D&D General Could A Npc be Racist towards Elven Thieves but he's willing to befriend Elves that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves?


A friend of mine has A Idea for A Npc A Mate of mine could use in my campaign, basically its someone that's racist towards members of A Certain Race that work in a certain class but he's willing to befriend members of that race that's aren't in that Class and is willing to tolerate people that are in that Class that don't come from that Certain Race

1 example of that would be A Npc that's Racist towards Elven Thieves but he's willing to befriend Elves that aren't Thieves and he's willing tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves?. Do note that I'm not racist nor is anyone I know racist, rather my friend simply wants to use this type of racism in his campaign, luckily he was sensible to clear it with his players before asking me to ask on this site

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Haiku Elvis

Knuckle-dusters, glass jaws and wooden hearts.
People can be arbritary and strange in their predudices. My wife is american living in the UK and the amount of times she's had people talk to her about the problems of immigration, completely oblivious to the fact she is an immigrant too, has become a bit of a running joke.
So if you are happy with that in your game go with it.


Drop the game mechanics from the discussion and think about it from the perspective of the NPC. What is it they hate? They hate elves that steal from people? Or elves that are a member of a certain group?

Why does the NPC have this level of hatred? Was it a prior event? If so, why did it make the NPC have that specific motivation?

I find that if you approach the world building, and NPC motivation, from these perspectives it makes the world a bit better.
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If a component of whether somebody will 'tolerate' somebody is based on their race, then yeah, that’s pretty much the definition of racism
His racism towards Elven Thieves isn't because of their race/Elven, he hates them because their Elves that have chosen to become Thieves, the guys fine with Elves that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves

Maybe racist was a bad choice of words, now that I think about it I think it would have been better to say that he has a predigest towards Elven Thieves that is very easy to mistake for racism towards Elves

The most likely reason for that is that people don't know him well enough to know that he's only racist towards Elven Thieves and he's fine with Elves that that aren't Thieves and he will tolerate Thieves that aren't Elves


It’s racist in the sense of expecting all members of a race to conform to the character’s view of a cultural role for that race. “Bigoted” may be the less inflammatory term.

Voidrunner's Codex

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