Oh, while updating the working draft I noticed that most of the DCs in the
Basic Greater Titan's spell-like abilities entry are wrong. Most are a point or two too high:
Creature Catalogue
Spell-Like Abilities: At will – chain lightning (DC 27), charm monster (DC 25), cure critical wounds (DC 25), fire storm (DC 28), greater dispel magic, hold monster (DC 26), invisibility, invisibility purge, levitate, persistent image (DC 26), polymorph (humanoid forms only, duration 1 hour), protection from energy, read magic; 3/day – etherealness, freedom of movement, greater teleport, summon nature’s ally IX, word of chaos (DC 26); 1/day – gate, maze, meteor swarm (DC 30), plane shift, wind walk. Caster level 25th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
In addition, titans of good or neutral alignment can use the following additional spell-like abilities: At will – daylight, holy smite (DC 25), remove curse (DC 25); 1/day – greater restoration. Caster level 25th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Titans of evil alignment can use the following additional spell-like abilities: At will – bestow curse (DC 25), deeper darkness, unholy blight (DC 25); 1/day – Bigby’s crushing hand (DC 30). Caster level 25th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
With Charisma 28, their SLAs should have a DC of 19 + spell level:
bigby's crushing hand (19+9th = DC 28,
not 30)
bestow curse (19+4th = DC 23,
not 25)
chain lightning (19+7th = DC 26,
not 27)
charm monster (19+4th = DC 23,
not 25)
cure critical wounds (19+4th = DC 23,
not 25)
fire storm (19+8th = DC 27,
not 28)
hold monster (19th+5th = DC 24,
not 26)
holy smite (19+4th = DC 23,
not 25)
meteor swarm (19+9th = DC 28,
not 30)
persistent image (19th+5th = DC 24,
not 26)
remove curse (19+4th = DC 23,
not 25)
unholy blight (19+4th = DC 23,
not 25)
word of chaos (19+7th = DC 26,
I don't see any special ability to account for this, so we'd better correct it when (if!) the creature catalog is working again.
I'll add a post to the Corrections thread so we can remember to do it.
I had a quick glance through the individual Greater Titans, and their spell-like abilities appear to have the correct DCs. Admittedly it was a cursory examination, so there might be a few errors, but it looks like it's just the generic titan that has the problem.