D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

D&D (2024) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)


I am unsure what a "necessary" rule in the DMs Guide might look like.
I am unsure what you consider ’necessary’ or a ‘rule’. Advice on how to modify monsters is neither strictly necessary nor a rule, yet I definitely want to see it in the DMG. World building, adventure design, how to DM, … all fall into the same category too

I agree that ‘necessary rules’ for play should be in the PHB. That still leaves room for optional rules, advice, and stat blocks (items, monsters, …) outside the PHB

But someone should be able to buy a Players Handbook only, and play a viable game of D&D.
is that the case with the 2014 books (genuine question, obviously it has no monsters, etc., but I do not think you would add those to the PHB because of that)?

If not, what is missing from the PHB to allow for it?

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Book-Friend, he/him
So, I see where your expectation derives from. I appreciate that link.

Still, the brief wording is, a "compendium" of "all the rules that arent in the Players Handbook". Hypothetically, this can still refer to the variant rules. Meanwhile ALL the rules that are necessary for a game are in the Players Handbook.

I still dont have a clear idea of what a DM-not-player rule might look like. For example, I expect all the rules for attitudes (friendly, hostile, indifferent) for social skills adjudication to be in the Players Handbook. Players will see how social skills and other skills work.

What rules might not be in the Players Handbook?
I would think adjudication rules like that would be in the DMG, to avoid encouraging metagaming.

You said this as a backing for the request to have optional rules in the PHB.

Fighter and Wizard aren't optional rules. Gritty Realism and Plot/Hero points are
That was me making fun of class design.

You don't have to worry about rule variants cause you can just use your DM empowerment to ban people from using different variant rules.

That was me making fun of class design.

You don't have to worry about rule variants cause you can just use your DM empowerment to ban people from using different variant rules.
I don't think optional/alternative rules have a place in the PH. The PH should be designed as a Player reference that can be trusted and relied upon as a resource, for the most part.

I have never been able to run a 5E game without feats because feats are in the PH and every player wants those options. They aren't really optional, and the designers know it, and are therefore making them non-optional in the 2024 revision.

Any DMs around here say "No" to feats as presented in the 2014 PH, and their players are 100% ok with that ruling?


I would think adjudication rules like that would be in the DMG, to avoid encouraging metagaming.
I assume the entire Glossary will be in the Players Handbook, including the Influence Action and all of its instructions to adjudicate social skills.

When the Glossary is in the Players Handbook, I cant think of anything else that should or could be in the DMs Guide, with regard to necessary rules to play a viable game.


Book-Friend, he/him
I assume the entire Glossary will be in the Players Handbook, including the Influence Action and all of its instructions to adjudicate social skills.

When the Glossary is in the Players Handbook, I cant think of anything else that should or could be in the DMs Guide, with regard to necessary rules to play a viable game.
Well...no. there is a PHB Glossary and a DMG Glossary, not identical.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I don't think optional/alternative rules have a place in the PH. The PH should be designed as a Player reference that can be trusted and relied upon as a resource, for the most part.
I think some optional/variant rules are OK in the Player's Handbook. In the 2014 PHB we have (just a quick run through -- I may have missed some):
  • Customizing Ability Scores (point buy rules)
  • Variant Human
  • Variant Backgrounds for Criminal, Entertainer, Guild Artisan, Noble, Sailor
  • Equipment Sizes
  • Skills With Different Abilities
  • Variant Encumbrance
  • Multiclassing
  • Feats (just in a technical sense -- I agree that most games are going to use Feats, so they are optional only "in theory")
If the DM decides these rules are in use in the campaign, the players need to be able to reference them for character creation and ongoing play, so they belong in the PHB, IMO.
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I think some optional/variant rules are OK in the Player's Handbook. In the 2014 PHB we have (just a quick run through -- I may have missed some):
  • Customizing Ability Scores (point buy rules)
  • Variant Human
  • Variant Backgrounds for Criminal, Entertainer, Guild Artisan, Noble, Sailor
  • Equipment Sizes
  • Skills With Different Abilities
  • Variant Encumbrance
  • Multiclassing
  • Feats (just in a technical sense -- I agree that most games are going to use Feats, so they are optional only "in theory")
If the DM decides these rules are in use in the campaign, the players need to be able to reference them for character creation and ongoing play, so they belong in the PHB, IMO.
D&D is a complex game, for the sake of simplicity, even variants I strongly prefer, I prefer to be in the DMs Guide. It is better for the game for there to be clear mechanical rules, and then when customizing to taste, a clear agreed-on modification of them.

Abilities − use arrays − most experienced players will consult the DMs Guide for either dice rolls or point buy, without privileging either.
Variant Human − there is only one 2024 Human Species with a default or choosable feat − there is no Variant Human.
Backgrounds − the setting is responsible for new backgrounds, including a homebrew setting.
Equipment Sizes − Size is an important mechanic and needs to be well designed and consistent.
Skills with Different Abilities − make the default − Stealth "typically" uses Dex, but example, DM might call for Wis to Perceive onlookers.
Encumbrance − pick the most popular (or in this case the least unpopular) option and put any other options in the DMs Guide.
Multiclass − I dont multiclass, but 2024 looks to be making it default (judging by its sidebar in each class). Fine with me.
Feats − all feats are default, with the option of choosing an other one instead. Ability Score Improvement is the default feat.

It is fine to include every Variant in the DMs Guide.


I would think adjudication rules like that would be in the DMG, to avoid encouraging metagaming.

I want players to see how a DM adjudicates a scenario.

I want players to understand how to DM.

I want players to know all of the rules that a DM needs to know.

I want players to think about being DMs themselves.

I want players to take turns DMing and training other players how to DM.

The more DMs there are, the better the quality of life is for every D&D player − in every way.

The more DMs there are, the wealthier WotC stockholders become.

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