D&D General Could A Npc be Racist towards Elven Thieves but he's willing to befriend Elves that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves?


His racism towards Elven Thieves isn't because of their race/Elven, he hates them because their Elves that have chosen to become Thieves, the guys fine with Elves that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves

Maybe racist was a bad choice of words, now that I think about it I think it would have been better to say that he has a predigest towards Elven Thieves that is very easy to mistake for racism towards Elves

The most likely reason for that is that people don't know him well enough to know that he's only racist towards Elven Thieves and he's fine with Elves that that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves
Why does he hold elves to a standard that he doesn't apply to other races? Why does he think it's bad for them to become thieves and fine for members of any other species?

Is it the thought of them becoming criminals that disturbs him, or simply that he considers the species and profession mismatched? Would he be similarly offended by other combinations he considers unorthodox, like gnome architects, or tiefling haberdashers?

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This seems far closer to a mental disorder. People usually have a specific reason for their prejudice, so I have a hard time understand how someone could be I hate X+Y, but I'm okay with X and Y. The closest I could think of is "I hate Drizzt clones, but I'm okay with drow and rangers," but that's an out of game issue, not in game.

Who tolerates thieves?
Depends on the world; in some place, thieves are highly respected by the common people. Consider Hyboria, Lankhmar, and other classic sword & sorcery stories/worlds. In the Free City of Greyhawk the Thieves Guildmaster is a member of the city council.


The most likely reason for that is that people don't know him well enough to know that he's only racist towards Elven Thieves and he's fine with Elves that that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves

There's probably some sort of cognitive dissonance or distortion or whatever psychological description of behavior that would describe this. In effect, the NPC has a prejudice / stereotype, but anyone of that stereotype that he accepts is an exception, so the prejudice / stereotype is still true for him. In fantasy, the trope is that a non-human race encounters a human and is initially distrustful of them, but eventually accepts them -- but still doesn't get past their dislike of humans.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
His racism towards Elven Thieves isn't because of their race/Elven, he hates them because their Elves that have chosen to become Thieves, the guys fine with Elves that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves

Maybe racist was a bad choice of words, now that I think about it I think it would have been better to say that he has a predigest towards Elven Thieves that is very easy to mistake for racism towards Elves

The most likely reason for that is that people don't know him well enough to know that he's only racist towards Elven Thieves and he's fine with Elves that that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves
None of this makes any sense, I'm sorry.

The specific combination of elven thieves, but not elf farmers or dwarf thieves just isn't even coherent.

Like it's not a believable mindset.


None of this makes any sense, I'm sorry.

The specific combination of elven thieves, but not elf farmers or dwarf thieves just isn't even coherent.

Like it's not a believable mindset.
It's a variation of a "no true Scotsman" mindset. If the character is fine with an elf farmer, but can't tolerate an elf theif - they've sort of put elves on a pedastal in that they "can/should do no wrong". They're "okay" with them frolicking in the woods or interacting with society - so long as they don't step out of line with what the individual thinks is "proper" for them. Elves go to theiving and this person seems them as the worst sort of skum.

Unfortunately, I've seen this attitude down here in the deep South.
Down here, certain people will ignore blacks so long as they stay in the background and quietly lives their lives, but if the black individual shows signs of immoral behavior (such as stealing), they're considered the worst sort of scum on earth who need to be pruned immediately. A lot of times these sort of folks will claim that they aren't bigots or racists, even so far as to say "I have several black friends", when in reality they simply don't want to think about blacks existing and are ready to pounce on them the moment they "step out of line".

To Kill a Mockingbird has a lot of this sentiment towards the black defendant - they were okay with him in their community until he "did something improper".

Why does he hold elves to a standard that he doesn't apply to other races? Why does he think it's bad for them to become thieves and fine for members of any other species?

Is it the thought of them becoming criminals that disturbs him, or simply that he considers the species and profession mismatched? Would he be similarly offended by other combinations he considers unorthodox, like gnome architects, or tiefling haberdashers?
Note: this is how anti-Semitism usually works: it's creating a double-standard based on race, which is a form of racism.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Depends on the world; in some place, thieves are highly respected by the common people. Consider Hyboria, Lankhmar, and other classic sword & sorcery stories/worlds. In the Free City of Greyhawk the Thieves Guildmaster is a member of the city council.

Yeah, I see your point, but the fact that you cited only fictional communities made me wonder if there are real world antecedents, where people who are not thieves are ok with people who are thieves. At first I thought of Brown's Park (NW Colorado) in the late 19th Century, but my understanding is that they were basically all thieves to varying degrees.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It's a variation of a "no true Scotsman" mindset. If the character is fine with an elf farmer, but can't tolerate an elf theif - they've sort of put elves on a pedastal in that they "can/should do no wrong". They're "okay" with them frolicking in the woods or interacting with society - so long as they don't step out of line with what the individual thinks is "proper" for them. Elves go to theiving and this person seems them as the worst sort of skum.

Unfortunately, I've seen this attitude down here in the deep South.
Down here, certain people will ignore blacks so long as they stay in the background and quietly lives their lives, but if the black individual shows signs of immoral behavior (such as stealing), they're considered the worst sort of scum on earth who need to be pruned immediately. A lot of times these sort of folks will claim that they aren't bigots or racists, even so far as to say "I have several black friends", when in reality they simply don't want to think about blacks existing and are ready to pounce on them the moment they "step out of line".

To Kill a Mockingbird has a lot of this sentiment towards the black defendant - they were okay with him in their community until he "did something improper".
Hmmm. Okay, I can see that. Not what came across to me in the OP, but it’s a thing people do.

Voidrunner's Codex

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