Acolyte of Zothique
So, to put this in perspective for folks who are not data scientists or statisticians...
The R0 is the number of people that a sick person will then infect. It is highly dependent on how the population responds to the epidemic.
Typically, the flu has an R0 of about 1.3. Covid-19 has an R0 somewhere between 2 and 3 outside of China - likely around 2.5. This may not sound like much of a difference, but after 20 "generations" of passing along an illness, an R0 of 1.3 would result in 146 infections, but an R0 of 2.5 would result in 36 million infections.
The number of people found with covid-19 infections doubles every 3 to 6 days. Ten days ago, Italy thought it was fine. Today? Their hospital system is overrun, and they are putting up tents outside hospitals to deal wiht the overflow, and there's nationwide policies to restrict spread of the disease.
Compared to the reading I've done, the mortality rate Celebrim has here is high, and I home he doens't mind a correction. His number has been floating around, and seems to be based on a statement of the WHO that 3.4 percent of people with reported covid-19 infections worldwide had died. This is NOT THE SAME as the mortality risk for infection, as many infections happen but never see a health care professional. There is an esimation step that happens between Celebrim's number, and the actual mortality risk.
The flu has a death rate of around 0.1% of infections. Marc Lipsitch, the director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at Harvard, estimates that for covid-19 it is 1-2%. The latest epedemiological modeling found a 1.6% rate in China in February, sixteen times higher than the flu.
In Italy at present the Case Fatality Rate is over 6%. This is huge and increasing numbers of younger people are experiencing severe illness. There are likely specific reasons why the CFR rate is so high in Italy but still...
The CFR is the percentage of people who get COVID 19 who then go on to die.
Do not underestimate the coronavirus. Anyone who still insists this is the Flu is actually denying the reality of the situation.
I am a health professional myself in the UK National Health Service (NHS). The NHS will be overwhelmed and I am daily looking at the research into the spread of the virus. I am the DM for my group and we play at a D&D Meetup here in London. I am on the verge of cancelling my game; I'm going to run it this Sunday but that may be the last session. COVID 19 cases here are on the cusp of increasing exponentially just as they did in Italy. We are about to increase our testing from 1500 per day to 10000 per day.
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