Chains of Asmodeus


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Niveirn listens attentively to Izek's speech, choosing to stay quiet so as to not interrupt the man's stride. Nodding along with the successful memories, they kneel down to pat Damocles twice on the head...while avoiding having their arm poked by the multitude of tools present on his back.

"Cas'ali is correct! And Izek makes some great points at that - though I'm not sure about how well robbing the Hells will go," Niveirn trails off. They shake their own head to get back on track and stand upright again. "We'll handle what we need to, cool off, and be back to the menagerie in no time, Damocles!"

Niveirn waves off to Rendar and Izek as they move after Zythan for more information. The warlock certainly has a pep in his step so soon after being recently resurrected. Unlike some others that are staying quiet. They turn to face Cas'ali and takes a step closer.

"Welcome back, you need anything? Water? You'd think, well...your previous state would leave you parched." Niveirn rummages through their pack in search of extra waterskins.

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"Welcome back, you need anything? Water? You'd think, well...your previous state would leave you parched." Niveirn rummages through their pack in search of extra waterskins.
Izek shakes his head, but drains the waterskin.

"To tell the truth I barely remember my time among the damned. Just that there's no way in Hell-"

Izek realizes his poor word choice.

"Ah...that there's no way I'll be returning to that powerless state. I'll reclaim my soul and plunder the Hells."

Izek talks faster as his excitement grows.

"I don't understand why the others don't see the opportunity we have. Why stop at freeing whatever souls we're searching for? There's power and treasure there for the taking in the Hells! Why settle for less when there's more?!"

Izek looks down at the now-empty waterskin and his tone suddenly changes as if he forgot what he was saying.

"Do you have any wine? Or food? However long it's been it's been too long since I've eaten, I'm ravenous."


"Welcome back, you need anything? Water? You'd think, well...your previous state would leave you parched." Niveirn rummages through their pack in search of extra waterskins.
Cas relaxes slightly, giving the Eladrin a slight smile, “water is fine. Thank you Niveirn.” She’s tried eating and drinking since coming back, it’s all tasted like ash on her tongue.

While Izek says he doesn’t remember what happened, Cas doesn’t want to think back and see if she can. Plundering the Hells is all well and good, but honesty she doesn’t care what’s down there except for her soul. The rest of it can rot. Making more of an enemy of the creatures down there isn’t on her to do list. It’s going to be bad enough when it’s discovered they’ve all taken souls and done whatever Zythan is going to instruct them on.


Chains of Asmodeus DM
With a few minutes of instruction and a few more of practice, Rendar begins to feel comfortable with the Vessel. Satisfied, Zythan steps to Izek and pulls a roll of parchment from inside his robes.

Now then, supplies. The Conclave has agreed to make available some pieces from their collection, for a price. I have also taken the liberty of denoting some items from my personal collection that may be of some use to you. If you wish to purchase any of them now, I will contact the Conclave and have the items sent over before we leave.

Attached is the list of items offered to you by the Conclave and Zythan, with their prices.

Take some time to look over the list while I prepare our transportation. We will go to the temple of Kelemvor. One of the priests there is an expert on the Nine Hells, and has ensured me he can help you enter them.

Zythan pulls out some chalk and a vial of ink and begins drawing a teleportation circle in the pavilion.


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With the help of the Conclave's head, Rendar has finally learned how to use the vessel proper. A little odd functioning, but who was he to understand the intricate ways of magic ? Alongside him, came back the paladin, box right under the arm.

"Thank you for the instructions, sir. Now let's hope we will get to use it before perishing at the hands of devils."

A tad bit of humor from him, albeit of a darker tone. When you are about to have what could be the greatest-and final- adventure of your life, one could permit themselves a bit of eccentricity.

"...Sorry, just my attempt at jokes. In any case, would anyone need anything ?"


First Post
Niveirn happily passes Cas a waterskin, as well as some extra rations for Izek to dig into. "Fill up, you'll need it - we'll need it, for where we're going."

They look to where Zythan is handing out details and Rendar is setting up the vessel. "I got what I need with me already. If that's as you say! There will be time to use the vessel in the future. And I'm certain this Kelemvorite will be able to give us far more information we can us. Is everyone feeling set?"


