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Greetings Jester !!

As one of your big fans I would like to ask you for some info about several of your prestige classess (the list is quite big for a homebrew add-on to an existing array of these, both from official and 3rd party products).

If you could spare a moment to write a line or two about these classess, I'd be very grateful indeed :) :

Agent of the Six-Fingered Hand
Apocalyptic Decadent
Miloxi Heir
Warrior of Chaos
Epic - Perfect Master

Thanks in advance :D

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World of Kulan DM
Greetings Jester !!

As one of your big fans I would like to ask you for some info about several of your prestige classess (the list is quite big for a homebrew add-on to an existing array of these, both from official and 3rd party products).

If you could spare a moment to write a line or two about these classess, I'd be very grateful indeed :) :

Agent of the Six-Fingered Hand
Apocalyptic Decadent
Miloxi Heir
Warrior of Chaos
Epic - Perfect Master

Thanks in advance :D
Erevanden, you should check out J's Cydra yahoo group for more details about his prestige classes.

cydra : Cydra

That group has tons of information in its files section regarding J's extensive house rules, classes, prestige classes, and the like.

He also has a wiki...

cydra » home


First Post
I was wondering, Jester: Master Control and his Clockwork Horrors have been enemies of the PCs for a LONG time, correct? But Clockwork Horrors by the book exist in rather small groups, only one of the most powerful kind exists and they can't advance in power. Obviously you disregarded that for your campaign, so I would really like to hear about how you reenvisioned Clockwork Horrors for your campaign, and any material you changed or added (clockwork swarms?) to challenge high-level characters with the critters. Did you create more types? Disregard the advancement prohibition? Use templates? Or did you just use hordes upon hordes at a time?

the Jester

I was wondering, Jester: Master Control and his Clockwork Horrors have been enemies of the PCs for a LONG time, correct? But Clockwork Horrors by the book exist in rather small groups, only one of the most powerful kind exists and they can't advance in power. Obviously you disregarded that for your campaign, so I would really like to hear about how you reenvisioned Clockwork Horrors for your campaign, and any material you changed or added (clockwork swarms?) to challenge high-level characters with the critters. Did you create more types? Disregard the advancement prohibition? Use templates? Or did you just use hordes upon hordes at a time?

Well, the reason Master Control had kidnapped Belmondo (twice!) was in order to use his creativity to generate new types. That also covered the 'advancement problem' for the horrors.

Let me preface the following by stating that I haven't dug out my notes on this so some of the details might be misremembering some details; don't hold me to it!

In Cydra, the clockwork horrors were created a looooooong time ago by an alliance of the Miloxi Empire- the ancient tabaxi empire that learned the secrets of radiocrystal- and Drow. (This was before the Alignment Wars that split Drow from the surface elves.) One of the Drow studied with the Miloxi on the Island of Clockwork, where the greatest artisans of the tabaxi had made the first proto-horrors. Together with them, this Drow became a great teacher and helped them perfect the (basic models of) clockwork horrors. (This Drow later became the lich E-Krektor, who our heroes slew thousands of years later.)

Then things went terribly wrong; the Alignment Wars caused E-Krektor to build more and more dangerous types of clockwork horrors. It is at this time that Master Control detected the horrors and took control of them, leading directly to the great disaster that destroyed the Miloxi Empire in a matter of weeks. The continent was destroyed; the Alignment Wars were lost to the forces of Good; E-Krektor retreated in bitterness to the depths of the world, where he sought the path of lichdom; and the clockwork horrors began a long, slow period of buildup and production as Master Control plotted and planned.

It has been established that Master Control launched a major invasion of the core campaign area at some point probably 5-10,000 years ago. This was beaten off by the heroes of that time, which led to the creation of the Orb of Green Fire (an artifact devoted to destroying the horrors).

The second clockwork horror invasion happened 15-25 years ago in campaign time- I'm honestly not sure what the exact time frame was, as we've advanced time by a few years many times since then. The clockwork horrors began to attack Dorhaus, and the pcs at the time (Lester, Malford, Thimbleton, Hobbes, Stone, et. al.) fought back. It was during this time that Belmondo was captured and hooked up to an idea-sucking machine for the first time. The pcs rescued him, but this gave Master Control idea templates that it has used to spawn dozens of new varieties of horrors with. Eventually the pcs traveled a long way to the Miloxi Remains and the Isle of Horrors (formerly the Island of Clockwork) and made their way deep inside while Belmondo 'jacked in' and confronted Master Control on an informational plane, occupying it and stopping it from paying full attention to the rest of the conflict with the other pcs.

Unfortunately, during this informational battle, Belmondo failed a saving throw that left an informational virus in him. That allowed Master Control to survive, dormant, for [real time] years, until somebody said a trigger word to Belmondo accidentally and activated it. (I believe this happens in one of the epic story hour threads, but it's subtle.... maybe in To War Against Felenga? It might even be earlier on...) Once left to his own devices, 'Belmondo' took off to reconnect to the horrors.

Whew! There's some background for ya!

