D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

Reiterating that the accidentally announced May date was incorrect.


In a recent Unearthed Arcana video, Jeremy Crawford at WotC revealed that the new core rulebooks would definitely not be available in May of this year, as reported in the (withdrawn) infographics released by WotC on social media and at last year's Pax Unplugged 2023 panel.

I just want to confirm with you and as well with everyone watching this video - that is definitely not the release date. That was never the release date. In fact, we will still be working on the books in May.

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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
‘Announcing’ isn’t the same as ‘starting work’. They usually announce stuff 3 months in advance of release after something has been in development for a year or more. 5E was certainly underway long before they announced it.
And don't forget that here on ENWorld, there's a hallowed tradition of announcing the announcement. I am eagerly awaiting the announcement of that!

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‘Announcing’ isn’t the same as ‘starting work’. They usually announce stuff 3 months in advance of release after something has been in development for a year or more. 5E was certainly underway long before they announced it.

Doesn't that logic apply just as much to 5.5e as it does to 5e? Its awash, both would have been started before their announcements so the original point should still stand, functional each preannouncement start cancelling the other out.

Honestly though I had such a bad year in 2023 and am fighting to fix my finances so hard already, that I find I'm greatful for the delay and I suspect many others are too. I expect this fatter PHB to be more expansive as well sadly (but the 2014 version should be super cheap).

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I wouldn't be surprised if they released them on D&D Beyond several months before the hardcovers. They could even do a community call for errata.
You know? I'd actually love that. Let people buy it on DDB first, get the errata figured out, implement errata and physically publish them, then update the DDB copies to have the errata too.

But that would take too long to implement and 2024 sales would suffer. They need the money in 2024. Because stockholders.

It would also anger people who prefer only physical product, and don't want to have to buy it digitally first to play with it, before buying a physical copy 6 months later.


You know? I'd actually love that. Let people buy it on DDB first, get the errata figured out, implement errata and physically publish them, then update the DDB copies to have the errata too.

But that would take too long to implement and 2024 sales would suffer. They need the money in 2024. Because stockholders.

It would also anger people who prefer only physical product, and don't want to have to buy it digitally first to play with it, before buying a physical copy 6 months later.
pre-order the books(physical) and you get PDF immediately and access to DDB for that material for free until the books ship out.

then you have a year or so of MASSIVE playtest again before printing final books.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Honestly I assume to hit profit goals it needs to be released in 2024. New edtion is such a revenue generator and people stop spending on the old eddtion during the wait.

WOTC/Hasbro doesn't seem like a company that would prioritize quality over shareholder profits.
Everything they’ve done and said since announcing the OneD&D project runs counter to the idea that they are aiming for “new edition” sales spikes.
Definitely true, but it still seems like some egregiously bad planning. As others said above, it does feel like a video game release cycle in its messiness and confusion.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Pretty disappointing, from a marketing perspective. This is the 50th bday of the game.....and they are doing a rules update, and we won't see it until the second half of the year. Makes selling a lot of stuff for the 50th kind of hard. Sure, we'll get a nostalgia making of, but whatever.

I was really hoping for a big year long celebration. We are in February, and they've done nothing yet to celebrate. It's kind of baffling that they aren't doing stuff every 2-4 weeks to celebrate and hype stuff up. Like, really baffling from a marketing perspective.
I'm more excited about the documentary being directed by Joe Manganiello and Kyle Newman, backed by Hasbro and eOne, that is supposed to be released this year for the 50th anniversary.

I'm not sure how well a "50th anniversary" box set or book set works for D&D given how different each edition is.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I wouldn't be surprised if they released them on D&D Beyond several months before the hardcovers. They could even do a community call for errata.
That would make a lot of sense, but would likely lead to an outcry non DnD subscribers who will object to early releases or any special treatment of DDB subscribers. But having it out in DND Beyond in early release would allow some inevitable issues to be addressed before printing.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
pre-order the books(physical) and you get PDF immediately and access to DDB for that material for free until the books ship out.

then you have a year or so of MASSIVE playtest again before printing final books.
Wishful thinking regarding a PDF, but, yes, this would make a lot of sense.

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