D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

D&D (2024) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)


I think I would do it where some player-facing option rules would be in the PHB, then referenced in the DMG (and repeated in full, if short enough - like Sized Armor). Then some additional ones only in the DMG - Wealth-per-level, Variant Rest Options, Resurrection Drawbacks, Honor, Sanity, Patrons, Bastions/Bases, Boons, Firearms, Optional Expanded Criticals, Purchasing Magical Items, Carousing, Level Training, XP options (including XP for GP), and so on.

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The 2014 Players Handbook almost has every rule necessary to play now. There is only a few stragglers here and there in the DMs Guide. But those stragglers make the game painful. The rules can easily and need to consolidate in one place.
The Players Handbook is for the Players.

It should contain what the players need to create an play the DM allowed Characters presented in the PHB.

Common player side variants rules should be there so every DM does not need to explain how to use them to players.

Player side variant rules in the DMG should only be the uncommon to rarely used ones or style/genre/tone shifting ones.


Book-Friend, he/him
Is it just me, or does anyone else see the Nentir Vale in chapter 8 as surprise setting?
Nah, unlikely. There are a number of reasons to suspect Greyhawk, such as a lot of the named NPCs that will be detailed in the Core books are from Greyhawk (all the named Spwll Wizards are going to be used in art throughout, so Leomund, Tash, Bigby, Mordenkainen, etc.).

Greyhawk would feel like a fallback to D&D 3rd edition... also not sure if that would make sense considering 5e's initial focus on Forgotten Realms? On the other hand, nothing else would say 50th anniversary like Greyhawk.

The Nentir Vale would be a nice callback to D&D 4e. So far, concepts and places from D&D 4e haven't seen much use in 5e (except for Gardmore Abbey in The Book of Many Things). Also, Nentir Vale was already designed to be part of a DMG... We'll see in November, I guess.

Considering the size of the settings, Nentir Vale would make more sense than Greyhawk... Greyhawk could easily be it's own slipcase.


Book-Friend, he/him
Greyhawk would feel like a fallback to D&D 3rd edition... also not sure if that would make sense considering 5e's initial focus on Forgotten Realms? On the other hand, nothing else would say 50th anniversary like Greyhawk.

The Nentir Vale would be a nice callback to D&D 4e. So far, concepts and places from D&D 4e haven't seen much use in 5e (except for Gardmore Abbey in The Book of Many Things). Also, Nentir Vale was already designed to be part of a DMG... We'll see in November, I guess.

Considering the size of the settings, Nentir Vale would make more sense than Greyhawk... Greyhawk could easily be it's own slipcase.
Greyhawk would fit in a DMG chapter, easily. The original folio was 32 pages, which is about right for what Chapter 8 probably gas for page real estate.

Being a callback to 1E and 3E would be likely moves on a 50th anniversary, IMO, while calling back to anything from 4E is...less likely.

Voidrunner's Codex

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