Buzz, plz reserve slot 1, game 4 for me
If it's not too early, go ahead and reserve Morning- Slot 1, Game 4- Slaughter House! ver 3.0
Slaughter House version 3.0 is a homemade game I created that can probably best be described as Unreal Tournament meets the original Gauntlet with D&D Miniatures in an old school D&D dungeon wargame. It is a turn based game with up to 6 players in a sort of free for all in a dungeon stomp going around defeating evil henchmen and monsters, gaining experience (CR rating) and levels at they go, earning magic items and ultimately taking other players out, death match style. Dead players would respawn back at entry level with the same character or another to continue the carnage. There would be prizes at the end for the players who survived the longest the highest score (experience point value). It uses the D&D 3.0 ed core ruleset.
I will create an event profile, game rules, etc to post in the upcoming weeks.