Chains of Asmodeus


Chains of Asmodeus DM
"You've repeatedly stressed the importance of capturing the Unmaker's soul for your Conclave, and yet you're charging us quite a bit for the equipment we'll need to retrieve not only the Unmaker's soul but the souls of those near and dear to us. I would hope you'd offer us better prices."

: Persuasion = 1D20+10 = [13]+10 = 23

Indeed, the Unmaker is one of our highest priorities... One moment.

He steps aside and consults again with the sending stone.

Given the nature of the assignment, the Quartermaster has agreed to a discount of 15% for today, and, if it will allow us to be moving along, I will match that discount on my personal collection as well.

With that, Zythan pulls out a fresh parchment and begins to write down the orders and collect payments.

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Cas let’s a small smile grace her lips, the first of this little meeting. “I would take both the bow and your rapier, thank you Zythan.” She’s not exactly going to say no to a discount either, giving Izek a short nod of thanks.


Chains of Asmodeus DM
Once the payments are all collected into the Vessel, Zythan whisks it away with a snap. A few moments later, far fewer than you would think necessary, the Vessel is once again at your feet, loaded with your requested supplies.

Our quartermasters are the best in Halruaa. Now then, we shall be off to the Cathedral of Kelemvor. When I finish the Circle, you will have six seconds to step through, so gather around and don't delay.

You collect your supplies and gather around the Teleportation Circle. When you're ready, Zythan flicks the final chalk line through the sigil at his feet. A flash of green light fills the pavilion, and the chalk circle glows at your feet. Zythan steps in and vanishes, followed quickly by the rest of you. You feel a pressure on your chest that pushes some of the air out of your lungs, but it ends as quickly as it started and you’re left standing in the cathedral.

The cathedral is much darker than the pavilion, and very cold. The walls and floor are black stone, and there are motifs of grinning skulls on the walls and pews behind you. Between you and the large stone altar are a row of pools filled with a viscous liquid as bright and red as fresh arterial blood. The cathedral is still, and the only sound you hear is the faint clacking of bones hanging from the vaulted ceiling.

Leaned over the altar is a hooded figure in bright red robes with gold trim, matching the color of the pools. Over the robes in spots are pieces of plate armor, though not a complete set. He appears to be pouring over a thick tome laid out on the altar in front of him.

Zythan loudly clears his throat.

Koh Tam! I hope we’re not interrupting, I’ve brought the party we had spoken of —

The figure cuts Zythan off by slamming shut the book. He takes a staff from the altar and spins toward you, leaning on it a bit. Covering the top half of his face is a gleaming golden mask with green gemstones inlaid into it. He speaks with a rasping hiss, like wind blown through a skull’s teeth.

Not an interruption, Zythan, I’m glad you made it. I’ve finished up my preparations and am ready to begin the ritual. Have you shared the plan with your champions?

No, I felt those details were best left to you.

Right, of course.

Among those on this mortal plane, there are none who know the Nine Hells as I do. However, the Hells are immense, and full of countless secrets and dangers. I’m afraid my knowledge is still rather limited. In order to find the souls you seek, you will need the guidance of one far more familiar with the Hells than me.

I will summon for you Baalzebul, one of the archdevils of the Hells. He will speak through me, and my body will keep him contained. This magic will prevent him from lying directly, but be warned, he is cunning and may still attempt to dodge your questioning, mislead you, or avoid truths that you do not directly ask for. It would be prudent to organize and prepare your thoughts. Whenever you are ready, I will begin.

With that, Koh Tam walks behind the altar, sets the book up in front of him, and leans on his staff, waiting for you all to be ready to begin. Does anyone have any preparations they would like to make?


Preparations ? Not much. However, their is something that weights on Rendar's mind, being the idea of summoning an Archedevil's spirit. While of course knowledgeable in the domain of the 9 hells... Is it really a good idea for Koh Tam to make such decision ?

"Not that I doubt your expertise sir, but... Are you sure this is safe ? An Archdevil of all things sounds hardly containable."


