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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


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[sblock=Oz]Arcana DC 20- The thing is a dergholoth-- nothing more and nothing less than a living tank. Among the mercenary yugoloths, the lower ranks are only transmuted into the dim-witted, nearly bestial dergholoth morph as a punishment detail. They are immensely strong, with a dense leathery carapace, but by design they are the expendable shock troops of the yugoloth armies, fresh meat for the grinder of the Blood War.

As a native of the Feywild, there is little that can be more loathsome than the barrenness of Gehenna, or the bleakness of Hades. Devils are to subjugation what demons are to depravity, but horrible as those might be, at least they hold a modicum of purpose, of passion. The evil of yugoloths is the evil of indifference, of empty hatred and blank despair, cold cash and heavy industry, of the petri dish and the punchclock and the swarm.

...Dergholoths are tough, but among the lesser of the yugoloths. Like any fiend, it can teleport itself to anywhere it can see or anywhere it has been before-- taking into account some difficulties across planar boundaries. It can attack multiple times per round, and will rend to pieces anything that it manages to grab a hold of. Its head can turn 360 degrees, meaning it can't be flanked, but the worst thing they can supposedly do is generate a horrendous clattering sound with its mandibles, which can utterly destroy the mind of any intelligent creature within range (30 feet)-- the equivalent of a feeblemind spell. Recovery can take weeks. Assuming those so afflicted recover at all.

Fortunately they can only do this so often each day (2/day).[/sblock]

OOC: Dergholoth, attempting to resist Oz's dissonant whispers - Wisdom save DC 13, [roll0]

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The thing gives an ear-piercing shriek and pitches back, barreling away from the portal, scuttling back crabwise down the sloped streets of Torch.

Unfortunately, as it moves, several of the smaller, lankier fiends-- smaller here meaning only seven feet fall-- are thus revealed, peering in from the edges of the portal with smoldering compound eyes and jagged mouthparts drooling long strings of acid.

OOC: The dergholoth suffers 13 psychic damage (deducted from its [roll0] hp) and retreats 30 feet back from the open portal.

Oz, you would also know that all yugoloths share the following resistances: cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons; and immunities: acid, poison and the poisoned condition. They also have magic resistance (advantage on saving throws), but I'll just remember that for next time in this case.
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OOC: I will reroll the dergholoth's hp, however, because I used the amount for the wrong monster: Dergholoth hp = [roll0]


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Shard grimaces and reaches out with a hand, as if trying to grasp the portal itself. The crystal in her head flickers uncertainly, and nothing happens. She mutters something in an unintelligible language, but the intonation makes it clearly a curse of some sort.

So the warrior murmurs an invocation, in her hand appears a roiling ball of light; a miniature sun that the heat of which can be felt from across the room. She pitches it at the portal, and it swells in size as it goes until it's nearly as big across as a person is tall. It bounces once, scorching a swath of the inn's floor, then comes to rest just inside the portal...blocking the mouth of it off, at least partially.

Shard then looks at the others. "There's too many for us to fight. We have to get somewhere safer!"

Init [roll0]

Casting Flaming Sphere to block the portal. It's a 5' object that fills its space, so hopefully it will stop the larger critters from getting through. It can't be attacked or damaged, but a Dispel Magic will put it down automatically.

[section]Picayune eyed the fox-like creature beyond the portal with interest. He'd never seen its like before--or anything at all like the nine-foot-tall armored beetle creatures--and, frankly, he was fascinated. Shi-it. Dey jess like somethin' outta The Giant Gila Monster. Sweet Mary, mother of Joseph. The effigy shuddered in fear. These were monsters. Like something from a fairy tale gone badly wrong. Movement from the side of the bar caught Picayune's attention. He turned a skidge, afraid to take his eyes off the other worldly monsters on the other side of the portal, but also needing to look to see what might be lurking inside the bar. When he saw Graydon, he jolted to life and flew through the rafters along the ceiling to join the young mage.[/section]
[sblock=Graydon]Casting message at Graydon. "Barstle said ta head up dem stairs, an' find Bix, fifth door on da left. Bix'll take us ta da courtyard portal, den on ta da Lower Ward. You first, pup." Picayune gestured at the stairs leading up to the upper story of the Jilted Planes, hoping like hell Graydon could see him.[/sblock]
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OOC: I believe Shandrizar has been "sub-space pocketed" by Graydon? I wonder what that looks like? Which suits him just fine, by the by, being Lawful Good and not Lawful Stupid. He's good because he can regret his cowardice later on. Naturally his excuse will be that he was unable to cast Melifleur's Tearful Fiendish Repentance at the 'loths. ;)


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OOC: Initiative countdown:

1. Oz (22)
2. Shandrizar (20)
3. Picayune (20)
4. Enemies- Yugoloths (19)
5. Graydon (17)
6. Liliana (13)
7. NPCs- The Jilted Planes (11)
8. Party (10)
9. Rusty (7)

@Shayuri So that won't take effect until your turn, right? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.


The mezzoloths burst through the portal. Seeing them up close, they're already wounded-- one has only a stump where one of its arms would be. Another's glowing compound eye is cracked, along with visible white cracks spread all over its dull black shell.

One vanishes in a swirling miasma, appearing behind Barstle and Adal, accompanied by a smell like burning plastic. It stabs at them with its trident even as it brings both pincer-like claws to bear.

The other two barrel in, knocking over tables as they launch themselves at the Jilted Planes' defenders and immediately seizing on the upper hand as they attack with their claws and tridents.

Meanwhile, far to the back, the little fox-like thing in the slightly charred magisterial robes creeps forward a little cautiously. As it does, those watching find it blurs uncomfortably into several slightly translucent images, though the ground around it seems unchanged, steady.

The dergholoth stops short. Its tiny head pivots in place at the top of its spheroid bulk, making several complete rotations without turning back. Facing the portal, the rest of its body does not turn, but instead its three legs begin to move underneath it, gathering speed as it returns to the portal.

OOC: * I can't see the results for any of these rolls. See below for when I try again. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6],[roll7] [roll8]
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OOC: Having some problems with the site dice roller. Might have to go with another site, although I don't look forward to copying all those results back and forth...

Smoking mezzoloth: Action - Teleport

One-armed mezzoloth: move to flank Adal; Action - Attack with advantage
Claws [roll0] [roll1] to hit
[roll2] damage

Cracked mezzoloth: move to flank Barstle, Multiattack with advantage
Claws [roll3] [roll4] to hit
[roll5] damage
Trident [roll6] [roll7] to hit
[roll8] damage

Arcanoloth: Action - casts mirror image on itself, moves forward

Dergholoth: moves back to the portal opening; hp 81/94

Next up: Graydon and Liliana.

Voidrunner's Codex

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