Pretty sure Wraith Form meant that to be #44, so...
45. In a remote location, near a bridge that is out and has been closed for repairs, a human male, mid-40s, is found sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the footstep of the compartment of a very nice (but showing signs of age) enclosed four passenger carriage. He has his knees up slightly, and a crossbow wedged between them positioned to point at his head, with no bolt loaded - from the immediate look of things, this is because it has been discharged through said head. A decent Heal check (DC 10) will determine that the bolt that went through the man's head was fired from the back to the front. His papers will identify him as a professor of language and literary studies, specializing in religious works, at the University. Both horses have been freed or taken by someone. Inside the carriage is a box containing a fine set of china, that does not look to have been secured well enough to have travelled there that way. A Search check (DC 15) will find a hole in the carriage that another bolt passed through.
45. In a remote location, near a bridge that is out and has been closed for repairs, a human male, mid-40s, is found sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the footstep of the compartment of a very nice (but showing signs of age) enclosed four passenger carriage. He has his knees up slightly, and a crossbow wedged between them positioned to point at his head, with no bolt loaded - from the immediate look of things, this is because it has been discharged through said head. A decent Heal check (DC 10) will determine that the bolt that went through the man's head was fired from the back to the front. His papers will identify him as a professor of language and literary studies, specializing in religious works, at the University. Both horses have been freed or taken by someone. Inside the carriage is a box containing a fine set of china, that does not look to have been secured well enough to have travelled there that way. A Search check (DC 15) will find a hole in the carriage that another bolt passed through.