D&D 5E Chris Perkins Lays Down Some Lore: Who Was Vecna?

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I've always assumed Vecna was Corum Jhaelen Irsei, but I guess they wouldn't want to do that officially.
I think the Eye and Hand were inspired by Corum, but that's about it. The eye of ?Kwll? and the hand of.. I can't remember. Or vice versa. They were a big deal though, those two beings. I stole them for my settings own hand and eye items 😆

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I've always assumed Vecna was Corum Jhaelen Irsei, but I guess they wouldn't want to do that officially.
No, the hand and eye were inspired by Corum, but they have different properties. And they were not originally Corum's hand an eye, he found them as loot, the same as the the PCs were expected to. In Moorcock's stories the Hand and Eye are an alternative plane manifestation of Stormbringer.

Vecna was invented (by Gygax AFAIK) purely to give the Hand and Eye a backstory. He did not appear as a character in any adventures until much later. Same goes for Kas. They wanted to include an artifact evil magic sword, so they invented Kas as backstory, and connected him to Vecna since they invented him at the same time. Neither are supposed to be specific characters, just generic fantasy villains.


It's a very interesting choice: very curious to see what they are actually doing in this book. Not sure if pre-Lich Vecna has really ever been touched upon before.
My understanding is that Vecna was from Greyhawk and was referred to as Flannae, specifically Ur-Flannae who were a group of Flannae mystics and necromancers.

Flannae people have a bronzed complexion varying from a light copper shade to a very deep brown, with dark wavy or curly hair. Flan eye color commonly ranges from brown to amber in hue.

This fits with my understanding of what should be his appearance

It looks like they are making Vecna Sueloise and Kas is Flannae

My understanding is that Vecna was from Greyhawk and was referred to as Flannae, specifically Ur-Flannae who were a group of Flannae mystics and necromancers.

Flannae people have a bronzed complexion varying from a light copper shade to a very deep brown, with dark wavy or curly hair. Flan eye color commonly ranges from brown to amber in hue.

This fits with my understanding of what should be his appearance

It looks like they are making Vecna Sueloise and Kas is Flannae
I prefer Vecna as Suel/Suloise. It fits his portrayed personality better, imo.

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