Chains of Asmodeus DM
"Not that I doubt your expertise sir, but... Are you sure this is safe ? An Archdevil of all things sounds hardly containable."

Your concern is admirable, my friend. Indeed, I would be unable to contain Baalzebul in his full capacity, but our link will expose me to only a fraction of his power. Of course, possession always carries with it some risks, but the information provided to you may dramatically expedite your journey through the Hells, and that is worth the risk.


Izek luxuriates in the speed of thought his newly-expanded intellect gives him. He'd have preferred getting it for free (it should have been free considering they were risking their lives for the Conclave), but the Headband of Intellect was worth every gold piece.

Hearing Koh Tam's plan, Izek plumbs his memories for any information he might have encountered about Baalzebul. Forewarned was forearmed and he wanted to have every possible advantage for this coming encounter.

OOC: Unsure if this should be an Arcana or Religion check but Izek is proficient in both so 1D20+9 = [10]+9 = 19

"I don't like this, if we question Baalzebul at the very least he will know our plans, but I don't see any other options. I'm certain we can handle this, but we all should be ready for any complications."


"The slug guy? I mean you're kidding me right?" Damocles throws his head back into a short-lived laugh before jerking his thumb at the guy in the skull get-up. "Listen I've worked with many a slug before and let me tell you something, none of them deserve to be compared to a guy like that, jus' sayin'." he lifts both hands, bringing his shoulders up with them as he dismissively waves himself off.
"But I think it should be known, that I'm not trusting this Baal-ze-bul figure... or whatever, a lick, no more than I'd trust a fox in a hen house." now that his opinion was made both loud and clear, he digs one hand under each pit, affirming his statement with a sturdy nod.


Chains of Asmodeus DM
OOC: Unsure if this should be an Arcana or Religion check but Izek is proficient in both so 1D20+9 = [10]+9 = 19

You've heard of Baalzebul, though mostly through legends and myths rather than direct testimonials. You know him as residing over Maladomini, the Seventh Hell. You also know him as the Lord of Lies, who uses his masterful deception to manipulate mortals and devils alike to do his bidding. You generally have the feeling that even very strong magic could only compel him to tell the truth to specific, directed questions, and that any extra details or suggestions would be laced with deceit.

"I don't like this, if we question Baalzebul at the very least he will know our plans, but I don't see any other options. I'm certain we can handle this, but we all should be ready for any complications."

He may glean some knowledge of your plans from this interaction, but there is little loyalty between him and Asmodeus. He has tried to overthrow Asmodeus in the past, and it's likely any information he tried to pass on would be seen as another traitorous plot.

"The slug guy? I mean you're kidding me right?" Damocles throws his head back into a short-lived laugh before jerking his thumb at the guy in the skull get-up. "Listen I've worked with many a slug before and let me tell you something, none of them deserve to be compared to a guy like that, jus' sayin'." he lifts both hands, bringing his shoulders up with them as he dismissively waves himself off.
"But I think it should be known, that I'm not trusting this Baal-ze-bul figure... or whatever, a lick, no more than I'd trust a fox in a hen house." now that his opinion was made both loud and clear, he digs one hand under each pit, affirming his statement with a sturdy nod.

Koh Tam says nothing, but gives a faint chuckle and the corner of his mouth curls into a smirk.


First Post
Niveirn stirs as the teleportation messes with their balance. They shake their head to get focus back and take a few deep breaths, filling their lungs back up with air. Feeling the chill of the cathedral, Niveirn relaxes and looks around as much as they can before the discussion going on re-enters their thoughts.

Niveirn presses forward, accentuating their words just as much by making their presence known, and speaks out loud to nobody in particular. "Woah, woah! I have no issue waltzing into somewhere new and making up plans as we go. So is this the smartest way to go about it? Isn't dealing with devils - let alone an archdevil - textbook stupid?" Niveirn splays out their fingers to emphasis the last part. "Do we really need to talk to this guy?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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