Class Changes
Since I talked about giving the Remarkable Physique ability to martials, let me go ahead and mention a few other changes I’ve been considering.
Not all of these are locked in stone yet, or locked at particular levels, but they do add some flare here and there. These are in addition to the system I will post next.
Sheer Force: You deal double damage to objects and structures (including force constructs). Additionally, your unarmed strikes count as d8 weapons when you are attempting to damage an object, structure, or force construct
This is a pretty basic ability, but it ends up paying dividends. This let’s barbarians SMASH, if you look at the rules in the book, a stone wall has on average 27 hp. A single max damage blow from a barbarian’s fist would be 8+5 = 13 x 2 = 26 meaning they could nearly punch through a stone wall on a single attempt. Even better, you can use this instead of strength athletics rolls for things like busting down doors or shattering manacles. This lets them feel stronger than people like the fighter, because it is pure destruction. I’m thinking level 9 for this, alongside or even just written into the indomitable might ability.
Another thing I would do is give a few uses of the new Primal Knowledge ability outside of needing to use Rage. I’ve discussed this before, but rage is vital to making Barbarians effective, and using one for a skill check feels bad. I don’t know the number yet, but I’m tempted to just go with prof uses or con uses per day, in addition to rage.
I’ve thought about giving Barbarians a fighting style at 5th level. They really need one.
Finally, they need something at 11th level. The idea of Brutal Critical is fun, but it is far too unreliable. I’ve been considering something like this to slot in in addition to the critical:
Punish the Weak: Whenever you hit a creature that does not have its full hitpoints with an attack roll, you may deal an additional 1d6 damage.
It is a bit weaker than the paladin’s improved divine smite, which I think puts it about where it needs to be. I considered it only working while raging… but barbarians need SOME abilities that don’t rely on rage to be effective.
I didn’t think Rogue’s needed a lot, but an interesting idea came to me during some of the recent discussions. The rogue’s archetype ends up being… strange. Sneak attack is a conceit, traps are… their own problem, and so it ends up coming down to stealth. Which doesn’t feel like quite enough. Especially considering how caster’s can affect stealth.
But… what are some high level rogue archetypes? Well… Batman, or, in other words, a ninja. And in both cases, these types of characters iconically use items. Smoke bombs, flash bangs, ect.
So, I think I want to move the Thief’s Fast Hand ability to the general rogue, and give them a tool choice beyond thieves’ tools. I might even remove thieves’ tools and fold them into Tinker’s Tools, because Tinker’s Tools fit better. This would make rogues one of the only item using classes, the other one being the artificer.
And, I’ve spent a LOT of time working with crafting rules, so I have a wide variety of alchemical items for rogue’s to utilize. This then creates the ability for them to non-magically copy some of the things caster’s do. Need to blind a crowd of enemies? Throw down a flash bang and dart away in the confusion. Need to slow down the guards? Throw down a web grenade and trap them.
There is, however, a potential problem. And that is the damage. Because these rules also come with much more potent fires and acids, and launching those as a bonus action could be too strong. However, there is also a secondary restraint here. A caster recovers their resources on a rest. A rogue using alchemical items… doesn’t recover them. You spend gold, spend time to craft the item, and then once you use it, you need to buy the materials and craft the item again. Can you buy a few ready-made items? Sure, but not the top-line stuff. I did this before with a character I made who was a thief, so I know the concept has legs.
Additionally, around level 15 I want to give them this ability
Trickster’s Guile: When you attempt to hide, so long as there is a location within 60 ft of you (that you are aware of) that you can hide within, you are considered hidden no matter the creature’s senses and appear within that location. You may do this three times, regaining all uses on a short rest
Actually… no, not 15th level. This should replace the level 18 Stroke of Luck ability. This should be a rogue capstone. I’ve always found Stroke of Luck boring and this is just a much more exciting and dynamic ability. If you want to make it still based on the rogue’s stealth, you can make them hidden with their passive Stealth score, which will still be massive.
Paladins, Rangers and Monks: I’m… skipping these. I don’t think there is much to be done for Paladins, Rangers I think are in an amazing position now except for their level 11 ability (which I need to math out, they may not NEED a level 11 damage boost ability) and for monks, well, Monks I’ve done a complete rework on before, but I want to see what One DnD does to them before I start trying to rework them again.
It is kind of amusing, I’ve got this entire system coming up in the last post, but for fighter’s I only really have two things that I feel like they really need.
- They need a bonus to out-of-combat abilities.
- There are a few things that I wanted to put in the system, but didn’t make sense, so I spiraled them into a separate ability.
And that is the core of what I’m doing for now. I might have been able to push further and harder, but I wanted to wait for now, get a feel for what all I DO have, because as you look at the whole, more and more things are already working in favor of these fighters.
So, I’m thinking around level 3 they get this ability
Practical Knowledge: When not honing your skill with a blade, or caring for your armor, you spend time with people. You listen to the fishmonger, the retired mercenary, the streetsweeper, the pickpocket, and you incorporate their knowledge and knacks into your own view of the world. Pick one of the following options, if one of these does not describe your character, you may work with your DM to craft a similar option by picking four skill checks (skills, tools, or initiative).
- Ambush Leader: Stealth, acrobatics, Initiative, and Survival
- Commander: Intimidation, Persuasion, Performance, Insight
- Tactical Officer: History, Investigation, Insight, Perception
- Charlatan: Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Deception, Disguise Kit
- Siege-Breaker: Athletics, History, Intimidation, Land Vehicles
A number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per day, you may roll your proficiency die and add it to a check from your list, as you add the know-how you have gathered to your work. You may choose to use this ability after rolling, but before knowing the result.
And that… that would basically shore up the weakness fighter’s have in the skill game. Just like that. It isn’t as good as expertise, because it is unreliable and you don’t get it often, twice per day at low levels, but it gives you something that may occasionally be clutch in securing a win.
Additionally, I was thinking around 7th level, giving them access to stances. I considered 13th level, but I think that’s a bit too high. And stances are very simple.
Battle Stance: On your turn you may choose to enter a battle stance, you concentrate on the stance as though you were concentrating on a spell. If your concentration is broken, you cannot enter another stance for the rest of the combat. If you willingly end a stance on your turn, you may enter another stance during your next turn (you cannot do this the turn you enter a stance).
- Rooted Iron: While you are in this stance every space within reach of a melee weapon you are wielding is considered difficult terrain. If an enemy attempts to pass your space, they must make an athletics (str) or acrobatics (dex) check against your save DC. On a failure, their movement is reduced to zero. If they fail by 5 or more, you can shove them back 5 ft.
- Gleaming Silver: While you are in this stance, when you miss with an attack roll, you deal damage to the target equal to the ability modifier of the attack. This damage cannot be increased by other abilities.
- Bulwark of Will: While you are in this stance, whenever an adjacent ally would be hit by an attack, you can redirect that attack to you instead. Adjacent allies treat you as half cover for dexterity saving throws
- Sky Flash: While you are in this stance, your movement speed is reduced to 5 ft, however, you may re-roll one missed ranged attack. Additionally, your range increases by 10 times your fighter level.
- Coursing River: While you are in this stance, your movement speed is increased by 10 ft, non-magical difficult terrain cannot impede your movement, and magical difficult terrain can be ignored with a successful Dex Save vs the spell DC. Additionally, you have advantage against any effect which would impede movement such as grapple, restrain, slow, or paralyze.
I think it would be possible to make more of these. I mostly wanted to avoid anything that would increase damage directly, and also address weakpoints in the fighter strategies (like the lack of ability to control movement or focus attacks on the fighter)