WotC WotC Removes Release Dates From Promo Images For 2024

Official promo images replaced by images without release dates.

On Friday, WotC shared a bunch of images of 2024's D&D releases, which included release dates for each book.
The images were initially shared during a panel at PAX Unplugged, and were shortly after shared widely on the official D&D social media outlets.

However, a few hours later, all those images were removed from WotC's social media, and were later replaced by images without the release dates.


Additionally, the '2024 Core Rules' image was replaced with a caption saying '2024 Player's Handbook'.

It's not clear why they were removed, whether those release dates are incorrect, or if they simply weren't supposed to be shared yet. But since we shared those images too, we should note that it's possible the dates we shared might not be set in stone. More info if and when we have it!

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Why not? It ties into their digital offering that has ovet 13 million users, so they can get to people faster than print can. As soon as the rules text is finalized, they can push the free version easily now
they can, I just do not expect them to prioritize it

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I haven't kept up with ODND, so:

Do we know there will be a SRD or Basic Rules for ODND? Or is that an assumption?

If we know, was it via video, audio, or text?
we do not know whether there will be a new SRD or not, but they did commit to publishing some guidance to make it compatible with 2024 in case they do not, at it's most basic something like 'replace the word 'race' with 'species''


The usage of the free version of D&D Beyond is quite widespread, so I would call that a bit of a priority, particularly as advertisement for the upcoming books.
having essentially a 2024 SRD / Basic ruleset in DDB for people to use, I agree, that is a priority, but releasing a CC PDF... not so much


I crit!
So the fighter, I'd bet, is in Sigil.

that view first, it looks like the perspective of a cranium rat.

then look at the cityscape behind the dwarf.


Thing is, the latter would precede the first in terms of design workflow.
not really, they would have the data sure, but they can enter it straight into DDB and not create a PDF for the SRD first. That are two separate tasks which both require finished rules but are independent of each other

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