Converting Epic Level Creatures

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Extradimensional Explorer
Well, we could just stick with that, I guess, though it might be good to mention his casting: "In combat, Andromidus uses his illusions and defensive spells to turn away any threat. If the illusions fail, he strikes with his fists. Given advance warning of a threat, he uses divinations to determine his opponents' strengths."


Well, we could just stick with that, I guess, though it might be good to mention his casting: "In combat, Andromidus uses his illusions and defensive spells to turn away any threat. If the illusions fail, he strikes with his fists. Given advance warning of a threat, he uses divinations to determine his opponents' strengths."


Andromidus is a merciful being who prefers to turn away enemies using illusions and defensive spells, although he is not adverse to using lethal force if the threat is sufficiently grave or evil. If his magic fails, he strikes with his fists. Given advance warning, Andromidus uses divinations to determine his opponents' powers and vulnerabilities.


Extradimensional Explorer

I was just looking at the original version for some description and just noticed that we probably should have an ability for this:
"Andromidus has the power to see into the future. He used this ability during the Revolt of the Gods to discover who would win. He supported the Gods and was spared the fate of his fellow evil titans. While on the Prime Material Plane, he serves as an oracle for those who come to his temples inquiring after their fate."
We could just give him some SLA, but I'm inclined to give him some kind of unique SQ. We don't have much detail on this, so we have some freedom.



Was that accompanied by an air guitar riff?

Updating the Andromidus Working Draft.

was just looking at the original version for some description and just noticed that we probably should have an ability for this:

"Andromidus has the power to see into the future. He used this ability during the Revolt of the Gods to discover who would win. He supported the Gods and was spared the fate of his fellow evil titans. While on the Prime Material Plane, he serves as an oracle for those who come to his temples inquiring after their fate."

We could just give him some SLA, but I'm inclined to give him some kind of unique SQ. We don't have much detail on this, so we have some freedom.

How did we miss that?!

Yes, that looks deserving of becoming an additional power or SLA.

How specific and reliable should we make it? Did Andromidus literally see what would happen during the Titan vs God Conflict and behave accordingly, or was it a vaguer vision that suggested the Gods would be the victors?


Extradimensional Explorer
Unfortunately, I can't find an "Andromidus" anywhere in lists of the titans of Greek mythology. However, Prometheus is the titan of Forethought, has similar text in his description, and just has a few Divination SLAs. So we should either stick to SLAs or add something to Prometheus when we can edit the CC again.


Unfortunately, I can't find an "Andromidus" anywhere in lists of the titans of Greek mythology.

Which can probably be explained by Andromidus being a made-up AD&D monster…

However, Prometheus is the titan of Forethought, has similar text in his description, and just has a few Divination SLAs. So we should either stick to SLAs or add something to Prometheus when we can edit the CC again.

Hmm... so shall we just give him some but not all of Prometheus's divination SLAs?

Since Prometheus actually has forethought in his name and title, it might not be appropriate giving Andromidus greater powers to see the future.

Although we should have something to explain why he is the Titan of "Inspired Vision" I guess.


Either this or else give him and Prometheus something in addition to just SLAs. I wouldn't mind boosting Prometheus, actually.

I'd be quite happy to see a boosted Prometheus, but I'm a little reluctant to alter a conversion that was added to the CC over a decade ago unless it's to correct a gross error or deficit.

I'm not sure this problem quite qualifies.

Anyhow, if we go the "give him a lesser amount of SLAs" route, Prometheus has the additional divination SLAs of foresight and moment of prescience.

Neither of those seems quite right. Maybe we should just give him 3/day divination or say Andromidus uses his spells to divine the future? Of those two options, I prefer the divination SLA solution, although that would mean we should replace his divination cleric spell with another 4th level spell.

I'd suggest sending or, failing that, air walk.

Actually, speaking of Prometheus I notice he has another ability which reminded me of something:

Creature Catalogue said:
Inspire Competence (Su): Prometheus can use any of his Perform skills to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear Prometheus. Prometheus must also be able to see the ally.

The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear Prometheus’ performance. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long as Prometheus concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. Prometheus can’t inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability.

The Dungeon adventure names Andromidus the "Titan of Inspired Vision" maybe be should actually give him an ability to actually, you know, inspire a mortal with a vision?


Extradimensional Explorer
Adding divination and putting sending in the spell list works for me.

Hmmm. Inspire Vision (Su) that perhaps grants a single use of true strike to each ally affected by the performance? Or augury? Or else just re-brand Inspire Competence with an insight bonus on some kind of check (maybe a save)?

Voidrunner's Codex

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