D&D 5E Chris Perkins Lays Down Some Lore: Who Was Vecna?

Somehow I suspect things got toxic somewhere before they became undead, to be fair.

"Oh mighty, glorious Kas! Vecna is so cruel to you. He's changed. He doesn't love you like I do. He sees you like a dog to be leashed and commanded. But you are the master. My master. Use me. Please. I will serve you. Let's kill him. Then we can be together. You can rule after our vengeance is sated."

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Dragon Lover
I know they said that Tiamat isn't the person the party has to negotiate with in the Avernus section in the Casino, but it just make so much sense for her to be the owner of a casino in Avernus. She is the goddess of greed that resides there after all.



"Oh mighty, glorious Kas! Vecna is so cruel to you. He's changed. He doesn't love you like I do. He sees you like a dog to be leashed and commanded. But you are the master. My master. Use me. Please. I will serve you. Let's kill him. Then we can be together. You can rule after our vengeance is sated."
What could possibly go wrong? Oh, wait....

Voidrunner's Codex

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