Craft/Time Point Proposal & Discussion


What is the "+x infusion" coming from, and do you really have an infusion with the necessary duration (8 hours) to effect the crafting process? If there is such a thing, I ought to be using it too!

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Erekose13 said:
Well damn that sucks, seems I've really screwed this one up.

Perhaps you should simply start over? I don't recomend making scrolls with multiple prerequisites, failure is simply too likely. There's a pretty big difference in your chances with those two modifiers, and I think it's fair for you to make different choices upon discovering the rules are different from what you thought.


Thanks, I think I'll craft them as seperate scrolls and just spend the craft days for now. I'll repost with a list of changes because I'll be able to reroll most of them (and spend the 5 AP from 1st level).


Okay I've rerolled everything and I'll post this in a proper form for my character sheet, but to check my math, I've included a copy of the Excel file I used to track my progress on my rerolls. I've also pasted the results in the sblock below. I made all rolls except one magic missile scroll (cause I don't want to waste an AP at 2nd for it). All totaled it takes me 44 craft days instead of 9.

[Level 1 Crafting]	Original Total	Original UMD	Original Roll	Correct UMD	Corrected Roll	Target	Passed?	Reroll	AP Roll	Total	Result
@1st level 4ranks + 4mod +3feat +2tool +2class +2infusion = +17 UMD											

Notes: class not valid, total UMD @ L1 = +15											

Scroll 1 											
 - comprehend languages, disguise self, grease, command, detect evil											
5 rolls DC 21 umd +17											
Scroll 1, DC 21 per roll 											
(1d20+17=22, 	22	17	5	13	18	21	Fail	15	6	21	Pass
1d20+17=36, 	36	17	19	13	32	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=20,	20	17	3	13	16	21	Fail	reroll below			Pass
1d20+17=27, 	27	17	10	13	23	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=21)	21	17	4	13	17	21	Fail	24			Pass

Scroll 1, 1 reroll. DC 21 											
(1d20+17=23)	23	17	6	13	19	21	Fail	roll AP	6	25	

Notes: correct # of rolls made, but with -2 to the roll, I'd need to use 2 AP to make it (1 auto success, 1 needed 2 or higher).											

scroll 2											
 - protection from evil, entangle, jump, speak with animals, bless weapon											
5 rolls Dc 21 umd +17											
Scroll 2, DC 21 per roll 											
(1d20+17=34, 	34	17	17	13	30	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=28, 	28	17	11	13	24	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=22, 	22	17	5	13	18	21	Fail	30			Pass
1d20+17=37, 	37	17	20	13	33	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=24)	24	17	7	13	20	21	Fail	30			Pass

Notes: correct # of rolls made, but with -2 to the roll, I'd need to use 1 AP to make it (auto pass with a roll of 1).											

scroll 3											
 - lesser restoration, charm person, enlarge person, expeditious retreat											
4 rolls DC 21 umd +17											
Scroll 3, DC 21 per roll. 											
(1d20+17=37, 	37	17	20	13	33	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=30, 	30	17	13	13	26	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=32, 	32	17	15	13	28	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=18)	18	17	1	13	14	21	Fail	reroll failed			Pass

Scroll 3, 1 reroll. DC 21 											
(1d20+17=23)	23	17	6	13	19	21	Fail	roll AP	4	23	

Notes: correct # of rolls made, but with -2 to the roll, no AP required, all made it.											

scroll 4											
 - reduce person, rouse, resist energy, mount, shield, sleep											
6 rolls DC 21 umd +17											
Scroll 4, DC 21 per roll. 											
(1d20+17=31, 	31	17	14	13	27	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=37, 	37	17	20	13	33	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=29, 	29	17	12	13	25	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=22, 	22	17	5	13	18	21	Fail	26			Pass
1d20+17=35, 	35	17	18	13	31	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+17=19)	19	17	2	13	15	21	Fail	Pass			Pass

Scroll 4, 1 reroll. DC 21 											
(1d20+17=29)	29	17	12	13	25	21	Pass				

Notes: correct # of rolls made, but with -2 to the roll, I'd need to use 1 AP to make it (auto pass with a 1).											

