D&D 5E D&D Beyond Offers A Free Baldur's Gate Gazetteer

A sizable lore-based gazetteer with some rules content.


In Baldur’s Gate, thievery, blackmail, and illegal trade runs rampant. Now you can journey to this dangerous city of the Sword Coast with the Baldur’s Gate Gazetteer. Learn about each of the city’s districts and key locations and people, and unlock backgrounds for your next Baldurian character!

The Gazetter includes:
  • History of Baldur's Gate
  • Baldur's Gate Today
  • Government
  • Citizenry
  • Economy and Trade
  • Religion
  • Dangers in Baldur's Gate
  • City Landmarks
  • Upper City
  • Lower City
  • Outer City
  • Beyond Baldur's Gate
  • Baldur's Gate Character Backgrounds
  • Dark Secrets
The Gazetteer is quite sizable, and mainly lore-based, with two new NPC stat blocks (Nine-Fingers Keene, and Rilasa Real), some random encounter tables, and information on how the regular D&D character backgrounds fit in. There's also a new background, the Faceless. Finally there are some rules about 'Dark Secrets' which are a background element which the party shares.


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Spelljammer! That's what I was trying to remember!

And yeah, putting up an album on Bandcamp is a relatively painless operation, a good deal for everyone involved (Bandcamp pays the highest revenue to artist of any platform) and is also a place where many indie musicians are already.

I could easily imagine getting a bunch of dungeonsynth folks together to create soundtracks for Avernus or Dragonlance, as many of them would already be incredibly familiar with both settings. Planescape would be a great opportunity to bring together international indie musicians to give the setting a properly eclectic flavor. And, of course, it probably wouldn't be hard to find musicians who wanted to contribute to a 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons soundtrack double album.
I'd be 100% behind this. I kinda dislike Spelljamming and the NEO soundtracks since most of the songs have lyrics, which doesn't make them good background music for games. I wish Wizards would produce something like the original D&D soundtrack made by Midnight Syndicate... That soundtrack formed the backbone of my massive ambient music playlists for whenever I run a game.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'd be 100% behind this. I kinda dislike Spelljamming and the NEO soundtracks since most of the songs have lyrics, which doesn't make them good background music for games. I wish Wizards would produce something like the original D&D soundtrack made by Midnight Syndicate... That soundtrack formed the backbone of my massive ambient music playlists for whenever I run a game.
I strongly recommend checking out either the dungeon synth genre on Bandcamp or Michael Ghelfi Studios there. I use a ton of Ghelfi's stuff for my games, both online (via embeds into slideshows shared in Discord) and in person. I've also got a mix of dungeon synth stuff for when I want a different vibe in my games. (The dungeon synth genre is extremely broad.)


Book-Friend, he/him
View attachment 293480
This is the post you were talking about, yes? I see no mention of DiA here. Though some people seem to be bringing up the Pinkertons lol

The D&D Beyond claim page may mention DiA, I'm not sure. But even then, if DiA is a tie-in product, why aren't you bringing it up in your social media post, which is what the majority of people will see since only a fraction of people click through to links in bio?! All this shows is that Wizards is incompetent in promoting this book... Again.
Yes, the page linked mentions descent into Avernus after the free sample.


I strongly recommend checking out either the dungeon synth genre on Bandcamp or Michael Ghelfi Studios there. I use a ton of Ghelfi's stuff for my games, both online (via embeds into slideshows shared in Discord) and in person. I've also got a mix of dungeon synth stuff for when I want a different vibe in my games. (The dungeon synth genre is extremely broad.)
Oh dear, I still haven't finished going through all CRPG soundtracks to add them to my collection of playlists, and then you plop this on my lap!

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Yes, the page linked mentions descent into Avernus after the free sample.
If they get a 10% click through on the social post and then a 10% click through on the web page that would mean 1% of their social audience figured out that Descent Into Avernus is a tie-in.
Those 10% numbers are obscenely high for any marketer too


An interesting bit of data that I am sure we will never get would be how many people who downloaded the Gazetteer then followed up and purchased Avernus.


Apparently the expanded Phandelver adventure has a strong mindflayer presence as a foil in the campaign. Sounds pretty cool. New D&D youtube video posted yesterday.
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