Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters

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Monster Junkie
It's not necessary, but you could put it on the "tactics" line immediately following the Combat header.

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Monster Junkie
You forgot the extra +2 to damage for 2-handed. ;)

Organization: Detail (1-6)?

Should we just go this route?

Spell-Like Abilities: At will--greater invisibility. Caster level Xth.

LA: +2 (unbalanced scores, at will SLAs).


Monster Junkie
Remove the "3" from the Feats line.

CL 7th for all abilties?

Otherwise, I think it's done (pending Mortis's approval).


First Post
Shade said:
Otherwise, I think it's done (pending Mortis's approval).
Approval granted. :D

On reflection I would keep the level adjustment. To keep with the original text of a summoned silver warrior being sent to aid a favored elf for the duration of a quest, it's possible a GM would allow a player to play one - unless he knew about the extra +4 to Str and Con. ;)

Also something along the lines of:

Summoned Silver Warrior: A Silver warrior summoned by a faedorne gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution).

A Silver Warrior's favored class is Fighter.

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First Post
Shade said:
I know! Seeing that this is the only thread that gets consistent requests other than the Overhaul and Epic threads, perhaps we need to break it up into smaller categories, such as OD&D, 2E Mystara, Mystara modules, etc.?
I'm with BOZ on this one, because of the interconnections and overlaps it's easier to keep the different sources together. However, we could do grouped or themed conversions such as all creatures from a requested module at the same time.

For example. from the module O2 Sword of Vengeance, we've recently converted the faedorne and silver warrior plus the flitterling awhile ago, so the Shargug would be next (and last).


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