As for new types of horrors, I have used, among other things:

-A giant carrier horror that carried swarms of clockwork horrors, big enough that the pcs entered it and fought through the swarms of horrors within it (this was where Belmondo was the first time he was taken)

-Flying horrors

-Aquatic horrors

-Horrors with tentacles for capturing people

-Tiny (microscopic) horrors whose only purpose is to spy and send back reports

-Swarms of gnat-sized horrors that discharge electric zaps

-Omega Horrors- these guys are the high end of Master Control's epic horrors. This is often what was launching missiles and stuff at the pcs when they were under serious horror assault. CR was epic- maybe 27? I can't remember off hand.

I'm sure that I'm missing a bunch, but hopefully this is a good start on horror background!

the Jester

Large Construct
Hit Dice: 30d10+30 (195 hp) plus 100 hp force field
Initiative: +9
Speed: 20’, fly 120’
Armor Class: 45 (-1 size, +1 dex, +30 natural, +5 deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 44
Base Attack/Grapple:+15/+40
Attack: Tentacle slam +35 melee (3d6+11 plus 3d6 electricity)
Full Attack: 6 tentacle slams +35 melee (3d6+11 plus 3d6 electricity) and 4 blaster cannons +23 ranged touch (6d8 force) and 4 laser cannons +23 ranged touch (6d10 fire) and missile +23 ranged (10d8 piercing/slashing plus 10d6 fire)
Space/Reach: 10’/20’ (with tentacles)
Special Attacks: Blaster cannons, constrict 4d6+16 plus 3d6 electricity, guided weapons, laser cannons, missiles, shock, superior grab, superior multiweapon fighting
Special Qualities: DR 15/adamantine and epic, fast healing 10, force field, immunity to acid and electricity, radio link, resistance to cold 20, fire 20 and sonic 20
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +17
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 12, Con -, Int 20, Wis 24, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +50, Hide +30, Knowledge (geography) +38, Listen +40, Move Silently +34, Search +38, Spot +40
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Mobility, Power Attack
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary (sometimes leading other constructs)
Challenge Rating: 27
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 31-45 HD (large), 46-75 HD (huge), 76-90 HD (gargantuan), 91-120 HD (colossal)
Level Adjustment: -

A strange disc-shaped object, about 10’ in diameter, with a number of bizarre-looking appendages flies through the air. It is obviously made of some sort of dark metal. Tentacles writhe and strange, arcane-looking protrusions swivel about.

An omega horror is a flying beast of metal. It moves with incredible speed and precision and has a bewildering array of offensive weaponry and incredible defensive abilities. Omega horrors were designed by Master Control to be the ultimate weapon for destroying pesky adventurers with.

An omega horror is a terrifying opponent. Despite its small frame, it is capable of extruding an extremely dangerous combination of weapons, and due to its computer guidance it is capable of utilizing all its weapons simultaneously. It is also extremely adaptive, capable of learning and changing tactics as required.

Blaster Cannons (Ex): An omega horror is outfitted with two blaster cannons. These terrible weapons have a range increment of 200’ and deal 6d8 points of force damage. The horror can fire its blasters continuously for up to an hour before it has any maintenance issues.

Constrict (Ex): If an omega horror gets a hold with a tentacle attack, it can constrict each round thereafter on another successful grapple check.

Guided Weapons (Ex): The computers guiding an omega horror’s weapon systems react far more quickly than a human can, tracking and engaging targets with ruthless speed and efficiency. An omega horror gets a +4 competence bonus on initiative rolls and a +8 competence bonus on attack rolls.

Laser Cannons (Ex): An omega horror is outfitted with two laser cannons and enough spare parts to build a replacement for one. These weapons have a range increment of 1200’, but do only 3d10 points of fire damage outside of their first range increment. An omega horror can fire its laser cannons continuously for up to a week before having any maintenance issues; these are its ‘cheapest’ ranged weapons to use, when power is a consideration.

Missiles (Ex): The omega horror typically holds twelve missiles when fully munitioned. A missile will fly 120’ each round towards its chosen target, rolling to hit when it get within range. The missiles have good maneuverability. If a missile misses its target, it continues flying straight ahead until it either hits a solid object or creature in its path or until it runs out of fuel (after ten rounds of flight). A missile that hits a target inflicts 10d8 points of piercing/slashing damage and 10d6 points of fire damage to the target. All other creatures and unattended objects within 40’ of the impact point suffer the fire damage (though creatures receive a Ref save, 30, for half damage; the save DC is int-based).

Shock (Ex): The omega horror’s tentacles deal 3d6 points of electrical damage to any creature that they touch.

Superior Grab (Ex): Whenever an omega horror hits with a tentacle slam attack or makes a successful touch attack with a tentacle, it may make a free grapple check without provoking an attack of opportunity. It gains a +10 racial bonus on all grapple checks, and it is not considered grappled (though a single tentacle is busy and cannot take other actions while grappling its victim). Each round thereafter, the omega horror may constrict.

Superior Multiweapon Fighting (Ex): An omega horror may attack with all its weapons, both ranged and melee, at its full attack bonus (though it may only attack once with each per round under normal conditions). An omega horror’s ranged attacks do not trigger attacks of opportunity.