Level 1 Crafting Notes: would've needed 4 AP to make the rolls.											
[url=]Reroll Failed Craft checks @ L1 (1d20+13=15, 1d20+13=24, 1d20+13=30, 1d20+13=30, 1d20+13=26)[/url] 	[url=]AP to craft 1st level scrolls (1d6=6, 1d6=6, 1d6=4)[/url] 										
[Level 2 Crafting]											
@2nd level 5ranks + 4mod +3feat +2tool +2class +2 synergy +3infusion = +21 UMD for scrolls, +19 for potions.											

Notes: +2 from class incorrect, +19 for Scrolls, +17 for potions											

scroll 5											
 - cure light wounds X6											
6 rolls DC 21 umd +21											
Scroll 5, DC 21 per roll. 											
(1d20+21=31, 	31	21	10	16	26	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=26, 	26	21	5	16	21	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=24, 	24	21	3	16	19	21	Fail	28			Pass
1d20+21=33, 	33	21	12	16	28	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=35, 	35	21	14	16	30	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=29)	29	21	8	16	24	21	Pass				Pass

Notes: only one roll needed. 1st succeeded by a long shot.											

scroll 6											
6 rolls DC 21 umd +21											
 - cure light wounds X4, mage armor X2											
Scroll 6, DC 21 per roll. 											
(1d20+21=24, 	24	21	3	16	19	21	Fail	24			Pass
1d20+21=22, 	22	21	1	16	17	21	Fail	29			Pass
1d20+21=29, 	29	21	8	16	24	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=23, 	23	21	2	16	18	21	Fail	22			Pass
1d20+21=27, 	27	21	6	16	22	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=36)	36	21	15	16	31	21	Pass				Pass

Notes: Only need 2 rolls, with -2 UMD I'd have failed the second, but upon rerolling made it with the third.											

scroll 7											
 - magic missile X6											
6 rolls DC 21 umd +21											
Scroll 7, DC 21 per roll. 											
(1d20+21=29, 	29	21	8	16	24	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=26, 	26	21	5	16	21	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=27, 	27	21	6	16	22	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=41, 	41	21	20	16	36	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=22, 	22	21	1	16	17	21	Fail	18	Fail		Fail
1d20+21=26)	26	21	5	16	21	21	Pass				Pass

Notes: Only needed 1 roll, made it.											

scroll 8											
 - mage armor X2, suggestion, alter self, heroism											
2 rolls DC 21 umd +21											
3 rolls DC 22 umd +21											

Scroll 8, DC 21 per roll. 											
(1d20+21=36, 	36	21	15	16	31	21	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=30)	30	21	9	16	25	21	Pass				Pass
Scroll 8, DC 22 per roll. 											
(1d20+21=32, 	32	21	11	16	27	22	Pass				Pass
1d20+21=23, 	23	21	2	16	18	22	Fail	28			Pass
1d20+21=33)	33	21	12	16	28	22	Pass				Pass

Notes: only 1 roll for magic missile needed, made it. With -2 UMD I'd have failed alter self and would need a reroll.											


potion 1											
1 roll DC 21 umd +19											

Potion 1, DC 21. 											
(1d20+19=34)	34	19	15	14	29	21	Pass				Pass

Notes: even with -2 UMD, made it.											
[url=]Reroll L2 Craft Checks (1d20+16=28, 1d20+16=24, 1d20+16=29, 1d20+16=22, 1d20+16=18, 1d20+16=28)[/url]


Sorry, no I've taken it out. The sblock is a copy of the excel file so hopefully its easier to see there. The columns across (with an example)

Copy of text:(1d20+17=22,
Original Total: 22
Original UMD: 17
Roll: 5
Corrected UMD: 13
Corrected Total: 18
DC: 21
Result: Fail
Reroll Total: 15
AP Roll: 6 (if required)
Adjusted Total: 21
Adjusted Result: Pass

Rystil Arden

First Post
Erekose13 said:
Sorry, no I've taken it out. The sblock is a copy of the excel file so hopefully its easier to see there. The columns across (with an example)

Copy of text:(1d20+17=22,
Original Total: 22
Original UMD: 17
Roll: 5
Corrected UMD: 13
Corrected Total: 18
DC: 21
Result: Fail
Reroll Total: 15
AP Roll: 6 (if required)
Adjusted Total: 21
Adjusted Result: Pass
Ah, I get it now. Question--why didn't you just put all the Magic Missile spells on the same scroll and just roll once?


