D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

D&D (2024) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)


Doing the best imitation of myself
Where do we know DM specific rules? What is an example of a DM specific rule?
That's a great question. I suppose creating an adventure, running a session (with pacing comments) how to manage different types of scenes. Modding the game. I'm sure there are many more.

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That's a great question. I suppose creating an adventure, running a session (with pacing comments) how to manage different types of scenes. Modding the game. I'm sure there are many more.
how to create / adjust monsters or magic items, how to create a campaign / world, … the sky’s the limit here


At the end of the day alignment is meant to be a roleplay facilitator....and its just not that efficient compared to other options. 5e has bonds and flaws....I think that much better informs a character than whether they are lawful or not.


Alignment should be what it says on the tin: an indicator of what forces (worldly or metaphysical) a character or creature is aligned with. And "none" should be a viable option (except for clerics, paladins and warlocks).


Alignment is one of the things I wouldn't mind they lock behind DLC.

If we have to have a Sorting Hat in the base game, make it Allegiances instead


Here us the exact clip where Pwrkins talks about it:

So, I see where your expectation derives from. I appreciate that link.

Still, the brief wording is, a "compendium" of "all the rules that arent in the Players Handbook". Hypothetically, this can still refer to the variant rules. Meanwhile ALL the rules that are necessary for a game are in the Players Handbook.

I still dont have a clear idea of what a DM-not-player rule might look like. For example, I expect all the rules for attitudes (friendly, hostile, indifferent) for social skills adjudication to be in the Players Handbook. Players will see how social skills and other skills work.

What rules might not be in the Players Handbook?


That's a great question. I suppose creating an adventure, running a session (with pacing comments) how to manage different types of scenes. Modding the game. I'm sure there are many more.
Yeah, world building definitely goes in the DMs Guide. In a way, this is "variant" rules, in the sense it is creating settings and encounters that arent default or official.

how to create / adjust monsters or magic items, how to create a campaign / world, … the sky’s the limit here
These are "variant" rules.

I am unsure what a "necessary" rule in the DMs Guide might look like.

Dont get me wrong. Rules for encounter-modding and worldbuilding are Rules-As-Written, and are the prerogative of the DM. DMs create settings like players create characters.

But someone should be able to buy a Players Handbook only, and play a viable game of D&D.
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