D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

Reiterating that the accidentally announced May date was incorrect.


In a recent Unearthed Arcana video, Jeremy Crawford at WotC revealed that the new core rulebooks would definitely not be available in May of this year, as reported in the (withdrawn) infographics released by WotC on social media and at last year's Pax Unplugged 2023 panel.

I just want to confirm with you and as well with everyone watching this video - that is definitely not the release date. That was never the release date. In fact, we will still be working on the books in May.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Ok, thanks for clarifying.

As for me, I don't really see what the big deal is.

Also, I haven't read anything that suggests that Wizards of the Coast does not know the target release date. Perhaps they are not announcing a release date because they want to make sure that the book can be published by that date -- given the publication troubles of the last couple years -- before announcing it. Lord knows that if a date was announced and had to be then changed, there would be endless posts criticizing Wizards. It seems like no matter what they do, they receive criticism in places like these forums...at least that is the impression I receive from reading these forums for the last 15 years or so.
True, which means they probably shouldn't care about criticism from these forums, or social media in general. At least, not this kind of criticism. It's coming no matter what they do.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
A lot of people on these boards actually DO have a reason to care about the marketing - we have DMsGuild writers, 3rd Party Publishers, and Game Store owners (like myself) to go along with the armchair quarterbacks (some of which have marketing experience in other fields, which can apply too).

AND we have people that like to talk about how they don't care if the game sells or not, as if they'd get to play it either way. (Which of course, they can, but it's kind of funny when they want changes made to the core that even they acknowledge would probably make it sell worse).
Consumers often don't care about sales to people who don't like what they like. Why should they?


You know, there are several good times to release the product throughout the year. May is a decent date (not quite as good as June, IMO), but if they aren't released in May, that's no biggie.

August could be a good time. Even if they are "working" on it in May, there are different variations on what "working" means. They were still "working" on the last Core Rules release I think up to 3-4 months before release. Even better could be a November or early December release date. Many types of items have over half their sales in those two months alone. Getting a product released at that time raises hype and could raise sales as well.

There's a LOT of 2024 beyond May and a LOT of time to have a release in 2024.


There's a LOT of 2024 beyond May and a LOT of time to have a release in 2024.
yes, but either you only care about the PHB or you forget about the staggered release. If you want all three core books in 2024 then there really is not all that much time to squeeze all three in after September, which is kinda the earliest a ‘still working on it in May’ can accomplish


yes, but either you only care about the PHB or you forget about the staggered release. If you want all three core books in 2024 then there really is not all that much time to squeeze all three in after September, which is kinda the earliest a ‘still working on it in May’ can accomplish

Staggered release doesn't have to mean one a month, though if it did, that would still be October, November, December. (and traditionally since 3e I think that matches the pattern more). That could be the END of October, end of November, and end of December, which matches up nicely to the christmas rush as well (end being relative to the holiday of course, the release being before the holiday but nearer the latter end of the month).

Another staggered release to garner the maximum Christmas push (not that WotC is going for that date at all) would be

Nov 19, Dec 3, and Dec 17. It could be staggered by two weeks, or even one, or could do a bigger distance (Two months between each, etc).

It could go for a June release date for the PHB, an August for the MM, and an October or November one for the DMG (and Christmas!).

That could mean they may still be working on some of the core rules, even as they release others.

An even farther fetch idea (though not implausible) is that they DO release a Book in may, such as the PHB, another in August for the con, and finally another before Christmas.


Book-Friend, he/him
yes, but either you only care about the PHB or you forget about the staggered release. If you want all three core books in 2024 then there really is not all that much time to squeeze all three in after September, which is kinda the earliest a ‘still working on it in May’ can accomplish
Well, no, August is about the earliest that could mean.

And for context, the 2014 core books were releases staggered from August to December that yaear: 3 books in 5 months is very doable, and probsvly what theybare aiming for more or less. I see nonreason to suspect that all three won't be available by Christmas.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
I guess it should be noted that the 'false' release dates for the PHB are still shown on the upcoming 5e products list on the main page. Just thought to point this out to the admins.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
Well, no, August is about the earliest that could mean.

And for context, the 2014 core books were releases staggered from August to December that yaear: 3 books in 5 months is very doable, and probsvly what theybare aiming for more or less. I see nonreason to suspect that all three won't be available by Christmas.
August would be a great release date as it could potentially be a Gencon release, definitely would drive up sales and maybe bring back schismatic players back to the warm embrace of WotC.

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