surrounded the constables, but nearly everyone was able to escape their trap:

Alienor ran for the corner of the massive room, taking cover behind some crates. Cazara launched herself through the air in complete defiance of gravity and soared to the shoulder of the slumbering colossus, gliding in as though suspended by invisible wires. IronPeak withstood the storm of hits from the trio of golems. James and Summer ran for a nearby lift to take them to the colossus the slow way. Malkie turned invisible and made for the other lift. At the top of that lift was a door to what seemed to be offices or a control room, and she meant to find Leone Quital and pay him back for her nearly-forgotten murder in another reality… or something… Malkie’s relationship to reality was always interesting.

The lead golem, Colin, seemed jovial enough, as he and his “men” took on IronPeak. “Robot Grampa” Alexander Grappa tried to talk them down, explaining who he was and that he had helped create them and that these people were here to help, but they would have none of it. When Colin tried to re-enact the Battle of Mount Associa by collapsing upon IronPeak like an avalanche, she recognized the gambit and was able to sidestep him. Still, against three mechanical men, she was no match. James teleported back to her side to get her back on her feet, leaving Summer and Cazara to awaken the colossus on their own.

Cazara stepped close to the colossus’s ear, and held out her messenger feather to its ear, urging Summer to talk to the the thing through the feather and tell it who she was. Cazara felt a rumble of machinery under her feet as the colossus began to power up.

Just as Malkie was reaching the upper door, it opened up and out came Lorcan Kell, surrounded by several henchmen and a shadowy figure. “I thought I gave you folks a warning!” he shouted, leering about for something to kill. Malkie flew into action, harassing the group of six enemies by herself, constantly flitting in and out of visibility and corporeality, leaving Kell’s team with nothing to fight back against.

Two of Kell’s pistoliers made for Cazara’s position atop the colossus, where she had now been joined by Summer. They fired their guns at the two, who managed to scamper across to the far shoulder, using its massive head for cover. The colossus began to stir, and one movement of its arm crashed into the access bridge the pistoliers were advancing across, sending one of them flying to his death.

IronPeak had defeated the two lesser golems, with considerable assistance from Alienor, sniping from behind cover. Only Colin remained. He fell to one knee, then toppled over backwards, spewing witchoil everywhere. “An excellent tactical exercise,” he said, “Let’s call it a draw!” James and Grappa rushed to his side. Grappa was convinced that if they restored Colin to health, he would join their cause.

Kell and the rest of his gang rode their lift down toward IronPeak and James’s position. Malkie continued to harry them, but was running low on resources. Soon, she would be out of invisibility potions and need to make an escape. As she contemplated this, Leone Quital came flying out of the door the Kell had exited moments earlier. Quital soared to the middle of the room, also entirely in disrespect of the laws of gravity. He spied Summer atop the colossus and hurled misogynist insults at her, followed by a series of I-beams. Summer took the impact massive bar of metal, but managed to hold on to the colossus, avoiding the 300-foot fall off of its shoulder.

Alienor focused her scope on Quital and pulled out a special bullet enchanted with his name. The bullet was carved from Alienor’s own horn to get through Quital’s mastery of magnetic forces. She fired, but he managed to deflect the bullet with sheet of metal he levitated into position just in time. The bullet still punched through the shield and struck Quital, but he had avoided the worst of it.

James and Grappa got Colin back on his feet and he agreed to fight alongside IronPeak, as she had been such an excellent training partner, and any friend of Grappa’s was a friend of Colin’s. Grappa hurried to the far lift and started his way up to the colossus.

The colossus was now responding to Summer’s commands and she instructed it to attack everyone on the lift where Kell and his gang were fighting Malkie. Malkie heard this and jumped up the wall out of the way. Unfortunately, before she could down he last potion of invisibility, the Obscurati assassin was upon her. She teleported Malkie back down to the floor of the lift, right next to Kell. He grinned. “Time to settle those debts.” He hacked at her with his machete, and stuck a couple of daggers in her for good measure. Malkie was dead, again… for something like the fifth time? Had she at last met her fate? Would she return from death again as an amorphous pile of goo animated by sheer stubbornness? Does death mean anything in this world? These are questions for another day…

Kell triumphantly exited his lift and charged at IronPeak, eager to kill his fourth RHC constable this week. Colin interceded, smashing Kell in the face. Alienor followed up with a bullet with Kell’s name on it. The force of the shot knocked Kell backward, and he fell to his death in the colossus construction pit.

Quital finally hit Summer solidly with an I beam, after four or five tries. Summer’s unconscious form fell from the colossus’s shoulder. In a rage, it swatted Quital out of the air and tried to climb toward the ceiling. Cazara repelled down its back, arriving at the floor ahead of Summer, whose Boots of Feather Falling had saved her from a fatal fall.

The colossus tore the roof off the place, sending massive chunks of stone and steel cascading into the room below. Cazara grabbed Summer and hunkered down in an access tunnel at the base of the construction pit. James opened an access hatch to a tunnel in the corner of the room, allowing himself and IronPeak to similarly hide out from the collapse of the structure. Alienor and Kell’s men were not so lucky, nor were Quital and Grappa.

The colossus tore through the roof and destroyed the many wards keeping the facility in the Bleak Gate. As it pulled itself up out of the mountain, the colossus looked down upon the city of Flint. The entire facility had moved into the real world. After a moment of looking upon this new world, the colossus began to explore, causing an avalanche as it stepped down Cauldron Hill. It wandered off into the night, leaving the constables to be recovered by search and rescue teams.

Alienor survived the collapse, but Kell’s men were all killed. Once the rescue teams dug everyone out, they discovered that Grappa and Quital were missing.

The next day was supposed to bring the Danor-Risur peace summit, but surely dealing with the colossus would be a higher priority…


formerly roadtoad
whew. finished Heroic tier last night with an "epic" showdown with the colossus closing in on the Coaltongue as the constables fought off wave after wave of witchoil monstrosities and the ghosts of those who died over the past year.

full writeup coming soon (maybe tonight). As we head into Paragon tier, we will be starting with some of Diaspora, to give Summer-Kasvarina's story a kick, then scattering the memories throughout adventures 6 and 7 before finishing up Diaspora in, hopefully, a year or so. Here's hoping that works. :)

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