CSI: Sharn (Help create 100 corpses)

This is more a story idea- you find chunks of body as if broken apart- not torn. How?

A time limited flesh to stone. Figure is stone- falls- breaks then becomes flesh. A strange form of serial killer.

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40. There is a naked human female body, cut completely in half at the waist. She is lying on her back with her arms over her head, and her legs spread-eagle. Her legs are placed about a foot away from her torso. Her body and face have been violently slashed, including a long cut across her cheeks forming her mouth into a grotesque smile. Perhaps she was killed somewhere else and brought to this location, because there are rope marks on her ankles, feet and neck. Also, she has apparently been washed clean of any blood that would have been on her skin.

... lets see if the players can solve one of the great unsolved crimes. ;)

Captain Howdy said:
40. There is a naked human female body, cut completely in half at the waist. She is lying on her back with her arms over her head, and her legs spread-eagle. Her legs are placed about a foot away from her torso. Her body and face have been violently slashed, including a long cut across her cheeks forming her mouth into a grotesque smile. Perhaps she was killed somewhere else and brought to this location, because there are rope marks on her ankles, feet and neck. Also, she has apparently been washed clean of any blood that would have been on her skin.

... lets see if the players can solve one of the great unsolved crimes. ;)
Shouldn't there be a sign on the wall saying "The warforged are not people to be blamed for nothing" ;)"

shilsen said:
Shouldn't there be a sign on the wall saying "The warforged are not people to be blamed for nothing" ;)"
Um, uhh...double-negatives make my head hurt. So you're saying "The warforged are people to be blamed for something"? (coo~coo coo~coo, birdies flying in circles above my head like in the cartoons)

(disclaimer: I want to apologize since I don't actually own the Sharn book, nor do I have the Eberron CS available to provide details regarding nationalities, etc. That shouldn't stop me from adding to this fun, albeit gruesome, thread!)

41) A corpse is hauled out of a well in the ___(insert name of slum/poor quarter here)___. It appears to be a scruffy half-elven male, middle-aged, slightly overweight and slovenly; dressed in grease-stained tan tunic and frayed-cuff black trousers. He's been stuffed down there for only a few hours. In a belt-pouch with a vine leaf clasp can be found 19 gold coins from a foreign city and a document within a crushed, laquered wooden scroll-tube. The ink has smeared & run to the point of illegibility after being submerged, but if magic is employed it turns out to be an intimate letter addressed to "Irina" and signed from a "Arthenis". Investigation reveals that an "Arthenis Ravenos" lives within the city--and he's still alive. (For a real twist, he claims he didn't author the love letter, doesn't know an "Irina," nor was he ever approached by a blackmailer...and magic proves that he's truthful.)
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At first glance, this is the body of a human male. Age is apparently late thirties. The deceased is bald, with a small red goatee beard. Platinum earrings in the ears have not been touched. There is no sign of decomposition of the body, but his clothes have rotted almost completely away. The cause of death is not apparent, as he has no visible wounds. His nearly naked flesh does sport one oddity, however...scattered patches of tiny red scales, especially around scent areas (either side of neck, armpits, groin, cleft of buttocks.) His hands are calloused and rough, a swordsman's grip. His fingernails are clean...cleaner than the rest of him.

Wraith Form said:
Um, uhh...double-negatives make my head hurt. So you're saying "The warforged are people to be blamed for something"? (coo~coo coo~coo, birdies flying in circles above my head like in the cartoons)
Just quoting (from memory, so I could be wrong) a sign painted on a wall at a Jack the Ripper murder scene (and no, the sign said "Jews", not warforged :)). I think that's what Captain Howdy was alluding to in No. 40.

shilsen said:
Just quoting (from memory, so I could be wrong) a sign painted on a wall at a Jack the Ripper murder scene (and no, the sign said "Jews", not warforged :)). I think that's what Captain Howdy was alluding to in No. 40.
Ouch. And I thought I was a Ripper fanboy. D'OH, I feel foolish.

Thanks for the clarification.

Cap't, nice Exorcist avatar!
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43. Ah, the rainy season, storms are blown in and rain comes down heavy, some of the streets of Sharn become very dangerous not that they were dangerous before but because of the flash floods. The pratice is called corpses fishing and that is what you see before you, a net pulled accross the street to capture 'items' washed down from the higher streets. Small animals most likely go into some pot, supplies sold, bodies like the one you see before you are stripped, clothing and items sold. The corspe in life must have been beautiful, long hair blonde, shape and figure that even in death was remarkable and along the back a dragonmark of house...

Note: flash flood idea was based on stuff I have seen from the news happening in Hong Kong, cars, properity, animals, and people being caught in them being washed out to sea. :(

Nothing remarkable about this poor dark-haired child would call attention to her in life, but in death she's a tragic figure--found decomposing in an abandoned building, with a light coat of dust covering her naked form. Apparently born of some wealth, she had good skin, strong teeth and long bones for a child under 10 seasons. She was brained by a blunt object. Scuff marks on her back and shoulders indicate she was dragged by her feet to this location.

The thing that sends a chill down your spine is the fact that her hands, both missing, were removed, but not with a blade...closer inspection of the jagged, bloody stumps reveals the markings of human(oid) teeth on her bones and flesh....
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