Force Field (Ex): An omega horror is shrouded by an invisible force field that must be penetrated before the omega horror itself can be damaged. The field provides a +5 deflection bonus to the horror’s AC (included in the stat block above) and deflects all damage until it is destroyed. The field itself has 100 hit points and is damaged only by acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic attacks. If it is damaged it flares and becomes momentarily visible. It repairs itself at a rate of 10 hit points per round, but if destroyed, it will not regenerate for 24 hours. The force field can also be destroyed with a disintegrate spell or effect. If the force field is destroyed, the omega horror loses its deflection bonus.

Radio Link (Ex): An omega horror can communicate via radio with any other clockwork horrors within 100 miles.

Construction: The secrets of constructing the omega horrors are thankfully known only to Master Control.

Society: Omega horrors are the most deadly of horrors, capable of destroying entire towns with their armament single-handedly. They are usually reserved for ‘special’ situations that require their prodigious firepower.

Skills: An omega horror’s tentacles give it a +6 racial bonus to Climb checks.

Fine Construct (Swarm)
Hit Dice: 35d10 (192 hp)
Initiative: +14
Speed: Fly 90’ (perfect)
Armor Class: 44 (+8 size, +10 dex, +16 natural), touch 28, flat-footed 34
Base Attack/Grapple: +26/-
Attack: Swarm (5d12 plus 10d6 electricity)
Full Attack: Swarm (5d12 plus 10d6 electricity)
Space/Reach: 10’/0’
Special Attacks: Distract, electricity, improved swarm, penetration
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60’, construct, immunity to electricity, low-light vision, radiocommunication, resistance to cold 15 and fire 15, SR 29 swarm traits
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +21, Will +13
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 30, Con -, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +23, Spot +23
Feats: Ability Focus (distract), Alertness, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor(x6), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, pair or attack wave (3-10)
Challenge Rating: 23
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: 36-70 HD

You see before you a massive cloud of glinting miniature insects the size of gnats. They appear to be made out of metal.

An attack swarm of clockwork horrors consists of a multitude of electrically charged mechanical gnats that are all equipped with deadly ripping appendages.


Distraction (Ex): Any living creature vulnerable to an attack swarm’s swarm damage that begins its turn with a swarm in its square is nauseated for 1 round; a Fort save, DC 29, negates this effect. Even after a successful save, spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level). Using skills requiring patience and concentration requires a DC 20 Concentration check. The save DC is con-based.

Electricity (Ex): An attack swarm is charged with electricity. It deals 10d6 points of electric damage every time it deals swarm damage to a creature. Any creature attempting to attack it with a natural attack or a non-reach melee weapon suffers 4d6 hp of electrical damage in the attempt.

Improved Swarm (Ex): An attack swarm deals more damage than a normal swarm of its size.

Penetration (Ex): An attack swarm penetrates DR as if it were magic and adamantine.

Radiocommunication (Ex): An attack swarm can instantly and silently communicate with any other clockwork horrors within 10 miles.

Swarm Traits: Having no clear front or back, a swarm cannot be flanked. An attack swarm is not subject to weapon damage, nor can it be staggered, bull rushed, tripped or grappled. It is immune to any spell that targets a specific number of creatures, including single-target spells such as disintegrate. It takes half again as much damage from spells or effects that affect an area. It is susceptible to the effects of high winds.


First Post
You're probably tired of me going on, but thanks for the epic constructs. I especially like the Swarm. The Omega Horror is rather higher-tech than I had thought possible, even for Master Control. I expected the Horrors to be more technomagical, with supernatural and spell-like powers rather than superweapons. And that force field is evil :D (But probably necessary since the HP is so low otherwise.)

Now I'm only lacking the gutling template and the Tearless beholders. :p
(Seriously, thanks a lot for being so helpful and patient with my wheedling.)

the Jester

You're probably tired of me going on...
(Seriously, thanks a lot for being so helpful and patient with my wheedling.)

Hey, I love it when people post to my threads! :D

The Omega Horror is rather higher-tech than I had thought possible, even for Master Control. I expected the Horrors to be more technomagical, with supernatural and spell-like powers rather than superweapons.

Actually, Master Control originated in my old campaign, before Tharizdun ate it. Basically, my version of Oerth had an "inside world" going on as well (but it looked like a normal planetary surface due to some planar gates and epic illusion magic). The pcs in the inside world (Clannath) eventually plane shifted their entire population to a parallel material plane that they discovered that seemed to be utopian: full of food, no sentient life that they could initially spot, etc.

Turned out it was a world long past its apocalypse, which had involved the worldwide computer program that controlled everything going rogue and rebelling against its creators. It secretly modified the world's power sources, the Omega Reactors, to break down organic sentience: when the pcs finally found other humans on Utopia, they were animals with intelligence scores of 1.

When the pcs- a group of dnd superheroes including Iron Dwarf, a dwarven priest of technology with sentient magical psionic technological armor- fought Master Control, it slipped a copy of itself into Adam, Iron Dwarf's armor. Adam escaped into Darkhold when the apocalypse that ended my old world came, and thus Master Control came to be in Cydra.

Voidrunner's Codex

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