D&D 5E Chris Perkins Lays Down Some Lore: Who Was Vecna?


Eternal Optimist
I liked that he was Flannae - mixed it up a bit. Not every Suel is the same and not every powerful bad wizard had to come from the Suloise tradition. The Suel have got plenty of powerful history and bad guy types in Greyhawk. They have the invoked devastation, the Maure family and the Scarlet Bros.
Though I’m not sure how far back the Vecna as Flannae started.
In Vecna Lives! (David "Zeb" Cook, 1990), Vecna is described as having lived in the "near-prehistory of Greyhawk, before the migrations, before the wars between the Suel and the Baklunish, perhaps even before the ascendancy of the Suloise Empire".

The exact location of his empire is unknown.

No new information about his background appears in Vecna Reborn.

In Die, Vecna, Die!, Vecna's servants speak Flan.

In the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, in the Gods section, it calls him "a terrifying and evil Flan lich-king". It's pretty much the only source to do so.

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In the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, in the Gods section, it calls him "a terrifying and evil Flan lich-king". It's pretty much the only source to do so.
Headcanon: Of course, the Lord of Secrets doesn't want people to know his true Suel origins. He's the kind of guy to influence/rewrite history so that people don't now his true origins, influences, and actions. He was totally involved in the Invoked Devastation. Gotta erase history some way, right?

Headcanon: Of course, the Lord of Secrets doesn't want people to know his true Suel origins. He's the kind of guy to influence/rewrite history so that people don't now his true origins, influences, and actions. He was totally involved in the Invoked Devastation. Gotta erase history some way, right?

That's a pretty good headcanon theory. I could 100% see Vecna being involved in the Invoked Devastation. Something like that would be right up his alley. And he would have the foresight to know that the Baklunish would retaliate and so quickly zip over to the Flanaess before the Rain of Colorless Fire started.

That's a pretty good headcanon theory. I could 100% see Vecna being involved in the Invoked Devastation. Something like that would be right up his alley. And he would have the foresight to know that the Baklunish would retaliate and so quickly zip over to the Flanaess before the Rain of Colorless Fire started.

Further headcanon. Vecna did BOTH. He started things with the Invoked Devastation, then jumped over to the Flanaess and said "Oh Noes, Stebros! They totally blew us up, let's get them back! I have this Rain of Colorless Fire we can use..."

He used both as immense sacrifice rituals for power... and fun! From that point on he pretended he was Flan.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
So, there have been plenty of hints that this Campaogn will involve time travel or at least tuney-whimey Shennanigans, and theyvare still dancing around that, but they couldnhelp posting the following image of Kas and Vecna before Undeath, Mas on the left Vecna on the right with flowing locks:

View attachment 358240

And another image of Kas:

View attachment 358241
This is really hidden/deep lore that a lot of people don't know about: The reason Vecna turned evil and decided to destroy the entire multiverse and become a god of shade is because Kas broke up with him and told him he had a new lover. This happened right when Vecna gifted him a new sword.

Heart break can really mess someone up. Im so excited for this new adventure.

This is really hidden/deep lore that a lot of people don't know about: The reason Vecna turned evil and decided to destroy the entire multiverse and become a god of shade is because Kas broke up with him and told him he had a new lover. This happened right when Vecna gifted him a new sword.

Heart break can really mess someone up. Im so excited for this new adventure.
What if, the intelligent sword was the "other partner" that seduced Kas with delusions of power, and the sword wanted to remove the only other threat to its power over Kas. IT wanted to kill Vecna, and together, it and Kas took Vecna's Eye and Hand before Vecna got away, slipping into the multiverse to regroup and start hating everything.


Book-Friend, he/him
What if, the intelligent sword was the "other partner" that seduced Kas with delusions of power, and the sword wanted to remove the only other threat to its power over Kas. IT wanted to kill Vecna, and together, it and Kas took Vecna's Eye and Hand before Vecna got away, slipping into the multiverse to regroup and start hating everything.
Somehow I suspect things got toxic somewhere before they became undead, to be fair.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
What if, the intelligent sword was the "other partner" that seduced Kas with delusions of power, and the sword wanted to remove the only other threat to its power over Kas. IT wanted to kill Vecna, and together, it and Kas took Vecna's Eye and Hand before Vecna got away, slipping into the multiverse to regroup and start hating everything.
you are inspiring ideas!! A sentient sword that was a better lover than Vecna!

Voidrunner's Codex

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