Cas drinks greedily, even though it tastes ashen on her tongue. With her thirst taken care of for now she looks through the available items. She swallows a sigh. As grateful as she is for the assistance of her new patrons, their focus on magic rather than actual weapons is one that puts them at odds. Wands and amulets are all well and good but for someone like her? Nothing can beat a hilt or bow in hand, enchanted weapons do generally have their benefits however.

“Is there any chance you have any enchanted blades or bows available? I prefer the more mundane approach.” As though she had any alternative. Any magical ability she had came from items rather than natural or gods given. “A rapier or longsword and a longbow would be preferable, but I can work with whatever you have.”


Damocles brings up a hand to trace down the list, squinting his eyes as they both followed along. In the time away from the group, it seemed the squat man had managed to acquire himself a new... hand? The right one to be specific, what sat before was five fingers and a palm that looked no different than his left, what stood now was much more bizarre. Long squared fingers that were stiffly bent, chipped nails with blackened nailbeds, the skin rough and calloused, yet most interestingly, it had a strong fuchsia hue to the skin itself. It looked like a rather strange monkeys paw, and yet it was stitched to the polarizing blue stump of the sorcerer.

"No Sword of Infinite Devil Slaying? Or Staff of Forever Devil Banishment? What gives?" he raises both shoulders and opens his arms wide, pointing an inflated chest at Zythan. "It's fine. If you're as smart as you say you are, I would've shelfed them for myself too." he finishes his jest by tapping the side of his head before directing the finger to Zythan, a gesture to say "Great minds think alike.".

Taking a few paces away, he begins a number of stretches, focusing mainly on his back, he'd been getting older for his kind, and he'd surely seen his ware for a handful of lifetimes. "Ugh. My backs a knot..." he goes on, quietly mumbling complaints and groans as he continues to warm himself up for whats to come.


Chains of Asmodeus DM
“Is there any chance you have any enchanted blades or bows available? I prefer the more mundane approach.” As though she had any alternative. Any magical ability she had came from items rather than natural or gods given. “A rapier or longsword and a longbow would be preferable, but I can work with whatever you have.”

Zythan finishes preparing the teleportation circle, saving one line to complete when everyone is ready.

Ah, I see. The Conclave do provide enchantment services for some of the more specialized military forces in Halruaa, give me a moment.

Zythan pulls what looks to be another sending stone out from his robes, steps to the side, and begins a hushed conversation into it. After a minute, he returns:
Alright, the quartermaster does have an exceptional longbow from an archer that was delinquent on their payment. It's very nice, but is taking up space, so he's willing to sell it to you for 2,000 gold. He was also able to find a more standard-issue longsword that was overstock for a squadron of Halruaan Sentinels that he would sell for 500 gold.

Alternatively, I have in my personal collection a rapier that has been collecting dust since I've taken on a more senior position at the Conclave. I imbued it with some divination magic that will alert you to the presence of danger and help prevent enemies from taking you by surprise. If it helps in preventing the release of the Unmaker, I would be willing to sell it to you for 3,500 gold. The choice is yours.

This would be a +2 longbow for 2000gp, a +1 longsword for 500gp, and a +2 Rapier of Warning for 3,500gp. I can DM you the complete description for the Rapier of Warning if you need it.

"No Sword of Infinite Devil Slaying? Or Staff of Forever Devil Banishment? What gives?" he raises both shoulders and opens his arms wide, pointing an inflated chest at Zythan. "It's fine. If you're as smart as you say you are, I would've shelfed them for myself too." he finishes his jest by tapping the side of his head before directing the finger to Zythan, a gesture to say "Great minds think alike.".

Then, with an eye roll and a flash of a nearly imperceptible smile:

Should anything of the sort become available I will be sure to let you know.


Izek had missed this. Despite the newfound awkwardness (and whatever was going on with the new hand Damocles had got himself) he'd made real connections with this group and he regretted abandoning them. If he'd have had them at his back he'd never have needed to sign the contract that had damned him. He'd most likely still be helping them recover the souls they were after assuming he wasn't too busy with his new kingdom, which proved it was reciprocal.

But they'd need to take advantage of every available resources while they were in Hell, and that meant not spending more than they needed to.

He gives Zythan a congenial smile.

"You've repeatedly stressed the importance of capturing the Unmaker's soul for your Conclave, and yet you're charging us quite a bit for the equipment we'll need to retrieve not only the Unmaker's soul but the souls of those near and dear to us. I would hope you'd offer us better prices."

: Persuasion = 1D20+10 = [13]+10 = 23

Voidrunner's Codex

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