Dragonlance Building a Dragonlance character, according to DDB.

Thommy H-H

I'm curious if they will mention gully dwarves ever again in 5E. They were briefly mentioned in Tales from the Yawning Portal as a way to make Sunless Citadel take place in Krynn (replace kobolds with gully dwarves while not explaining what they were for those who might not know). Guessing they'll just leave them in the past without addressing them one way or the other, which is probably for the best.
If they really feel like they have to for continuity purposes, they should just have them be a cultural group composed of exiles and outcasts from the other dwarven nations (or the descendants thereof) like Tolkien's petty dwarves, with no impact on stats or anything else. It would simply be a backstory element for your hill or mountain dwarf PC, with perhaps the suggestion that some other dwarves have spread nasty rumours about them in the past or something.

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
A few points on the article:

Kagonasti: Are these stated the same as Silvenisti (wood elves in the PHB)? They have been wild elves on occasion.

Forest gnomes: "While forest gnomes exist, they are rarer than their rock gnome cousins and prefer to seek harmony between nature and science rather than pursue endless innovation." I think this is completely new lore.
No, even as far back as Dragonlance Adventures, it was mentioned that both traditional (Minoi) and Tinker (Gnomoi) exist in Ansalon, though the Minoi are fewer in number. Also, the Bilo Gnomes, a third group, exist in Taladas.

Hmmm...now I'm pondering making a Kender-turned-Haregon monk named Jaxx.

He accidentally offended a mage when he took the wizard's spell component pouch off the red robe to find out if it really contained a demon inside. When the rather now red-faced (who knew they could get their faces to match their robes?) wizard caught up with him and retrieved his pouch, he gave the Kender a "magic demonstration" and turned the Kender into a green-furred rabbitoid and left in a huff.

Amazed by this change, the transformed Kender left his homeland (after having his new race dubbed Haregon by misunderstanding travelers he met for "Hare today, gone tomorrow"), the Kender wandered into Solamnia where he was taken in by a monastic order who felt sorry for the little bugger. After partially completing his training, he's now back to wandering, taking the mystical skills he ...uh, learned... with him.
If I did a kender turned haregon I would want someone to take rabbit feed and make a breakfast cereal so i could keep 'handling it'

At the end of the day, it was one of two possible compromises: the Theros model (here is the classic options, ask your DM if you want something more esoteric) or the Don't Mention It model (the text doesn't outright say what is/isn't classic DL, but doesn't use any nontraditional DL options for NPCs or monsters). Further, the suggestions seem to only address races and all classes normally found in the PHB will be available.
those were the two I was pushing as I was told I was killing the setting


those were the two I was pushing as I was told I was killing the setting
My money was that WotC would choose the latter option and just shadow-ban non-traditional monsters and races, but I think the fact they have to replace halflings with kender gives them the out to mention some of the other classic omissions. So my guess is that SotDQ will detail the classic races, mention a few canonical non natives, and be silent on all the supplemental stuff and monsters.

My money was that WotC would choose the latter option and just shadow-ban non-traditional monsters and races, but I think the fact they have to replace halflings with kender gives them the out to mention some of the other classic omissions. So my guess is that SotDQ will detail the classic races, mention a few canonical non natives, and be silent on all the supplemental stuff and monsters.
The fact the DDB article mentions anything beyond here's a kender now makes me wonder just how much world lore will actually be in the adventure book. To me, Schneider made it sounds like some lore would be explored as the group encountered the situation where they might need to know something about it so I didn't expect much in the beginning about race for example. If the lore makes up a decent chunk of the book, then the Spelljammer 5E format might have made more sense to allow easier access to player facing information. We'll see I guess.


The fact the DDB article mentions anything beyond here's a kender now makes me wonder just how much world lore will actually be in the adventure book. To me, Schneider made it sounds like some lore would be explored as the group encountered the situation where they might need to know something about it so I didn't expect much in the beginning about race for example. If the lore makes up a decent chunk of the book, then the Spelljammer 5E format might have made more sense to allow easier access to player facing information. We'll see I guess.
Don't get me wrong, I don't expect more info than what this article mentioned.


The fact the DDB article mentions anything beyond here's a kender now makes me wonder just how much world lore will actually be in the adventure book. To me, Schneider made it sounds like some lore would be explored as the group encountered the situation where they might need to know something about it so I didn't expect much in the beginning about race for example. If the lore makes up a decent chunk of the book, then the Spelljammer 5E format might have made more sense to allow easier access to player facing information. We'll see I guess.
The good thing is that they don't have to use 64 pages for monsters. They already have draconian's in Fizbans Treasury of Dragons. Death Knight is in the MM now, and so on. Maybe they'll reprint Draconians here? not sure, but we won't get 64 pages of monsters. and that's fine by me.
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