D&D 5E Check Out Planescape's Table of Contents & More!

A gallery of photos of Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse!

Brandes Stoddard has received a copy of Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse (which come out in two weeks!) and is posting loads of photos over on Blue Sky. You can check out his feed for the whole treasure trove--here's a look at the table of contents.


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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
That is very clear.

It also not necessarily that it shouldn't be made. Like I said, I might make it. However, D&D (WotC) is in a particular position and they should not make it. You can make it, I can make it, maybe a 3PP can make. But the stewards of D&D should not, IMO
Why? What does WotC's "position", which means nothing to me, have to do with they are allowed to publish?

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D&D is the face if the industry. They have responsibilities that other creators don't, simple as that really.
When I read the above, I read face as carrying social obligations. But I think it is more commercial than that.
D&D is a discretionary luxury product, when you is in front of such a market then the game is yours to loose.
There is no magic sauce. An unpalatable product, a social media storm and another could be nipping at their heels.
D&D has never marketed itself as anything other than catch all fantasy.
5e was created to appeal to as broad a section of the market as it could manage. It's innovations have been subjected to A/B marketing and public approval at every turn.
This light touch strategy seems to be working really well, I would be astonished to see a change in that.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
D&D is the face if the industry. They have responsibilities that other creators don't, simple as that really.
So we're talking about fear of the public then. Not a respectable motive in my book. Very glad I'm off the WotC train if that and making their shareholders money are their design motivations.


So we're talking about fear of the public then.
No, it is about respect.
Very glad I'm off the WotC train if that and making their shareholders money are their design motivations.
It really has nothing to do with WotC. It has to do with D&D being the largest and most recognizable brand by far in the industry. It doesn't really matter who owns it, the responsibility remains. If Paizo, Green Ronin, or Frog God, etc. owned D&D, it would have the same responsibility. Like I said it is about respect, not fear.

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