D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape- In Through the Out Door (Full)


First Post
BTW, wanted to post the background for Graydon here before putting it into the Rogue's Gallery, as I think it could use some tightening up here and there but just don't see how. Here it is:

Born the youngest of three sons to a supportive family of merchants in the Principalities of Glantri, Graydon was taught ever since he was young that he was to become a wizard- and quite looked forward to it. Sent off to the Great School of Magic when he was twelve, he spent his days learning his craft and being guided through wizardly intrigues and infighting by his older brother, the student conjurer Malek- until Malek vanished away during a botched summoning demonstration when Graydon was fifteen. (He started sending sendings back to his little brother a couple years later.)

The shaken Graydon decided to focus his studies in a different direction than his brother, and was attracted to the craft of Illusionism- though he tried to keep it private from his remaining family members, fearing their disapproval of the 'insubstantial' art. Conjuration became more of a secondary hobby, and it's in that perusal that he found mention of a long-neglected portal to the city of Sigil- supposedly the greatest metropolis of anywhere, ever.

Some time afterward, at the end of a long and particularly discouraging day, Graydon was relaxing in his cell with a few drinks when he received a letter from home with only the message that his tuition was cut off, and he was to come home immediately. Half-drunkenly assuming that the cause was his choice in studies, he proceeded to get considerably more drunk- and began to grow defensive and resentful. Deciding to go out and earn his own way in order to show them his choice wasn't a mistake, his inebriated mind lit on Sigil as both a place where he wouldn't be reached and the greatest test of his skills- if he could make it there, he could make it anywhere.

Staggering about and throwing together a "sensible an' exhaast've travlerling kit", he set out for adventure in places unimaginable- and only started wondering about that letter after sobering up the next day.[/sblock]

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First Post
Hmm, maybe I need to make that part a little more clear, then:
Your tuition has been canceled. Come home immediately."

And let's face it, if you're effectively an Oxford or Harvard student and you switched from Law to Fine Arts without sharing that fact, you'd be privately dreading just such a message ever afterwards. It's even in his cool oldest brother's handwriting... but with a message that's so unlike him, it's entirely possible there are some unlikely circumstances involved. Doesn't mean he should try to back out now that he's come this far, but he'd certainly like to get a better idea of what's going on.


First Post
Ooh, also, [MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION]. As 'Find Familiar' is one of his spells, would you prefer he have gotten said familiar before we start, or have the fun experience of getting one in Sigil- and likely having no idea what the hell he managed to call up?


Queen of Everything
I hope your familiar isn't something my familiar likes to eat ;)

As for the letter, I was assuming it was something more along the lines of a crisis at home rather than you switched majors and your parents are annoyed.

But, it's your character so go with whatever is in your mind about that :)


First Post
To be clearer, then. Graydon ASSUMED it was about major-switching while half-drunk, got huffy, and stormed off-

Whether it's actually a family crisis, an issue engineered by academic rivals, a clever forgery, or something else entirely? Graydon doesn't know, and is starting to really wonder.


First Post
Ooh, also, [MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION]. As 'Find Familiar' is one of his spells, would you prefer he have gotten said familiar before we start, or have the fun experience of getting one in Sigil- and likely having no idea what the hell he managed to call up?

The latter. Obviously. :)


First Post
All right, that works just fine for me- and [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], given that factor it's an open guess whether it'll stick in your pseudodragon's throat or try to eat it first. ;) (Also, there needs to be more pictures of tiny fey riding tiny dragons.)


Queen of Everything
All right, that works just fine for me- and [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], given that factor it's an open guess whether it'll stick in your pseudodragon's throat or try to eat it first. ;) (Also, there needs to be more pictures of tiny fey riding tiny dragons.)

Right?? Why are there no pictures of tiny fey riding tiny dragons?? Someone should get on that! lol

Voidrunner's Codex

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