I could've but I figured if I'm going to go back and reroll some generally building off what I've already rolled that I'd apply that mentality to the whole thing rather than just picking and choosing which rolls I'd use. This was, to me at least, a fairer way to approach it given that I already knew what my rolls were ahead of making decisions.


Okay here is my revised craft log:
[sblock=Level 1 Crafting]@1st level 4ranks + 4mod +3feat +2tool = +13 UMD

Scroll of comprehend languages Craft Roll (1) = 22 ; Reroll (1) = 15 ; AP (1) = 6 .
Scroll of disguise self Craft Roll (2) = 32 ;
Scroll of grease Craft Roll (3) = 16 ; Reroll = 19 ; AP (2) = 6 .
Scroll of command Craft Roll (4) = 23 ;
Scroll of detect evil Craft Roll (5) = 17 ; Reroll (2) = 24 .
Scroll of protection from evil Craft Roll (1) = 30 ;
Scroll of entangle Craft Roll (2) = 24 ;
Scroll of jump Craft Roll (3) = 18 ; Reroll (3) = 30 .
Scroll of speak with animals Craft Roll (4) = 33 ;
Scroll of bless weapon Craft Roll (5) = 20 ; Reroll (4) = 30 .
Scroll of lesser restoration Craft Roll (1) = 33 ;
Scroll of charm person Craft Roll (2) = 26 ;
Scroll of enlarge person Craft Roll (3) = 28 ;
Scroll of expeditious retreat Craft Roll (4) = 14 ; Reroll = 19 ; AP (3) = 4 .
Scroll of reduce person Craft Roll (1) = 27 ;
Scroll of rouse Craft Roll (2) = 33 ;
Scroll of resist energy Craft Roll (3) = 25 ;
Scroll of mount Craft Roll (4) = 18 ; Reroll (5) = 26 .
Scroll of shield Craft Roll (5) = 31 ;
Scroll of sleep Craft Roll (6) = 15 ; Reroll = 25 .

XP Spent: 0
GP Spent: 250
Craft Reserve Spent: 20
Craft Days Spent: 20
[/sblock][sblock=Level 2 Crafting]@2nd level 5ranks + 4mod +3feat +2tool +2 synergy = +16 UMD for scrolls, +14 for potions.

Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (1) = 26 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (2) = 21 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (3) = 19 ; Reroll (1) = 28 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (4) = 28 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (5) = 30 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (6) = 24 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (1) =19 ; Reroll (2) = 24 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (2) =17 ; Reroll (3) = 29 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (3) =24 .
Scroll of cure light wounds Craft Roll (4) =18 ; Reroll (4) = 22 .
Scroll of mage armor Craft Roll (5) =22 .
Scroll of mage armor Craft Roll (6) =31 .
Scroll of magic missile Craft Roll (1) =24 .
Scroll of magic missile Craft Roll (2) =21 .
Scroll of magic missile Craft Roll (3) =22 .
Scroll of magic missile Craft Roll (4) =36 .
Scroll of magic missile Craft Roll (5) =17 ; Reroll (5) = 18 . Fail
Scroll of magic missile Craft Roll (6) =21 .
Scroll of mage armor Craft Roll (1) =31 .
Scroll of mage armor Craft Roll (2) =25 .
Scroll of suggestion Craft Roll (1) =27 .
Scroll of alter self Craft Roll (2) =18 ; Reroll (6) = 28 .
Scroll of heroism Craft Roll (3) =28 .
Potion of cure light wounds Craft Roll =29 .

XP Spent: 0
GP Spent: 500
Craft Reserve Spent: 40
Craft Days Spent: 24[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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