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BtVS - 12/16/02




Buffy and the gang are researching the First. Can't find anything on it. Andrew is tied to a chair; Dawn thinks he's faking being asleep so he won't have to answer questions, so she smacks him really hard. No reaction.

Buffy's mom appears and talks to Buffy. She thinks it's the First, and then Xander wakes her up. She's confused.

(I think the credits were here.)

Dawn and Anya pour water on Andrew to wake him up. They're going to go get hot water, but he finally wakes up. Buffy threatens him, he tells them about the seal in the basement of the school.

They go find it, cover it over with dirt, and leave with their shovels. On the way out, they run into Principal Wood, who also has a shovel. They eye each other suspicously, and make lame excuses, and move on. They're all stupid.

Buffy goes out to patrol or something. She opens the door, and Giles is there. With three little slayerettes, two British girls and one American.

Giles tells them the First is killing all the pre-slayers. Then it will kill Buffy, and Faith, and with no new slayer to be called, apparently the quotient of slayer-ness in the world will be disappated. No more slayers, ever.

Giles has called all the remaining slayerettes to Sunnydale. He also stole the Council's books about the First (like two books and a big folder) before the Council was detonated by the First. One of the slayerettes dumps them on the table from her backpack. He tells them the First can't physically touch things, and it can only impersonate people who have died.

Buffy and Giles go out to check out the Christmas tree lot from season 3, where Buffy first encountered the First's minions. She falls down a hole into a cave, and gets her butt kicked by the ubervamp, but eventually escapes out the top. Giles comes running up after she has climbed all the way out.

Buffy and the gang hole up at the house with weapons. One of the slayerettes panics and runs off; she gets ganked by the ubervamp.

Buffy goes out and gets her butt kicked by the ubervamp again. For some reason it doesn't kill her, but leaves her buried under a pile of rubble. Xander, Giles and Willow find her the next morning.

They go home, Buffy makes a very stirring speech about how they're not going to just wait on the First any more, but attack, like an army, or a team or something. It was kind of a lame speech.

Through all this, Spike has been in some cave with the first, they show him occasionally. The First has decided impersonating Drusilla will be fun today, but Spike isn't buying it. "She was crazier than that." He's still a prisoner at the end of the ep.



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mouseferatu said:
Yeah, none of this proves anything, and Giles could be dead, but I doubt it. And I certainly hope not, since he's easily the coolest character ever on this show. [/B]

You said it. From the first season until now, my enjoyment of the show always increases when Giles is heavily featured.


First Post
I don't think Giles is dead.....

I think in the end Buffy will have to pick the new Slayer...and she won't choose Dawn.

I don't think that chick was hitting on Willow. I think she was just making a joke in a sisterly type way...and since she was hot, it made Willow a little uncomfortable..

I think I'm in love with Drusilla...:D

.....i think to much....:p


First Post
I never put too much creed into the Dawn Slayer link, but they have really made some changes in her character to make her strong both mentally and physically. In many ways she is stronger mentally than Buffy.
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First Post
KnowTheToe said:
I never put too much creed into the Dawn Slayer link, but they have really made some changes in her character to make her strong both mentally and physically. In many ways she is stronger mentally than Buffy.

Well, maybe, but Dawn hasn't had the tons of responsibility on her shoulders that Buffy has had since finding out she's the Slayer.

Whatever happens this season, I'm finding this storyline much more appealing than season 5, which was how Joss had originally planned to end the series.

John Crichton

First Post
do you smell what Joss is cookin' ?

For a mid-season ep, that was a really good. Sets up the last 12 episodes quite nicely while leaving plenty of wiggle-room for speculation. The thing I'm thinking right now is how Spike fits into all of this. His character is great fun to watch especially now that he has the soul and Buffy's moral support. I smell anti-hero fun....


First Post
For the next two weeks I know that there are going to be repeats. They are actually playing 2 episodes back to back for the next 2 weeks. After that...who knows? Maybe it will be new.

As for Giles & such, I think he's dead. My husband and I both thought so. He didn't help her out of the hole, he didn't touch anything, he had the apprentice slayers take the books out, and he kept saying things like "THEY'RE depending on you," not "WE'RE depending on you."

The episode itself was pretty good. I loved all the pop culture references (especially the Wonder Woman...I'm a huge WW fan!) I am looking forward to the next new ep. :)
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Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
I really enjoyed the episode and I like where the season is going. Especially the fact they aren't planning to sit around and let the problem come to them anymore, but are going to go searching for it.

As for the Giles being dead or not. I think he is alive, mainly because it would be too obvious for him to be dead, but then again who knows Joss may have some unique turn on the whole thing. So I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride. :)


First Post
First of all, SPIKE is the best character on the show. Secondly, I am WAY beyond confused here. I finally get UPN, so I watch Buffy on tuesday at 7:00. (Utah time) it was the episode where Willow comes back and almost gets eaten by a skin eating parasite. Anyway, I tune in the next tuesday, and suddenly Spike is being held captive by the First, Willow looks as though she's been there for quite a while. Did I miss something? is there more Buffy on besides on tues.? If so, when?! And thirdly, how the hell does buffy think she can destroy the First? It's not that she isn't powerfull, it's that if this thing is what started evil, it IS evil. And as much as some would like to destroy it, it's impossible. Evil is everywhere, it's a part of us, and it very well could always be. there's no way to destroy ALL the evil in the world, you may be able to drive it back, but not defeat it.

Anyway, live long and prosper.:D

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