D&D and the rising pandemic


Mod Squad
Staff member
For those who like data, there are charts:

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research

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To be fair, lack of testing is also the problem. Testing allows a tailored response, instead of blunt tools, such as shelter in place.

The coroners office will run a test, results in about a week. Confirmed Covid 19 related deaths, lag significantly from real time. This is not panic, this is reason.

Testing Capacity is very limited in the USA. National emergency protocols, still have not been utilized fully..

The lack of testing during the early stages was the original sin of the U.S. response. The U.S. federal government refused to use the WHO covid test and the CDC put out a defective test. Then there were delays in getting a working test, leaving individual states scrambling to create their own test. In the meantime, the virus spread unchecked throughout February 2020.

Had we done more extensive testing in February, the infected could have been isolated and we would have had a better handle on containment. The situation was made worse by the so-called President's statements like "we have it totally under control," "it will disappear," and that criticism about the lack of response was "a hoax."


For those who like data, there are charts:

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research

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View attachment 120257

Right now we're below China, 0 deaths.

That will likely change today or tomorrow in terms of numbers.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
No one is saying do nothing. But, claims that we're going to see 10's of thousands of dead in the next couple of weeks is just fear mongering at its worst.
Well, the stats as of today are 27,189 dead, an increase of more than 20,000 in the last two weeks (Source). That is already "tens of thousands dead in a couple of weeks."

It isn't fear-mongering, it is already happening.


Well, the stats as of today are 27,189 dead, an increase of more than 20,000 in the last two weeks (Source). That is already "tens of thousands dead in a couple of weeks."

It isn't fear-mongering, it is already happening.

An even more grim statistic:

March 12th there were 353 deaths.
March 26th there were 2 791 deaths.


Well, the stats as of today are 27,189 dead, an increase of more than 20,000 in the last two weeks (Source). That is already "tens of thousands dead in a couple of weeks."

It isn't fear-mongering, it is already happening.

Hang on. That's 27 189 deaths WORLDWIDE.

I was responding to the notion that we're going to have several times that in the US alone.

Apparently, the US is going to fail so utterly in dealing with the crisis that they will surpass the entire world in deaths by several times. :erm:


Good grief. Since when did 9/11 become a metric for deaths? That's not sensationalism and playing into people's fears AT ALL. Nope. Not at all. Sheesh.

That's the lower number.

Italy hit 900 today. USA has done less than Italy.

They've started putting two people on ventilators in New York.

We're in lockdown here, the military will be in the streets announcement today.

We've 400 cases now, 2 in ICU and 0 deaths. They're trying to keep that number as low as possible.

Main reason is to not overload the health system. USA is at that point right now.



80k US deaths is the midrange, you can adjust to see individual states too.

So yes, quite a few more times the current death total in the U.S. alone.

You can dismiss that as sensationalism if you like, but you might do better to educate yourself than do that.
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