Converting Epic Level Creatures


Extradimensional Explorer
I'm so right you had to say it twice. ;)
Silly double posts!

I quite like the structure of the ability and how it ties in with the original adventure. It needn't necessarily be very powerful, it just depends on how much of a bonus it gives to rolls to achieve a prophecy.

It's a nice overall structure, but I feel like we could streamline it in some way. Maybe even just by removing his ability to "redo" Wis checks. I'm still pondering this, but I'd like to hear any more thoughts you have.

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It's a nice overall structure, but I feel like we could streamline it in some way. Maybe even just by removing his ability to "redo" Wis checks. I'm still pondering this, but I'd like to hear any more thoughts you have.

I made the Wisdom checks re-doable to imitate how the original adventure had Andromidus go through his dreams multiple times until he got the dream "right".


Extradimensional Explorer
OK, you know what, let's go for it basically as is. I think I'd like to make the petitioner go through the Mist of Dreams. It would add more drama. If that's ok with you, we can figure out the benefits.


OK, you know what, let's go for it basically as is. I think I'd like to make the petitioner go through the Mist of Dreams. It would add more drama. If that's ok with you, we can figure out the benefits.

So something like this?

Step Three: Inspiring Illusions: Once Andromidus has successfully prophesied an Inspiring Vision he can show it to the petition who requested it through his Mist of Dreams power. If the petitioner was in Andromidus's Mist of Dreams while the titan was going through the Prophetic Dream that prophesied the Vision, Andromidus can show the petitioner their Vision when Andromidus awakens from his Dream. If not, Andromidus must use his Mist of Dreams power again if he wishes to show the petitioner their Inspiring Vision.

That just leaves deciding what benefit the Vision offers.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, that looks good.

What about the result of a divination spell without the failure chance (assuming Andromidus makes his Wis checks)? That seems like the right power level and also the right "kind" of benefit.


Yes, that looks good.

What about the result of a divination spell without the failure chance (assuming Andromidus makes his Wis checks)? That seems like the right power level and also the right "kind" of benefit.

But a divination spell doesn't provide any sort of mechanical benefit.

I was thinking more of an insight bonus to any checks made during a prophesied scene that would lead to the prophesied result, similar to a moment of prescience except with a much lower bonus for multiple rolls instead of the latter spell's hefty bonus to a single roll.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, we could go with something like that. But it seemed like the general advice provided by something like divination or augury is more in line with the story about deciding whether to join the gods or the other titans. If you wanted to use something like moment of prescience, I guess I'd do maybe +2 on up to 3 rolls. Or we could do a "re-roll up to 3 rolls, must take the re-roll" kind of thing.


Well, we could go with something like that. But it seemed like the general advice provided by something like divination or augury is more in line with the story about deciding whether to join the gods or the other titans. If you wanted to use something like moment of prescience, I guess I'd do maybe +2 on up to 3 rolls. Or we could do a "re-roll up to 3 rolls, must take the re-roll" kind of thing.

I was thinking more along the lines of a +1 or +2 luck or insight bonus to ALL rolls during the event, possibly with a time limit - maybe 20 rounds per attempt? A simple prayer give a +1 bonus to all allies within 40 feet and -1 to all enemies. It ought to be at least as beneficial as a common 3rd level cleric spell!

That said, I like the idea of the "re-roll up to X times" idea, though I'll have to consider how many re-rolls I fancy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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