D&D (2024) Can we have a discussion about the assumptions we make in terms of balance?

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I'm saying that the class is weak, not that it isn't popular.

So after a near decade, in the hands of gamers no less you know the type who obsess about effectiveness and optimization, the issue is that its weak?

Or is the issue actually that it works at exactly what people (the most people!) want it to do?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Or we can just assume that "level" equates to power so that levels should be equal regardless of how powerful a given power source is.

If a level 12 fighter is the same effectiveness as a level 10 wizards, then the fighter should have reached that level at the same time the wizard reached level 10.
Go back to varying experience tables by class and get rid of milestone leveling.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
It's abstract, so that's just extra work. Easier to just have levels represent relative effectiveness. If levels 10, 11, and 12 for X are only as good as level 10 for Y then combine 10, 11, and 12 for X into a single level 10.
But we already have a working system for my idea. Yours we would have to make up completely.


But we already have a working system for my idea. Yours we would have to make up completely.
Nah, it would just be leveling, except equal.

Levels would be levels of effectiveness.

In the short term you could just have certain levels where a character gains extra levels to keep up.

Tony Vargas

Remind me, the most popular Class/Subclass again?
The Fighter has always been the most popular class in D&D. It was the most popular class when it was a balanced defender with the latgest power selection in the game. It was the most popular class when it was Tier 5.

The concepts that the Fighter is the only fit for are what's popular.

That consistent popularity makes it a very efficient trap choice.


The Fighter has always been the most popular class in D&D. It was the most popular class when it was a balanced defender with the latgest power selection in the game. It was the most popular class when it was Tier 5.

The concepts that the Fighter is the only fit for are what's popular.

That consistent popularity makes it a very efficient trap choice.

So your position is that the Fighter is not effective at what the Fighter is being chosen for, by the most people, for a game near 10 years old, with a metric naughty word ton of analysis, for a segment of the population (gamers) who are notoriously good at optimizing the fun out of the games they play?

Voidrunner's Codex

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