D&D 5E D&D Beyond Offers A Free Baldur's Gate Gazetteer

A sizable lore-based gazetteer with some rules content.


In Baldur’s Gate, thievery, blackmail, and illegal trade runs rampant. Now you can journey to this dangerous city of the Sword Coast with the Baldur’s Gate Gazetteer. Learn about each of the city’s districts and key locations and people, and unlock backgrounds for your next Baldurian character!

The Gazetter includes:
  • History of Baldur's Gate
  • Baldur's Gate Today
  • Government
  • Citizenry
  • Economy and Trade
  • Religion
  • Dangers in Baldur's Gate
  • City Landmarks
  • Upper City
  • Lower City
  • Outer City
  • Beyond Baldur's Gate
  • Baldur's Gate Character Backgrounds
  • Dark Secrets
The Gazetteer is quite sizable, and mainly lore-based, with two new NPC stat blocks (Nine-Fingers Keene, and Rilasa Real), some random encounter tables, and information on how the regular D&D character backgrounds fit in. There's also a new background, the Faceless. Finally there are some rules about 'Dark Secrets' which are a background element which the party shares.


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But the biggest fail of us given BG3's horror themes is no Spirit Halloween customes?!?!?!

I mean we have a Vampire, A Magic Nuke Guy, A Evil Priestess of a Goddess of Darkness, a Warlock with a super sexy Fiendish Patron, a giant Tiefling Infernal Engine, an a Githyanki space pirate, Minsc & Boo, and that is before you concider stuff like Mindflayer or Priestess Gut (Goblin) that would make an awesome custom. All very distinct looks to them, unique styles.

What a huge missed opportunity.
I’m not sure how this part of solicitation works, would WoTC send out solicitations to business to make costumes or would it be costume makers approaching WoTC about getting a license to make costumes, or potentially both? I like the idea sort of like the various stranger things costumes we see now, surely a costume company has looked into what it would take to get a license and determining profit potential.

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Yup, this ad I keep seeing includes the free download and a spiel for DiA:

View attachment 293470
Except that's for the free gazetteer they released, and it doesn't mention DiA in the slightest. And we all knew about the gazetteer, since... We're discussing this in the thread about it.

But this is precisely the problem. It's clear that they're half-arseing tie-ins, because it's only digital exclusive stuff at best, and usually it's not even that but just a shout-out to the product (that was released 4 years ago and only has one third of the content related to BG - clearly to be a tie-in - but then awkwardly goes to another city) in their social media pages. This is the kind of stuff you ask a social media intern to do in a week at most. What Whizbang has been trying to say is that you can do the tie-ins much more efficiently if you just put a bit more effort. Make physical bundles for the two products. Order art for your movie tie-in book that actually features the characters from the movie. That sort of thing. But instead, we only get stuff that is probably made by social media interns who are given the Indesign file to the DiA book and are told to make a separate PDF for the gazetter, and use the assets to make 2-3 Instagram posts.

Again, in what world is this effective product synergy?!


Whatt are you eveb talking about, the Beyond page links DiA for print & digital purchase on yhat page...?

This is the post you were talking about, yes? I see no mention of DiA here. Though some people seem to be bringing up the Pinkertons lol

The D&D Beyond claim page may mention DiA, I'm not sure. But even then, if DiA is a tie-in product, why aren't you bringing it up in your social media post, which is what the majority of people will see since only a fraction of people click through to links in bio?! All this shows is that Wizards is incompetent in promoting this book... Again.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I think a nice marketing item they could have when they release a new campaign is a soundtrack for the campaign. Maybe even with vinyl limited editions with the alternate cover printed on it.
This is, again, one of those things that folks on Kickstarter seem to be able to make happen pretty easily, even relatively small outfits. It would mostly just be a matter of interest for WotC to do this regularly. (They've done it at least once in the past, as I recall.)


This is, again, one of those things that folks on Kickstarter seem to be able to make happen pretty easily, even relatively small outfits. It would mostly just be a matter of interest for WotC to do this regularly. (They've done it at least once in the past, as I recall.)
To be fair, they did create a soundtrack for Spelljammer, and it was pretty nice. The Magic side of WotC also does this from time to time, since they made a special soundtrack for the Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty set.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
To be fair, they did create a soundtrack for Spelljammer, and it was pretty nice. The Magic side of WotC also does this from time to time, since they made a special soundtrack for the Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty set.
Spelljammer! That's what I was trying to remember!

And yeah, putting up an album on Bandcamp is a relatively painless operation, a good deal for everyone involved (Bandcamp pays the highest revenue to artists of any platform) and is also a place where many indie musicians are already.

I could easily imagine getting a bunch of dungeonsynth folks together to create soundtracks for Avernus or Dragonlance, as many of them would already be incredibly familiar with both settings. Planescape would be a great opportunity to bring together international indie musicians to give the setting a properly eclectic flavor. And, of course, it probably wouldn't be hard to find musicians who wanted to contribute to a 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons soundtrack double album.

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